How can have a customer search form in Customers <-> Groups

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Real Name: Daniele Gagliardi

How can have a customer search form in Customers <-> Groups

Post by danzone »

Hi all,
I've configured OTRS to authenticate and search customers both on OTRS internal database (for external customers) and my Company LDAP (for internal customers).
To associate customers to different queues, I've created different queues and associated them to different customer groups. Now the problem is how to associate a single customer to a group: with the two customer backend configured, I've got too much customers that don't fit in the single page Customers <-> Groups. Is it possible to have a form like the page Customers <-> Services, where we have a form to search customers (on both backends), a form to search groups, so that one can easily associate a customer to the desired group(s)? At the moment I've only found a workaround modifying directly the OTRS database to make the association Customer <-> Group.

Thanks for your response

Daniele Gagliardi
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