Priority view rights

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Priority view rights

Post by TheCat »

Hi all,

I was wondering if it was possible to assign priorities per groups.

Let me explain. we've setup priorities like this :

- 1 low Priority (can wait for about a week)
- 2 normal Priority (next business day)
- 3 High Priority (1 hour response time)
- Developpment (multiple weeks request, or nice to have)
- Escalation (ticket as been there for the too long, the company supervisor feels it should be done right away)

Now, for that company, regular tech should only be able to select priority 1 to 3, one of the admin should be able to put in developpment priority and the 2 supervisors should be able to put the ticket in escalation priority.

Any ideas how i could make em visible on a per groupe basis, or maybe another way to do it ?
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