Email ticket generation

Moderator: crythias

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Email ticket generation

Post by suraj_rathod »

Hi to all,

I am a newbie to OTRS. I have successfully implemented the OTRS system over linux distribution, but one feature that was known to me from the begining, that OTRS can also generate tickets via emails, means if someone has sent a query email to OTRS system then OTRS system can generate a ticket in response to that email and forward all the required tracking information to mail sender.

I have googled and even searched a lot in the settings of OTRS system but I am unable to find any such option that can enable or disable the email ticket generation.

Please help me out with this.

Thanks in the anticipation of positive response.
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Re: Email ticket generation

Post by crythias »

This is the basic built-in functionality of OTRS. Check the docs:

The short answer is that if you can't send mail from a command line in linux, you will likely be unsuccessful in sending email from OTRS.
OTRS 6.0.x (private/testing/public) on Linux with MySQL database.
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