Trying to Add new Way to Open Cases

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Znuny newbie
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Real Name: Michael A Martin

Trying to Add new Way to Open Cases

Post by pitchblack408 »

My current setup

OS: win server 2003

I am trying to create a new functionality within OTRS to open a ticket. But first I want to add a button in the top navigation bar under Tickets right above "New phone Ticket". The new button would be named "New N2N Ticket" but the functionality should be the same as opening a ticket by phone. I figure there should be a lot of copying and pasting with little code changes, but after I restart the server there are no changes. I am new to hacking/developing to OTRS please help me.
Right now because I want to understand how to do such I just want to copy the contents of existing modules and rename them and make them work.
So what I have done so far was

I am not sure what to edit in system, maybe there is nothing to edit because I added the module in E:\OTRS\OTRS\Kernel\Modules\

Created the file with the content below

Code: Select all

# --
# Kernel/Modules/ - to handle phone calls
# Copyright (C) 2001-2011 xxx,
# --
# $Id:,v 2011/03/16 21:36:37 en Exp $
# --
# This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
# the enclosed file COPYING for license information (AGPL). If you
# did not receive this file, see
# --

package Kernel::Modules::AgentTicketN2N;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Kernel::System::SystemAddress;
use Kernel::System::CustomerUser;
use Kernel::System::CheckItem;
use Kernel::System::Web::UploadCache;
use Kernel::System::State;
use Kernel::System::LinkObject;
use Mail::Address;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = qw($Revision: $) [1];

sub new {
    my ( $Type, %Param ) = @_;

    # allocate new hash for object
    my $Self = {%Param};
    bless( $Self, $Type );

    # check needed objects
    for my $Needed (
        qw(ParamObject DBObject TicketObject LayoutObject LogObject QueueObject ConfigObject)
        if ( !$Self->{$Needed} ) {
            $Self->{LayoutObject}->FatalError( Message => "Got no $Needed!" );

    $Self->{SystemAddress}      = Kernel::System::SystemAddress->new(%Param);
    $Self->{CustomerUserObject} = Kernel::System::CustomerUser->new(%Param);
    $Self->{CheckItemObject}    = Kernel::System::CheckItem->new(%Param);
    $Self->{StateObject}        = Kernel::System::State->new(%Param);
    $Self->{UploadCacheObject}  = Kernel::System::Web::UploadCache->new(%Param);
    $Self->{LinkObject}         = Kernel::System::LinkObject->new(%Param);

    # get form id
    $Self->{FormID} = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'FormID' );

    # create form id
    if ( !$Self->{FormID} ) {
        $Self->{FormID} = $Self->{UploadCacheObject}->FormIDCreate();

    $Self->{Config} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get("Ticket::Frontend::$Self->{Action}");

    return $Self;

sub Run {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get params
    my %GetParam;
    for my $Key (
        qw(ArticleID LinkTicketID PriorityID NewUserID
        From Subject Body NextStateID TimeUnits
        Year Month Day Hour Minute
        NewResponsibleID ResponsibleAll OwnerAll TypeID ServiceID SLAID
        $GetParam{$Key} = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => $Key );

    # get ticket free text params
    for my $Count ( 1 .. 16 ) {
        my $Key  = 'TicketFreeKey' . $Count;
        my $Text = 'TicketFreeText' . $Count;
        $GetParam{$Key}  = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => $Key );
        $GetParam{$Text} = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => $Text );

    # get ticket free time params
    for my $Count ( 1 .. 6 ) {
        for my $Type (qw(Used Year Month Day Hour Minute)) {
            $GetParam{ "TicketFreeTime" . $Count . $Type } = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam(
                Param => "TicketFreeTime" . $Count . $Type,
        $GetParam{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count . 'Optional' }
            = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get( 'TicketFreeTimeOptional' . $Count ) || 0;
        if ( !$Self->{ConfigObject}->Get( 'TicketFreeTimeOptional' . $Count ) ) {
            $GetParam{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count . 'Used' } = 1;

        if ( $Self->{Config}->{TicketFreeTime}->{$Count} == 2 ) {
            $GetParam{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count . 'Required' } = 1;

    # get article free text params
    for my $Count ( 1 .. 3 ) {
        my $Key  = 'ArticleFreeKey' . $Count;
        my $Text = 'ArticleFreeText' . $Count;
        $GetParam{$Key}  = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => $Key );
        $GetParam{$Text} = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => $Text );

    # transform pending time, time stamp based on user time zone
    if (
        defined $GetParam{Year}
        && defined $GetParam{Month}
        && defined $GetParam{Day}
        && defined $GetParam{Hour}
        && defined $GetParam{Minute}
        %GetParam = $Self->{LayoutObject}->TransfromDateSelection(

    # transform free time, time stamp based on user time zone
    for my $Count ( 1 .. 6 ) {
        my $Prefix = 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count;
        next if !$GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Year' };
        next if !$GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Month' };
        next if !$GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Day' };
        next if !$GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Hour' };
        next if !$GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Minute' };
        %GetParam = $Self->{LayoutObject}->TransfromDateSelection(
            Prefix => $Prefix

    if ( !$Self->{Subaction} || $Self->{Subaction} eq 'Created' ) {

        # header
        my $Output = $Self->{LayoutObject}->Header();
        $Output .= $Self->{LayoutObject}->NavigationBar();

        # if there is no ticket id!
        if ( $Self->{TicketID} && $Self->{Subaction} eq 'Created' ) {

            # notify info
            my %Ticket = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketGet( TicketID => $Self->{TicketID} );
            $Output .= $Self->{LayoutObject}->Notify(
                Info => 'Ticket "%s" created!", "' . $Ticket{TicketNumber},
                Link => '$Env{"Baselink"}Action=AgentTicketZoom;TicketID=' . $Ticket{TicketID},

        # store last queue screen
        if (
            $Self->{LastScreenOverview} !~ /Action=AgentTicketPhone/
            && $Self->{RequestedURL} !~ /Action=AgentTicketPhone.*LinkTicketID=/
                SessionID => $Self->{SessionID},
                Key       => 'LastScreenOverview',
                Value     => $Self->{RequestedURL},

        # get split article if given
        # get ArticleID
        my %Article;
        my %CustomerData;
        if ( $GetParam{ArticleID} ) {
            %Article = $Self->{TicketObject}->ArticleGet( ArticleID => $GetParam{ArticleID} );
            $Article{Subject} = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketSubjectClean(
                TicketNumber => $Article{TicketNumber},
                Subject => $Article{Subject} || '',

            # fill free text fields
            for my $Count ( 1 .. 16 ) {
                my $Key  = 'TicketFreeKey' . $Count;
                my $Text = 'TicketFreeText' . $Count;
                if ( defined $Article{$Key} ) {
                    $GetParam{$Key} = $Article{$Key};
                if ( defined $Article{$Text} ) {
                    $GetParam{$Text} = $Article{$Text};

            # fill free time fields
            for my $Count ( 1 .. 6 ) {
                if ( defined $Article{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count } ) {
                    $GetParam{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count . 'Used' } = 1;
                    my $SystemTime = $Self->{TimeObject}->TimeStamp2SystemTime(
                        String => $Article{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count },
                    my ( $Sec, $Min, $Hour, $Day, $Month, $Year )
                        = $Self->{TimeObject}->SystemTime2Date(
                        SystemTime => $SystemTime,
                    $GetParam{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count . 'Year' }   = $Year;
                    $GetParam{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count . 'Month' }  = $Month;
                    $GetParam{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count . 'Day' }    = $Day;
                    $GetParam{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count . 'Hour' }   = $Hour;
                    $GetParam{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count . 'Minute' } = $Min;

            # body preparation for plain text processing
            $Article{Body} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->ArticleQuote(
                TicketID           => $Article{TicketID},
                ArticleID          => $GetParam{ArticleID},
                FormID             => $Self->{FormID},
                UploadCacheObject  => $Self->{UploadCacheObject},
                AttachmentsInclude => 1,
            if ( $Self->{LayoutObject}->{BrowserRichText} ) {
                $Article{ContentType} = 'text/html';
            else {
                $Article{ContentType} = 'text/plain';

            # show customer info
            if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoCompose') ) {
                if ( $Article{CustomerUserID} ) {
                    %CustomerData = $Self->{CustomerUserObject}->CustomerUserDataGet(
                        User => $Article{CustomerUserID},
                elsif ( $Article{CustomerID} ) {
                    %CustomerData = $Self->{CustomerUserObject}->CustomerUserDataGet(
                        CustomerID => $Article{CustomerID},
            if ( $Article{CustomerUserID} ) {
                my %CustomerUserList = $Self->{CustomerUserObject}->CustomerSearch(
                    UserLogin => $Article{CustomerUserID},
                for my $KeyCustomerUserList ( sort keys %CustomerUserList ) {
                    $Article{From} = $CustomerUserList{$KeyCustomerUserList};

        # get default selections
        my %TicketFreeDefault;
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 16 ) {
            my $Key  = 'TicketFreeKey' . $Count;
            my $Text = 'TicketFreeText' . $Count;

            $TicketFreeDefault{$Key} = $GetParam{$Key}
                || $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get( $Key . '::DefaultSelection' );
            $TicketFreeDefault{$Text} = $GetParam{$Text}
                || $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get( $Text . '::DefaultSelection' );

        # get free text config options
        my %TicketFreeText;
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 16 ) {
            my $Key  = 'TicketFreeKey' . $Count;
            my $Text = 'TicketFreeText' . $Count;
            $TicketFreeText{$Key} = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketFreeTextGet(
                TicketID       => $Self->{TicketID},
                Action         => $Self->{Action},
                Type           => $Key,
                UserID         => $Self->{UserID},
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerData{UserLogin} || '',
            $TicketFreeText{$Text} = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketFreeTextGet(
                TicketID       => $Self->{TicketID},
                Action         => $Self->{Action},
                Type           => $Text,
                UserID         => $Self->{UserID},
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerData{UserLogin} || '',

            # If Key has value 2, this means that the freetextfield is required
            if ( $Self->{Config}->{TicketFreeText}->{$Count} == 2 ) {
                $TicketFreeText{Required}->{$Count} = 1;
        my %TicketFreeTextHTML = $Self->{LayoutObject}->AgentFreeText(
            Config => \%TicketFreeText,
            Ticket => {
                    UserID => $Self->{UserID},

        # free time
        my %TicketFreeTimeHTML = $Self->{LayoutObject}->AgentFreeDate(
            Ticket => \%GetParam,

        # get article free text default selections
        my %ArticleFreeDefault;
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 3 ) {
            my $Key  = 'ArticleFreeKey' . $Count;
            my $Text = 'ArticleFreeText' . $Count;
            $ArticleFreeDefault{$Key} = $GetParam{$Key}
                || $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get( $Key . '::DefaultSelection' );
            $ArticleFreeDefault{$Text} = $GetParam{$Text}
                || $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get( $Text . '::DefaultSelection' );

        # article free text
        my %ArticleFreeText;
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 3 ) {
            my $Key  = 'ArticleFreeKey' . $Count;
            my $Text = 'ArticleFreeText' . $Count;
            $ArticleFreeText{$Key} = $Self->{TicketObject}->ArticleFreeTextGet(
                TicketID       => $Self->{TicketID},
                Type           => $Key,
                Action         => $Self->{Action},
                UserID         => $Self->{UserID},
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerData{UserLogin} || '',
            $ArticleFreeText{$Text} = $Self->{TicketObject}->ArticleFreeTextGet(
                TicketID       => $Self->{TicketID},
                Type           => $Text,
                Action         => $Self->{Action},
                UserID         => $Self->{UserID},
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerData{UserLogin} || '',

            # If Key has value 2, this means that the field is required
            if ( $Self->{Config}->{ArticleFreeText}->{$Count} == 2 ) {
                $ArticleFreeText{Required}->{$Count} = 1;
        my %ArticleFreeTextHTML = $Self->{LayoutObject}->TicketArticleFreeText(
            Config => \%ArticleFreeText,
            Article => { %GetParam, %ArticleFreeDefault, },

        # get all attachments meta data
        my @Attachments = $Self->{UploadCacheObject}->FormIDGetAllFilesMeta(
            FormID => $Self->{FormID},

        # get and format default subject and body
        my $Subject = $Article{Subject};
        if ( !$Subject ) {
            $Subject = $Self->{LayoutObject}->Output(
                Template => $Self->{Config}->{Subject} || '',
        my $Body = $Article{Body} || '';
        if ( !$Body ) {
            $Body = $Self->{LayoutObject}->Output(
                Template => $Self->{Config}->{Body} || '',

        # make sure body is rich text (if body is based on config)
        if ( !$GetParam{ArticleID} && $Self->{LayoutObject}->{BrowserRichText} ) {
            $Body = $Self->{LayoutObject}->Ascii2RichText(
                String => $Body,

        # html output
        my $Services = $Self->_GetServices(
            CustomerUserID => $CustomerData{UserLogin} || '',
            QueueID        => $Self->{QueueID}         || 1,
        my $SLAs = $Self->_GetSLAs(
            CustomerUserID => $CustomerData{UserLogin} || '',
            QueueID        => $Self->{QueueID}         || 1,
            Services       => $Services,
        $Output .= $Self->_MaskPhoneNew(
            QueueID    => $Self->{QueueID},
            NextStates => $Self->_GetNextStates(
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerData{UserLogin} || '',
                QueueID        => $Self->{QueueID}         || 1,
            Priorities => $Self->_GetPriorities(
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerData{UserLogin} || '',
                QueueID        => $Self->{QueueID}         || 1,
            Types => $Self->_GetTypes(
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerData{UserLogin} || '',
                QueueID        => $Self->{QueueID}         || 1,
            Services         => $Services,
            SLAs             => $SLAs,
            Users            => $Self->_GetUsers( QueueID => $Self->{QueueID} ),
            ResponsibleUsers => $Self->_GetUsers( QueueID => $Self->{QueueID} ),
            To               => $Self->_GetTos(
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerData{UserLogin} || '',
                QueueID => $Self->{QueueID},
            From         => $Article{From},
            Subject      => $Subject,
            Body         => $Body,
            CustomerID   => $Article{CustomerID},
            CustomerUser => $Article{CustomerUserID},
            CustomerData => \%CustomerData,
            Attachments  => \@Attachments,
            LinkTicketID => $GetParam{LinkTicketID} || '',

            #            %GetParam,
        $Output .= $Self->{LayoutObject}->Footer();
        return $Output;

    # create new ticket and article
    elsif ( $Self->{Subaction} eq 'StoreNew' ) {

        my %Error;
        my %StateData;
        if ( $GetParam{NextStateID} ) {
            %StateData = $Self->{TicketObject}->{StateObject}->StateGet(
                ID => $GetParam{NextStateID},
        my $NextState = $StateData{Name} || '';
        my $Dest = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'Dest' ) || '';
        my ( $NewQueueID, $To ) = split( /\|\|/, $Dest );
        my $CustomerUser = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'CustomerUser' )
            || $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'PreSelectedCustomerUser' )
            || $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'SelectedCustomerUser' )
            || '';
        my $SelectedCustomerUser = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'SelectedCustomerUser' )
            || '';
        my $CustomerID = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'CustomerID' ) || '';
        my $ExpandCustomerName = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'ExpandCustomerName' )
            || 0;

        if ( $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'OwnerAllRefresh' ) ) {
            $GetParam{OwnerAll} = 1;
            $ExpandCustomerName = 3;
        if ( $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'ResponsibleAllRefresh' ) ) {
            $GetParam{ResponsibleAll} = 1;
            $ExpandCustomerName = 3;
        if ( $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'ClearFrom' ) ) {
            $GetParam{From} = '';
            $ExpandCustomerName = 3;
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 2 ) {
            my $Item = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => "ExpandCustomerName$Count" ) || 0;
            if ( $Count == 1 && $Item ) {
                $ExpandCustomerName = 1;
            elsif ( $Count == 2 && $Item ) {
                $ExpandCustomerName = 2;

        # rewrap body if exists
        if ( $Self->{LayoutObject}->{BrowserRichText} && $GetParam{Body} ) {
                =~ s/(^>.+|.{4,$Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::TextAreaNote')})(?:\s|\z)/$1\n/gm;

        # If is an action about attachments
        my $IsUpload = 0;

        # attachment delete
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 16 ) {
            my $Delete = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => "AttachmentDelete$Count" );
            next if !$Delete;
            $Error{AttachmentDelete} = 1;
                FormID => $Self->{FormID},
                FileID => $Count,
            $IsUpload = 1;

        # attachment upload
        if ( $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'AttachmentUpload' ) ) {
            $IsUpload                = 1;
            %Error                   = ();
            $Error{AttachmentUpload} = 1;
            my %UploadStuff = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetUploadAll(
                Param  => 'FileUpload',
                Source => 'string',
                FormID => $Self->{FormID},

        # get all attachments meta data
        my @Attachments = $Self->{UploadCacheObject}->FormIDGetAllFilesMeta(
            FormID => $Self->{FormID},

        # check pending date
        if ( $StateData{TypeName} && $StateData{TypeName} =~ /^pending/i ) {
            if ( !$Self->{TimeObject}->Date2SystemTime( %GetParam, Second => 0 ) ) {
                if ( $IsUpload == 0 ) {
                    $Error{DateInvalid} = ' ServerError';
            if (
                $Self->{TimeObject}->Date2SystemTime( %GetParam, Second => 0 )
                < $Self->{TimeObject}->SystemTime()
                if ( $IsUpload == 0 ) {
                    $Error{DateInvalid} = ' ServerError';

        # get free text config options
        my %TicketFreeText;
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 16 ) {
            my $Key  = 'TicketFreeKey' . $Count;
            my $Text = 'TicketFreeText' . $Count;
            $TicketFreeText{$Key} = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketFreeTextGet(
                TicketID       => $Self->{TicketID},
                Type           => $Key,
                Action         => $Self->{Action},
                QueueID        => $NewQueueID || 0,
                UserID         => $Self->{UserID},
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || $SelectedCustomerUser || '',
            $TicketFreeText{$Text} = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketFreeTextGet(
                TicketID       => $Self->{TicketID},
                Type           => $Text,
                Action         => $Self->{Action},
                QueueID        => $NewQueueID || 0,
                UserID         => $Self->{UserID},
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || $SelectedCustomerUser || '',

            # If Key has value 2, this means that the freetextfield is required
            if ( $Self->{Config}->{TicketFreeText}->{$Count} == 2 ) {
                $TicketFreeText{Required}->{$Count} = 1;

            # check required FreeTextField (if configured)
            if (
                $Self->{Config}->{TicketFreeText}->{$Count} == 2
                && $GetParam{$Text} eq ''
                && $ExpandCustomerName == 0
                && $IsUpload == 0
                $TicketFreeText{Error}->{$Count} = 1;
                $Error{$Text} = 'ServerError';
        my %TicketFreeTextHTML = $Self->{LayoutObject}->AgentFreeText(
            Config => \%TicketFreeText,
            Ticket => \%GetParam,

        # free time
        my %TicketFreeTimeHTML = $Self->{LayoutObject}->AgentFreeDate( Ticket => \%GetParam, );

        # article free text
        my %ArticleFreeText;
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 3 ) {
            my $Key  = 'ArticleFreeKey' . $Count;
            my $Text = 'ArticleFreeText' . $Count;
            $ArticleFreeText{$Key} = $Self->{TicketObject}->ArticleFreeTextGet(
                TicketID       => $Self->{TicketID},
                Type           => $Key,
                Action         => $Self->{Action},
                UserID         => $Self->{UserID},
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || $SelectedCustomerUser || '',
            $ArticleFreeText{$Text} = $Self->{TicketObject}->ArticleFreeTextGet(
                TicketID       => $Self->{TicketID},
                Type           => $Text,
                Action         => $Self->{Action},
                UserID         => $Self->{UserID},
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || $SelectedCustomerUser || '',

            # If Key has value 2, this means that the field is required
            if ( $Self->{Config}->{ArticleFreeText}->{$Count} == 2 ) {
                $ArticleFreeText{Required}->{$Count} = 1;

            # check required ArticleTextField (if configured)
            if (
                $Self->{Config}->{ArticleFreeText}->{$Count} == 2
                && $GetParam{$Text} eq ''
                && $ExpandCustomerName == 0
                && $IsUpload == 0
                $ArticleFreeText{Error}->{$Count} = 1;
                $Error{$Text} = 'ServerError';
        my %ArticleFreeTextHTML = $Self->{LayoutObject}->TicketArticleFreeText(
            Config  => \%ArticleFreeText,
            Article => \%GetParam,

        # expand customer name
        my %CustomerUserData;
        if ( $ExpandCustomerName == 1 ) {

            # search customer
            my %CustomerUserList;
            %CustomerUserList = $Self->{CustomerUserObject}->CustomerSearch(
                Search => $GetParam{From},

            # check if just one customer user exists
            # if just one, fillup CustomerUserID and CustomerID
            $Param{CustomerUserListCount} = 0;
            for my $KeyCustomerUser ( keys %CustomerUserList ) {
                $Param{CustomerUserListLast}     = $CustomerUserList{$KeyCustomerUser};
                $Param{CustomerUserListLastUser} = $KeyCustomerUser;
            if ( $Param{CustomerUserListCount} == 1 ) {
                $GetParam{From}            = $Param{CustomerUserListLast};
                $Error{ExpandCustomerName} = 1;
                my %CustomerUserData = $Self->{CustomerUserObject}->CustomerUserDataGet(
                    User => $Param{CustomerUserListLastUser},
                if ( $CustomerUserData{UserCustomerID} ) {
                    $CustomerID = $CustomerUserData{UserCustomerID};
                if ( $CustomerUserData{UserLogin} ) {
                    $CustomerUser = $CustomerUserData{UserLogin};

            # if more the one customer user exists, show list
            # and clean CustomerUserID and CustomerID
            else {

                # don't check email syntax on multi customer select
                $Self->{ConfigObject}->Set( Key => 'CheckEmailAddresses', Value => 0 );
                $CustomerID = '';
                $Param{FromOptions} = \%CustomerUserList;

                # clear from if there is no customer found
                if ( !%CustomerUserList ) {
                    $GetParam{From} = '';
                $Error{ExpandCustomerName} = 1;

        # get from and customer id if customer user is given
        elsif ( $ExpandCustomerName == 2 ) {
            %CustomerUserData = $Self->{CustomerUserObject}->CustomerUserDataGet(
                User => $CustomerUser,
            my %CustomerUserList = $Self->{CustomerUserObject}->CustomerSearch(
                UserLogin => $CustomerUser,
            for my $KeyCustomerUser ( keys %CustomerUserList ) {
                $GetParam{From} = $CustomerUserList{$KeyCustomerUser};
            if ( $CustomerUserData{UserCustomerID} ) {
                $CustomerID = $CustomerUserData{UserCustomerID};
            if ( $CustomerUserData{UserLogin} ) {
                $CustomerUser = $CustomerUserData{UserLogin};
            $Error{ExpandCustomerName} = 1;

        # if a new destination queue is selected
        elsif ( $ExpandCustomerName == 3 ) {
            $Error{NoSubmit} = 1;
            $CustomerUser = $SelectedCustomerUser;

        # 'just' no submit
        elsif ( $ExpandCustomerName == 4 ) {
            $Error{NoSubmit} = 1;

        # show customer info
        my %CustomerData;
        if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoCompose') ) {
            if ( $CustomerUser || $SelectedCustomerUser ) {
                %CustomerData = $Self->{CustomerUserObject}->CustomerUserDataGet(
                    User => $CustomerUser || $SelectedCustomerUser,
            elsif ($CustomerID) {
                %CustomerData = $Self->{CustomerUserObject}->CustomerUserDataGet(
                    CustomerID => $CustomerID,

        # check email address
        for my $Email ( Mail::Address->parse( $GetParam{From} ) ) {
            if ( !$Self->{CheckItemObject}->CheckEmail( Address => $Email->address() ) ) {
                $Error{ErrorType}   = $Self->{CheckItemObject}->CheckErrorType() . 'ServerErrorMsg';
                $Error{FromInvalid} = ' ServerError';

        if ( !$IsUpload && !$ExpandCustomerName ) {
            if ( !$GetParam{From} )
                $Error{'FromInvalid'} = ' ServerError';
            if ( !$GetParam{Subject} ) {
                $Error{'SubjectInvalid'} = ' ServerError';
            if ( !$NewQueueID ) {
                $Error{'DestinationInvalid'} = ' ServerError';
            if (
                && $GetParam{SLAID}
                && !$GetParam{ServiceID}
                $Error{'ServiceInvalid'} = ' ServerError';
            if ( ( !$GetParam{TypeID} ) && ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Type') ) ) {
                $Error{'TypeIDInvalid'} = ' ServerError';
            if ( !$GetParam{Body} ) {
                $Error{'RichTextInvalid'} = ' ServerError';
            if (
                ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime') )
                && !defined $GetParam{TimeUnits}
                $Error{'TimeUnitsInvalid'} = ' ServerError';

        if (%Error) {

            # get services
            my $Services = $Self->_GetServices(
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || '',
                QueueID        => $NewQueueID   || 1,

            # reset previous ServiceID to reset SLA-List if no service is selected
            if ( !$GetParam{ServiceID} || !$Services->{ $GetParam{ServiceID} } ) {
                $GetParam{ServiceID} = '';

            my $SLAs = $Self->_GetSLAs(
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || $SelectedCustomerUser || '',
                QueueID        => $NewQueueID   || 1,
                Services       => $Services,

            # header
            my $Output = $Self->{LayoutObject}->Header();
            $Output .= $Self->{LayoutObject}->NavigationBar();

            # html output
            $Output .= $Self->_MaskPhoneNew(
                QueueID => $Self->{QueueID},
                Users =>
                    $Self->_GetUsers( QueueID => $NewQueueID, AllUsers => $GetParam{OwnerAll} ),
                UserSelected     => $GetParam{NewUserID},
                ResponsibleUsers => $Self->_GetUsers(
                    QueueID  => $NewQueueID,
                    AllUsers => $GetParam{ResponsibleAll}
                ResponsibleUserSelected => $GetParam{NewResponsibleID},
                NextStates              => $Self->_GetNextStates(
                    CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || $SelectedCustomerUser || '',
                    QueueID => $NewQueueID || 1,
                NextState  => $NextState,
                Priorities => $Self->_GetPriorities(
                    CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || $SelectedCustomerUser || '',
                    QueueID => $NewQueueID || 1,
                Types => $Self->_GetTypes(
                    CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || $SelectedCustomerUser || '',
                    QueueID => $NewQueueID || 1,
                Services     => $Services,
                SLAs         => $SLAs,
                CustomerID   => $Self->{LayoutObject}->Ascii2Html( Text => $CustomerID ),
                CustomerUser => $CustomerUser,
                CustomerData => \%CustomerData,
                FromOptions  => $Param{FromOptions},
                To           => $Self->_GetTos( QueueID => $NewQueueID ),
                ToSelected   => $Dest,
                Errors       => \%Error,
                Attachments  => \@Attachments,

            $Output .= $Self->{LayoutObject}->Footer();
            return $Output;

        # create new ticket, do db insert
        my $TicketID = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketCreate(
            Title        => $GetParam{Subject},
            QueueID      => $NewQueueID,
            Subject      => $GetParam{Subject},
            Lock         => 'unlock',
            TypeID       => $GetParam{TypeID},
            ServiceID    => $GetParam{ServiceID},
            SLAID        => $GetParam{SLAID},
            StateID      => $GetParam{NextStateID},
            PriorityID   => $GetParam{PriorityID},
            OwnerID      => 1,
            CustomerNo   => $CustomerID,
            CustomerUser => $SelectedCustomerUser,
            UserID       => $Self->{UserID},

        # set ticket free text
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 16 ) {
            my $Key  = 'TicketFreeKey' . $Count;
            my $Text = 'TicketFreeText' . $Count;
            if ( defined $GetParam{$Key} ) {
                    TicketID => $TicketID,
                    Key      => $GetParam{$Key},
                    Value    => $GetParam{$Text},
                    Counter  => $Count,
                    UserID   => $Self->{UserID},

        # set ticket free time
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 6 ) {
            my $Prefix = 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count;
            next if !defined $GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Year' };
            next if !defined $GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Month' };
            next if !defined $GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Day' };
            next if !defined $GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Hour' };
            next if !defined $GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Minute' };

            # set time stamp to NULL if field is not used/checked
            if ( !$GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Used' } ) {
                $GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Year' }   = 0;
                $GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Month' }  = 0;
                $GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Day' }    = 0;
                $GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Hour' }   = 0;
                $GetParam{ $Prefix . 'Minute' } = 0;

            # set free time
                Prefix   => 'TicketFreeTime',
                TicketID => $TicketID,
                Counter  => $Count,
                UserID   => $Self->{UserID},

        # get pre loaded attachment
        my @AttachmentData = $Self->{UploadCacheObject}->FormIDGetAllFilesData(
            FormID => $Self->{FormID},

        # get submit attachment
        my %UploadStuff = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetUploadAll(
            Param  => 'FileUpload',
            Source => 'String',
        if (%UploadStuff) {
            push @AttachmentData, \%UploadStuff;

        my $MimeType = 'text/plain';
        if ( $Self->{LayoutObject}->{BrowserRichText} ) {
            $MimeType = 'text/html';

            # remove unused inline images
            my @NewAttachmentData;
            for my $Attachment (@AttachmentData) {
                my $ContentID = $Attachment->{ContentID};
                if ($ContentID) {
                    my $ContentIDHTMLQuote = $Self->{LayoutObject}->Ascii2Html(
                        Text => $ContentID,

                    # workaround for link encode of rich text editor, see bug#5053
                    my $ContentIDLinkEncode = $Self->{LayoutObject}->LinkEncode($ContentID);
                    $GetParam{Body} =~ s/(ContentID=)$ContentIDLinkEncode/$1$ContentID/g;

                    # ignore attachment if not linked in body
                    next if $GetParam{Body} !~ /(\Q$ContentIDHTMLQuote\E|\Q$ContentID\E)/i;

                # remember inline images and normal attachments
                push @NewAttachmentData, \%{$Attachment};
            @AttachmentData = @NewAttachmentData;

            # verify html document
            $GetParam{Body} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->RichTextDocumentComplete(
                String => $GetParam{Body},

        # check if new owner is given (then send no agent notify)
        my $NoAgentNotify = 0;
        if ( $GetParam{NewUserID} ) {
            $NoAgentNotify = 1;
        my $ArticleID = $Self->{TicketObject}->ArticleCreate(
            NoAgentNotify    => $NoAgentNotify,
            TicketID         => $TicketID,
            ArticleType      => $Self->{Config}->{ArticleType},
            SenderType       => $Self->{Config}->{SenderType},
            From             => $GetParam{From},
            To               => $To,
            Subject          => $GetParam{Subject},
            Body             => $GetParam{Body},
            MimeType         => $MimeType,
            Charset          => $Self->{LayoutObject}->{UserCharset},
            UserID           => $Self->{UserID},
            HistoryType      => $Self->{Config}->{HistoryType},
            HistoryComment   => $Self->{Config}->{HistoryComment} || '%%',
            AutoResponseType => 'auto reply',
            OrigHeader       => {
                From    => $GetParam{From},
                To      => $GetParam{To},
                Subject => $GetParam{Subject},
                Body    => $Self->{LayoutObject}->RichText2Ascii( String => $GetParam{Body} ),

            Queue => $Self->{QueueObject}->QueueLookup( QueueID => $NewQueueID ),
        if ( !$ArticleID ) {
            return $Self->{LayoutObject}->ErrorScreen();

        # set article free text
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 3 ) {
            my $Key  = 'ArticleFreeKey' . $Count;
            my $Text = 'ArticleFreeText' . $Count;
            if ( defined $GetParam{$Key} ) {
                    TicketID  => $TicketID,
                    ArticleID => $ArticleID,
                    Key       => $GetParam{$Key},
                    Value     => $GetParam{$Text},
                    Counter   => $Count,
                    UserID    => $Self->{UserID},

        # set owner (if new user id is given)
        if ( $GetParam{NewUserID} ) {
                TicketID  => $TicketID,
                NewUserID => $GetParam{NewUserID},
                UserID    => $Self->{UserID},

            # set lock
                TicketID => $TicketID,
                Lock     => 'lock',
                UserID   => $Self->{UserID},

        # else set owner to current agent but do not lock it
        else {
                TicketID           => $TicketID,
                NewUserID          => $Self->{UserID},
                SendNoNotification => 1,
                UserID             => $Self->{UserID},

        # set responsible (if new user id is given)
        if ( $GetParam{NewResponsibleID} ) {
                TicketID  => $TicketID,
                NewUserID => $GetParam{NewResponsibleID},
                UserID    => $Self->{UserID},

        # time accounting
        if ( $GetParam{TimeUnits} ) {
                TicketID  => $TicketID,
                ArticleID => $ArticleID,
                TimeUnit  => $GetParam{TimeUnits},
                UserID    => $Self->{UserID},

        # write attachments
        for my $Attachment (@AttachmentData) {
                ArticleID => $ArticleID,
                UserID    => $Self->{UserID},

        # remove pre submited attachments
        $Self->{UploadCacheObject}->FormIDRemove( FormID => $Self->{FormID} );

        # link tickets
        if (
            && $Self->{Config}->{SplitLinkType}
            && $Self->{Config}->{SplitLinkType}->{LinkType}
            && $Self->{Config}->{SplitLinkType}->{Direction}

            my $SourceKey = $GetParam{LinkTicketID};
            my $TargetKey = $TicketID;

            if ( $Self->{Config}->{SplitLinkType}->{Direction} eq 'Source' ) {
                $SourceKey = $TicketID;
                $TargetKey = $GetParam{LinkTicketID};

            # link the tickets
                SourceObject => 'Ticket',
                SourceKey    => $SourceKey,
                TargetObject => 'Ticket',
                TargetKey    => $TargetKey,
                Type         => $Self->{Config}->{SplitLinkType}->{LinkType} || 'Normal',
                State        => 'Valid',
                UserID       => $Self->{UserID},

        # should i set an unlock?
        if ( $StateData{TypeName} =~ /^close/i ) {

            # set lock
                TicketID => $TicketID,
                Lock     => 'unlock',
                UserID   => $Self->{UserID},

        # set pending time
        elsif ( $StateData{TypeName} =~ /^pending/i ) {

            # set pending time
                UserID   => $Self->{UserID},
                TicketID => $TicketID,

        # get redirect screen
        my $NextScreen = $Self->{UserCreateNextMask} || 'AgentTicketPhone';

        # redirect
        return $Self->{LayoutObject}->Redirect(
            OP => "Action=$NextScreen;Subaction=Created;TicketID=$TicketID",
    elsif ( $Self->{Subaction} eq 'AJAXUpdate' ) {
        my $Dest         = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'Dest' ) || '';
        my $CustomerUser = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'SelectedCustomerUser' );
        my $QueueID      = '';
        if ( $Dest =~ /^(\d{1,100})\|\|.+?$/ ) {
            $QueueID = $1;

        # get list type
        my $TreeView = 0;
        if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::ListType') eq 'tree' ) {
            $TreeView = 1;

        my $Users = $Self->_GetUsers(
            QueueID  => $QueueID,
            AllUsers => $GetParam{OwnerAll},
        my $ResponsibleUsers = $Self->_GetUsers(
            QueueID  => $QueueID,
            AllUsers => $GetParam{ResponsibleAll},
        my $NextStates = $Self->_GetNextStates(
            CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || '',
            QueueID        => $QueueID      || 1,
        my $Priorities = $Self->_GetPriorities(
            CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || '',
            QueueID        => $QueueID      || 1,
        my $Services = $Self->_GetServices(
            CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || '',
            QueueID        => $QueueID      || 1,
        my $SLAs = $Self->_GetSLAs(
            CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || '',
            QueueID        => $QueueID      || 1,
            Services       => $Services,

        # get free text config options
        my @TicketFreeTextConfig;
        for my $Count ( 1 .. 16 ) {
            my $Key       = 'TicketFreeKey' . $Count;
            my $Text      = 'TicketFreeText' . $Count;
            my $ConfigKey = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketFreeTextGet(
                TicketID       => $Self->{TicketID},
                Type           => $Key,
                Action         => $Self->{Action},
                QueueID        => $QueueID || 0,
                UserID         => $Self->{UserID},
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || '',
            if ($ConfigKey) {
                        Name        => $Key,
                        Data        => $ConfigKey,
                        SelectedID  => $GetParam{$Key},
                        Translation => 0,
                        Max         => 100,
            my $ConfigValue = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketFreeTextGet(
                TicketID       => $Self->{TicketID},
                Type           => $Text,
                Action         => $Self->{Action},
                QueueID        => $QueueID || 0,
                UserID         => $Self->{UserID},
                CustomerUserID => $CustomerUser || '',
            if ($ConfigValue) {
                        Name        => $Text,
                        Data        => $ConfigValue,
                        SelectedID  => $GetParam{$Text},
                        Translation => 0,
                        Max         => 100,
        my $JSON = $Self->{LayoutObject}->BuildSelectionJSON(
                    Name         => 'NewUserID',
                    Data         => $Users,
                    SelectedID   => $GetParam{NewUserID},
                    Translation  => 0,
                    PossibleNone => 1,
                    Max          => 100,
                    Name         => 'NewResponsibleID',
                    Data         => $ResponsibleUsers,
                    SelectedID   => $GetParam{NewResponsibleID},
                    Translation  => 0,
                    PossibleNone => 1,
                    Max          => 100,
                    Name        => 'NextStateID',
                    Data        => $NextStates,
                    SelectedID  => $GetParam{NextStateID},
                    Translation => 1,
                    Max         => 100,
                    Name        => 'PriorityID',
                    Data        => $Priorities,
                    SelectedID  => $GetParam{PriorityID},
                    Translation => 1,
                    Max         => 100,
                    Name         => 'ServiceID',
                    Data         => $Services,
                    SelectedID   => $GetParam{ServiceID},
                    PossibleNone => 1,
                    Translation  => 0,
                    TreeView     => $TreeView,
                    Max          => 100,
                    Name         => 'SLAID',
                    Data         => $SLAs,
                    SelectedID   => $GetParam{SLAID},
                    PossibleNone => 1,
                    Translation  => 0,
                    Max          => 100,
        return $Self->{LayoutObject}->Attachment(
            ContentType => 'application/json; charset=' . $Self->{LayoutObject}->{Charset},
            Content     => $JSON,
            Type        => 'inline',
            NoCache     => 1,
    else {
        return $Self->{LayoutObject}->ErrorScreen(
            Message => 'No Subaction!!',
            Comment => 'Please contact your administrator',

sub _GetNextStates {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my %NextStates;
    if ( $Param{QueueID} || $Param{TicketID} ) {
        %NextStates = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketStateList(
            Action => $Self->{Action},
            UserID => $Self->{UserID},
    return \%NextStates;

sub _GetUsers {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get users
    my %ShownUsers;
    my %AllGroupsMembers = $Self->{UserObject}->UserList(
        Type  => 'Long',
        Valid => 1,

    # just show only users with selected custom queue
    if ( $Param{QueueID} && !$Param{AllUsers} ) {
        my @UserIDs = $Self->{TicketObject}->GetSubscribedUserIDsByQueueID(%Param);
        for my $KeyGroupMember ( keys %AllGroupsMembers ) {
            my $Hit = 0;
            for my $UID (@UserIDs) {
                if ( $UID eq $KeyGroupMember ) {
                    $Hit = 1;
            if ( !$Hit ) {
                delete $AllGroupsMembers{$KeyGroupMember};

    # show all system users
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::ChangeOwnerToEveryone') ) {
        %ShownUsers = %AllGroupsMembers;

    # show all users who are rw in the queue group
    elsif ( $Param{QueueID} ) {
        my $GID = $Self->{QueueObject}->GetQueueGroupID( QueueID => $Param{QueueID} );
        my %MemberList = $Self->{GroupObject}->GroupMemberList(
            GroupID => $GID,
            Type    => 'rw',
            Result  => 'HASH',
        for my $KeyMember ( keys %MemberList ) {
            if ( $AllGroupsMembers{$KeyMember} ) {
                $ShownUsers{$KeyMember} = $AllGroupsMembers{$KeyMember};
    return \%ShownUsers;

sub _GetPriorities {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get priority
    my %Priorities;
    if ( $Param{QueueID} || $Param{TicketID} ) {
        %Priorities = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketPriorityList(
            Action => $Self->{Action},
            UserID => $Self->{UserID},
    return \%Priorities;

sub _GetTypes {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get type
    my %Type;
    if ( $Param{QueueID} || $Param{TicketID} ) {
        %Type = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketTypeList(
            Action => $Self->{Action},
            UserID => $Self->{UserID},
    return \%Type;

sub _GetServices {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get service
    my %Service;
    if ( ( $Param{QueueID} || $Param{TicketID} ) && $Param{CustomerUserID} ) {
        %Service = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketServiceList(
            Action => $Self->{Action},
            UserID => $Self->{UserID},
    return \%Service;

sub _GetSLAs {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get sla
    my %SLA;
    if ( $Param{ServiceID} && $Param{Services} && %{ $Param{Services} } ) {
        if ( $Param{Services}->{ $Param{ServiceID} } ) {
            %SLA = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketSLAList(
                Action => $Self->{Action},
                UserID => $Self->{UserID},
    return \%SLA;

sub _GetTos {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check own selection
    my %NewTos;
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::NewQueueOwnSelection') ) {
        %NewTos = %{ $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::NewQueueOwnSelection') };
    else {

        # SelectionType Queue or SystemAddress?
        my %Tos;
        if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::NewQueueSelectionType') eq 'Queue' ) {
            %Tos = $Self->{TicketObject}->MoveList(
                Type    => 'create',
                Action  => $Self->{Action},
                QueueID => $Self->{QueueID},
                UserID  => $Self->{UserID},
        else {
            %Tos = $Self->{DBObject}->GetTableData(
                Table => 'system_address',
                What  => 'queue_id, id',
                Valid => 1,
                Clamp => 1,

        # get create permission queues
        my %UserGroups = $Self->{GroupObject}->GroupMemberList(
            UserID => $Self->{UserID},
            Type   => 'create',
            Result => 'HASH',

        # build selection string
        for my $QueueID ( keys %Tos ) {
            my %QueueData = $Self->{QueueObject}->QueueGet( ID => $QueueID );

            # permission check, can we create new tickets in queue
            next if !$UserGroups{ $QueueData{GroupID} };

            my $String = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::NewQueueSelectionString')
                || '<Realname> <<Email>> - Queue: <Queue>';
            $String =~ s/<Queue>/$QueueData{Name}/g;
            $String =~ s/<QueueComment>/$QueueData{Comment}/g;
            if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::NewQueueSelectionType') ne 'Queue' )
                my %SystemAddressData = $Self->{SystemAddress}->SystemAddressGet(
                    ID => $Tos{$QueueID},
                $String =~ s/<Realname>/$SystemAddressData{Realname}/g;
                $String =~ s/<Email>/$SystemAddressData{Name}/g;
            $NewTos{$QueueID} = $String;

    # add empty selection
    $NewTos{''} = '-';
    return \%NewTos;

sub _MaskPhoneNew {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    $Param{FormID} = $Self->{FormID};

    # get list type
    my $TreeView = 0;
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::ListType') eq 'tree' ) {
        $TreeView = 1;

    # build customer search autocomplete field
    my $AutoCompleteConfig
        = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::CustomerSearchAutoComplete');
        Name => 'CustomerSearchAutoComplete',
        Data => {
            ActiveAutoComplete  => $AutoCompleteConfig->{Active},
            minQueryLength      => $AutoCompleteConfig->{MinQueryLength} || 2,
            queryDelay          => $AutoCompleteConfig->{QueryDelay} || 0.1,
            typeAhead           => $AutoCompleteConfig->{TypeAhead} || 'false',
            maxResultsDisplayed => $AutoCompleteConfig->{MaxResultsDisplayed} || 20,

    # build string
    $Param{OptionStrg} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->BuildSelection(
        Data         => $Param{Users},
        SelectedID   => $Param{UserSelected},
        Translation  => 0,
        Name         => 'NewUserID',
        PossibleNone => 1,

    # build next states string
    $Param{NextStatesStrg} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->BuildSelection(
        Data          => $Param{NextStates},
        Name          => 'NextStateID',
        Translation   => 1,
        SelectedValue => $Param{NextState} || $Self->{Config}->{StateDefault},

    # build to string
    my %NewTo;
    if ( $Param{To} ) {
        for my $KeyTo ( keys %{ $Param{To} } ) {
            $NewTo{"$KeyTo||$Param{To}->{$KeyTo}"} = $Param{To}->{$KeyTo};
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::NewQueueSelectionType') eq 'Queue' ) {
        $Param{ToStrg} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->AgentQueueListOption(
            Class          => 'Validate_Required',
            Data           => \%NewTo,
            Multiple       => 0,
            Size           => 0,
            Name           => 'Dest',
            SelectedID     => $Param{ToSelected},
            OnChangeSubmit => 0,
    else {
        $Param{ToStrg} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->BuildSelection(
            Class       => 'Validate_Required',
            Data        => \%NewTo,
            Name        => 'Dest',
            SelectedID  => $Param{ToSelected},
            Translation => 0,

    # customer info string
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoCompose') ) {
        $Param{CustomerTable} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->AgentCustomerViewTable(
            Data => $Param{CustomerData},
            Max  => $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoComposeMaxSize'),
            Name => 'CustomerTable',
            Data => \%Param,

    # prepare errors!
    if ( $Param{Errors} ) {
        for my $KeyError ( keys %{ $Param{Errors} } ) {
                = '* ' . $Self->{LayoutObject}->Ascii2Html( Text => $Param{Errors}->{$KeyError} );

    # display server error msg according with the occurred email (from) error type
    if ( $Param{Errors} && $Param{Errors}->{ErrorType} ) {
        $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block( Name => 'Email' . $Param{Errors}->{ErrorType} );
    else {
        $Self->{LayoutObject}->Block( Name => 'GenericServerErrorMsg' );

    # build type string
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Type') ) {
        $Param{TypeStrg} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->BuildSelection(
            Class => 'Validate_Required' . ( $Param{Errors}->{TypeIDInvalid} || ' ' ),
            Data  => $Param{Types},
            Name  => 'TypeID',
            SelectedID   => $Param{TypeID},
            PossibleNone => 1,
            Sort         => 'AlphanumericValue',
            Translation  => 0,
            Name => 'TicketType',
            Data => {%Param},

    # build service string
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Service') ) {
        $Param{ServiceStrg} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->BuildSelection(
            Data         => $Param{Services},
            Name         => 'ServiceID',
            Class        => $Param{Errors}->{ServiceInvalid} || ' ',
            SelectedID   => $Param{ServiceID},
            PossibleNone => 1,
            TreeView     => $TreeView,
            Sort         => 'TreeView',
            Translation  => 0,
            Max          => 200,
            Name => 'TicketService',
            Data => {%Param},
        $Param{SLAStrg} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->BuildSelection(
            Data         => $Param{SLAs},
            Name         => 'SLAID',
            SelectedID   => $Param{SLAID},
            PossibleNone => 1,
            Sort         => 'AlphanumericValue',
            Translation  => 0,
            Max          => 200,
            Name => 'TicketSLA',
            Data => {%Param},

    # build priority string
    if ( !$Param{PriorityID} ) {
        $Param{Priority} = $Self->{Config}->{Priority};
    $Param{PriorityStrg} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->BuildSelection(
        Data          => $Param{Priorities},
        Name          => 'PriorityID',
        SelectedID    => $Param{PriorityID},
        SelectedValue => $Param{Priority},
        Translation   => 1,

    # pending data string
    $Param{PendingDateString} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->BuildDateSelection(
        Format           => 'DateInputFormatLong',
        YearPeriodPast   => 0,
        YearPeriodFuture => 5,
        DiffTime         => $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::PendingDiffTime') || 0,
        Class            => $Param{Errors}->{DateInvalid},
        Validate         => 1,
        ValidateDateInFuture => 1,

    # show owner selection
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::NewOwnerSelection') ) {
            Name => 'OwnerSelection',
            Data => \%Param,

    # show responsible selection
    if (
        && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::NewResponsibleSelection')
        $Param{ResponsibleUsers}->{''} = '-';
        $Param{ResponsibleOptionStrg} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->BuildSelection(
            Data       => $Param{ResponsibleUsers},
            SelectedID => $Param{ResponsibleUserSelected},
            Name       => 'NewResponsibleID',
            Name => 'ResponsibleSelection',
            Data => \%Param,

    # ticket free text
    for my $Count ( 1 .. 16 ) {
        next if !$Self->{Config}->{TicketFreeText}->{$Count};
            Name => 'TicketFreeText',
            Data => {
                TicketFreeKeyField  => $Param{ 'TicketFreeKeyField' . $Count },
                TicketFreeTextField => $Param{ 'TicketFreeTextField' . $Count },
                Count               => $Count,
            Name => 'TicketFreeText' . $Count,
            Data => { %Param, Count => $Count, },
    for my $Count ( 1 .. 6 ) {
        next if !$Self->{Config}->{TicketFreeTime}->{$Count};
            Name => 'TicketFreeTime',
            Data => {
                TicketFreeTimeKey => $Param{ 'TicketFreeTimeKey' . $Count },
                TicketFreeTime    => $Param{ 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count },
                Count             => $Count,
            Name => 'TicketFreeTime' . $Count,
            Data => { %Param, Count => $Count, },

    # article free text
    for my $Count ( 1 .. 3 ) {
        next if !$Self->{Config}->{ArticleFreeText}->{$Count};
            Name => 'ArticleFreeText',
            Data => {
                ArticleFreeKeyField  => $Param{ 'ArticleFreeKeyField' . $Count },
                ArticleFreeTextField => $Param{ 'ArticleFreeTextField' . $Count },
                Count                => $Count,
            Name => 'ArticleFreeText' . $Count,
            Data => { %Param, Count => $Count, },

    # show time accounting box
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::AccountTime') ) {
        if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime') ) {
                Name => 'TimeUnitsLabelMandatory',
                Data => \%Param,
            $Param{TimeUnitsRequired} = 'Validate_Required';
        else {
                Name => 'TimeUnitsLabel',
                Data => \%Param,
            $Param{TimeUnitsRequired} = '';
            Name => 'TimeUnits',
            Data => \%Param,

    my $ShownOptionsBlock;

    # show spell check
    if ( $Self->{LayoutObject}->{BrowserSpellChecker} ) {

        # check if need to call Options block
        if ( !$ShownOptionsBlock ) {
                Name => 'TicketOptions',
                Data => {

            # set flag to "true" in order to prevent calling the Options block again
            $ShownOptionsBlock = 1;

            Name => 'SpellCheck',
            Data => {

    # show customer edit link
    my $OptionCustomer = $Self->{LayoutObject}->Permission(
        Action => 'AdminCustomerUser',
        Type   => 'rw',
    if ($OptionCustomer) {

        # check if need to call Options block
        if ( !$ShownOptionsBlock ) {
                Name => 'TicketOptions',
                Data => {

            # set flag to "true" in order to prevent calling the Options block again
            $ShownOptionsBlock = 1;

            Name => 'OptionCustomer',
            Data => {

    # show attachments
    for my $Attachment ( @{ $Param{Attachments} } ) {
        next if $Attachment->{ContentID} && $Self->{LayoutObject}->{BrowserRichText};
            Name => 'Attachment',
            Data => $Attachment,

    # add rich text editor
    if ( $Self->{LayoutObject}->{BrowserRichText} ) {
            Name => 'RichText',
            Data => \%Param,

    # get output back
    return $Self->{LayoutObject}->Output( TemplateFile => 'AgentTicketPhone', Data => \%Param );


Again I just copied the info from AgentTicketPhone.dtl but renamed it and edited it

Code: Select all

# --
#Modified by Michael Martin 6/14/2011
# AgentTicketN2N.dtl - provides HTML form for N2N
# Copyright (C) 2001-2010 xxx,
# --
# $Id: AgentTicketPhone.dtl,v 1.127 2010/12/21 18:20:59 cg Exp $
# --
# This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
# the enclosed file COPYING for license information (AGPL). If you
# did not receive this file, see
# --

<div class="MainBox ARIARoleMain">

    <h1>$Text{"Create New N2N Ticket"}</h1>

    <div class="LayoutFixedSidebar SidebarLast">
<!-- dtl:block:CustomerTable -->
        <div id="CustomerInfo" class="SidebarColumn WidgetSimple">
            <div class="Header">
                <h2>$Text{"Customer Information"}</h2>
            <div class="Content">
<!-- dtl:block:CustomerTable -->

        <div class="ContentColumn">
            <form action="$Env{"CGIHandle"}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="compose" id="NewN2NTicket" class="Validate PreventMultipleSubmits">
                <input type="hidden" name="Action" value="$Env{"Action"}"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="Subaction" value="StoreNew"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="$QData{"FormID"}"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="ExpandCustomerName" id="ExpandCustomerName" value="0"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="OwnerAll" id="OwnerAll" value="$QData{"OwnerAll"}"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="ResponsibleAll" id="ResponsibleAll" value="$QData{"ResponsibleAll"}"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="PreSelectedCustomerUser" id="PreSelectedCustomerUser" value=""/>
                <input type="hidden" name="SelectedCustomerUser" id="SelectedCustomerUser" value="$QData{"CustomerUser"}"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="TicketID" value="$QData{"TicketID"}"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="LinkTicketID" value="$QData{"LinkTicketID"}"/>

                <fieldset class="TableLike">

# example template for customizations, see hidden form at the end of the file
#                    <label>$Text{"Templates"}:</label>
#                    <div class="Field">
#                        <button type="button" onclick="$('#Template1').submit()" value="$Text{"Example Template"}">$Text{"Example Template"}</button>
#                    </div>
#                    <div class="Clear"></div>
<!-- dtl:block:TicketType -->
                    <label class="Mandatory" for="TypeID"><span class="Marker">*</span> $Text{"Type"}:</label>
                    <div class="Field">
                        <div id="TypeIDError" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p></div>
                        <div id="TypeIDServerError" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p></div>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    $('#TypeID').bind('change', function (Event) {
        Core.AJAX.FormUpdate($('#NewN2NTicket'), 'AJAXUpdate', 'TypeID', ['NewUserID', 'NewResponsibleID', 'NextStateID', 'PriorityID', 'ServiceID', 'SLAID', 'SignKeyID', 'CryptKeyID', 'TicketFreeText1', 'TicketFreeText2', 'TicketFreeText3', 'TicketFreeText4', 'TicketFreeText5', 'TicketFreeText6', 'TicketFreeText7', 'TicketFreeText8', 'TicketFreeText9', 'TicketFreeText10', 'TicketFreeText11', 'TicketFreeText12', 'TicketFreeText13', 'TicketFreeText14', 'TicketFreeText15', 'TicketFreeText16', 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc']);
                    <div class="Clear"></div>
<!-- dtl:block:TicketType -->

                    <label class="Mandatory" for="CustomerAutoComplete"><span class="Marker">*</span> $Text{"From customer"}:</label>
                    <div class="Field">

                        <input id="CustomerAutoComplete" type="text" name="From" value="$QData{"From"}" class="W75pc AutocompleteOff Validate_Required $QData{"FromInvalid"}"/>
                        <div id="CustomerAutoCompleteError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
                            <p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p>
                        <div id="CustomerAutoCompleteServerError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
<!-- dtl:block:GenericServerErrorMsg -->
                            <p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p>
<!-- dtl:block:GenericServerErrorMsg -->
<!-- dtl:block:EmailInvalidConfigServerErrorMsg -->
                            <p>$Text{"This email address is not allowed due to the system configuration."}</p>
<!-- dtl:block:EmailInvalidConfigServerErrorMsg -->
<!-- dtl:block:EmailInvalidMXServerErrorMsg -->
                            <p>$Text{"This email address failed MX check."}</p>
<!-- dtl:block:EmailInvalidMXServerErrorMsg -->
<!-- dtl:block:EmailInvalidSyntaxServerErrorMsg -->
                            <p>$Text{"The syntax of this email address is incorrect."}</p>
<!-- dtl:block:EmailInvalidSyntaxServerErrorMsg -->
                    <div class="Clear"></div>

                    <label class="Mandatory" for="Dest"><span class="Marker">*</span> $Text{"To queue"}:</label>
                    <div class="Field">
                        <div id="DestError" class="TooltipErrorMessage" ><p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p></div>
                        <div id="DestServerError" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p></div>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    $('#Dest').bind('change', function (Event) {
        Core.AJAX.FormUpdate($('#NewN2NTicket'), 'AJAXUpdate', 'Dest', ['NewUserID', 'NewResponsibleID', 'NextStateID', 'PriorityID', 'ServiceID', 'SLAID', 'SignKeyID', 'CryptKeyID', 'TicketFreeText1', 'TicketFreeText2', 'TicketFreeText3', 'TicketFreeText4', 'TicketFreeText5', 'TicketFreeText6', 'TicketFreeText7', 'TicketFreeText8', 'TicketFreeText9', 'TicketFreeText10', 'TicketFreeText11', 'TicketFreeText12', 'TicketFreeText13', 'TicketFreeText14', 'TicketFreeText15', 'TicketFreeText16', 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc']);
                    <div class="Clear"></div>

<!-- dtl:block:TicketService -->
                    <label for="ServiceID">$Text{"Service"}:</label>
                    <div class="Field">
                        <div id="ServiceIDServerError" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>$Text{"Service invalid."}</p></div>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    $('#ServiceID').bind('change', function (Event) {
        Core.AJAX.FormUpdate($('#NewN2NTicket'), 'AJAXUpdate', 'ServiceID', ['NewUserID', 'NewResponsibleID', 'NextStateID', 'PriorityID', 'SLAID', 'SignKeyID', 'CryptKeyID', 'TicketFreeText1', 'TicketFreeText2', 'TicketFreeText3', 'TicketFreeText4', 'TicketFreeText5', 'TicketFreeText6', 'TicketFreeText7', 'TicketFreeText8', 'TicketFreeText9', 'TicketFreeText10', 'TicketFreeText11', 'TicketFreeText12', 'TicketFreeText13', 'TicketFreeText14', 'TicketFreeText15', 'TicketFreeText16', 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc']);
                    <div class="Clear"></div>
<!-- dtl:block:TicketService -->

<!-- dtl:block:TicketSLA -->
                    <label for="SLAID">$Text{"Service Level Agreement"}:</label>
                    <div class="Field">
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    $('#SLAID').bind('change', function (Event) {
        Core.AJAX.FormUpdate($('#NewN2NTicket'), 'AJAXUpdate', 'SLAID', ['NewUserID', 'NewResponsibleID', 'NextStateID', 'PriorityID', 'SignKeyID', 'CryptKeyID', 'TicketFreeText1', 'TicketFreeText2', 'TicketFreeText3', 'TicketFreeText4', 'TicketFreeText5', 'TicketFreeText6', 'TicketFreeText7', 'TicketFreeText8', 'TicketFreeText9', 'TicketFreeText10', 'TicketFreeText11', 'TicketFreeText12', 'TicketFreeText13', 'TicketFreeText14', 'TicketFreeText15', 'TicketFreeText16', 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc']);
                    <div class="Clear"></div>
<!-- dtl:block:TicketSLA -->

<!-- dtl:block:OwnerSelection -->
                    <label for="NewUserID">$Text{"Owner"}:</label>
                    <div class="Field">
                        <a href="#" id="OwnerSelectionGetAll" class="GetAllAJAX" title="$Text{"Get all"}">$Text{"Get all"}</a>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    $('#OwnerSelectionGetAll').bind('click', function (Event) {
        $('#OwnerAll').val('1'); // Needed? Why?
        Core.AJAX.FormUpdate($('#NewN2NTicket'), 'AJAXUpdate', 'OwnerAll', ['NewUserID'], function() {
        return false;
                    <div class="Clear"></div>
<!-- dtl:block:OwnerSelection -->

<!-- dtl:block:ResponsibleSelection -->
                    <label for="NewResponsibleID">$Text{"Responsible"}:</label>
                    <div class="Field">
                        <a href="#" id="ResponsibleSelectionGetAll" class="GetAllAJAX" title="$Text{"Get all"}">$Text{"Get all"}</a>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    $('#ResponsibleSelectionGetAll').bind('click', function (Event) {
        $('#ResponsibleAll').val('1'); // Needed? Why?
        Core.AJAX.FormUpdate($('#NewN2NTicket'), 'AJAXUpdate', 'ResponsibleAll', ['NewResponsibleID'], function() {
        return false;
                    <div class="Clear"></div>
<!-- dtl:block:ResponsibleSelection -->

                    <label class="Mandatory" for="Subject"><span class="Marker">*</span> $Text{"Subject"}:</label>
                    <div class="Field">
                        <input class="W75pc Validate_Required $QData{"SubjectInvalid"}" type="text" name="Subject" id="Subject" value="$QData{"Subject"}"/>
                        <div id="SubjectError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
                            <p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p>
                        <div id="SubjectServerError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
                            <p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p>
                    <div class="Clear"></div>

<!-- dtl:block:TicketOptions -->
                    <div class="Field">

<!-- OutputFilterHook_TicketOptionsBegin -->

<!-- dtl:block:SpellCheck -->
                        <a href="#" id="OptionSpellCheck">[ $Text{"Spell check"} ]</a>
<!-- dtl:block:SpellCheck -->

<!-- dtl:block:OptionCustomer -->
                        <a href="#" id="OptionCustomer">[ $Text{"Customer"} ]</a>
<!-- dtl:block:OptionCustomer -->

<!-- OutputFilterHook_TicketOptionsEnd -->

                    <div class="Clear"></div>
<!-- dtl:block:TicketOptions -->

<!-- OutputFilterHook_NoTicketOptionsFallback -->

                    <label class="Mandatory" for="RichText"><span class="Marker">*</span> $Text{"Text"}:</label>
                    <div class="RichTextField">

<!-- dtl:block:RichText -->
<!-- dtl:block:RichText -->
                        <textarea id="RichText" class="RichText Validate_Required $QData{"RichTextInvalid"}" name="Body" title="Message body" rows="15" cols="$Config{"Ticket::Frontend::TextAreaNote"}">$QData{"Body"}</textarea>
                        <div id="RichTextError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
                            <p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p>
                        <div id="RichTextServerError" class="TooltipErrorMessage">
                            <p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p>
                    <div class="Clear"></div>

                    <div class="Field">
<!-- dtl:block:Attachment -->
                                $QData{"Filename"} ($QData{"Filesize"})
                                <button type="submit" id="AttachmentDelete$QData{"FileID"}" name="AttachmentDelete$QData{"FileID"}" value="$Text{"Delete"}">$Text{"Delete"}</button>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    $('#AttachmentDelete$QData{"FileID"}').bind('click', function () {
<!-- dtl:block:Attachment -->
                                <input id="FileUpload" name="FileUpload" type="file" size="40" />
                                <input type="hidden" id="AttachmentUpload" name="AttachmentUpload" value="0" />
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    $('#FileUpload').bind('change', function () {
        var $Form = $('#FileUpload').closest('form');
                    <div class="Clear"></div>

                    <label for="CustomerID">$Text{"CustomerID"}:</label>
                    <div class="Field">
                        <input type="text" name="CustomerID" id="CustomerID" value="$QData{"CustomerID"}" class="W50pc"/>
                    <div class="Clear"></div>

                    <label for="NextStateID">$Text{"Next ticket state"}:</label>
                    <div class="Field">
                    <div class="Clear"></div>

                    <label>$Text{"Pending Date"} ($Text{"for pending* states"}):</label>
                    <div class="Field">
                        <div id="DayError" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>$Text{"Date invalid!"}</p></div>
                        <div id="HourError" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>$Text{"Date invalid!"}</p></div>
                    <div class="Clear"></div>

                    <label for="PriorityID">$Text{"Priority"}:</label>
                    <div class="Field">
                    <div class="Clear"></div>

<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeText -->
                    <div class="Field">
                    <div class="Clear"></div>
<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeText -->

# example of how to use fixed ticket freetext blocks for customizations
#<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeText1 -->
#                    $Data{"TicketFreeKeyField1"}
#                    <div class="Field">
#                        $Data{"TicketFreeTextField1"}
#                    </div>
#                    <div class="Clear"></div>
#<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeText1 -->
#<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeText2 -->
#                    $Data{"TicketFreeKeyField2"}
#                    <div class="Field">
#                        $Data{"TicketFreeTextField2"}
#                    </div>
#                    <div class="Clear"></div>
#<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeText2 -->

<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeTime -->
                    <div class="Field">
                        <div id="TicketFreeTime$Data{"Count"}UsedError" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p></div>
                    <div class="Clear"></div>
<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeTime -->

# example of how to use fixed ticket freetime blocks for customizations
#<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeTime1 -->
#                        <label>$Data{"TicketFreeTimeKey1"}:</label>
#                        <div class="Field">
#                            $Data{"TicketFreeTime1"}
#                        </div>
#                        <div class="Clear"></div>
#<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeTime1 -->
#<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeTime2 -->
#                        <label>$Data{"TicketFreeTimeKey2"}:</label>
#                        <div class="Field">
#                            $Data{"TicketFreeTime2"}
#                        </div>
#                        <div class="Clear"></div>
#<!-- dtl:block:TicketFreeTime2 -->

<!-- dtl:block:ArticleFreeText -->
                    <div class="Field">
                    <div class="Clear"></div>
<!-- dtl:block:ArticleFreeText -->

# example of how to use fixed article freetext blocks for customizations
#<!-- dtl:block:ArticleFreeText1 -->
#                        <label>$Data{"ArticleFreeKeyField1"}:</label>
#                        <div class="Field">
#                            $Data{"ArticleFreeKeyField1"}
#                        </div>
#                        <div class="Clear"></div>
#<!-- dtl:block:ArticleFreeText1 -->
#<!-- dtl:block:ArticleFreeText2 -->
#                        <label>$Data{"ArticleFreeKeyField2"}:</label>
#                        <div class="Field">
#                            $Data{"ArticleFreeTextField2"}
#                        </div>
#                        <div class="Clear"></div>
#<!-- dtl:block:ArticleFreeText2 -->

<!-- dtl:block:TimeUnitsLabel -->
                    <label for="TimeUnits">$Text{"Time units"}$Text{"$Config{"Ticket::Frontend::TimeUnits"}"}:</label>
<!-- dtl:block:TimeUnitsLabel -->
<!-- dtl:block:TimeUnitsLabelMandatory -->
                    <label class="Mandatory" for="TimeUnits"><span class="Marker">*</span> $Text{"Time units"}$Text{"$Config{"Ticket::Frontend::TimeUnits"}"}:</label>
<!-- dtl:block:TimeUnitsLabelMandatory -->
<!-- dtl:block:TimeUnits -->
                    <div class="Field">
                        <input type="text" class="W25pc Validate_TimeUnits $QData{"TimeUnitsRequired"} $QData{"TimeUnitsInvalid"}" name="TimeUnits" id="TimeUnits" value="$QData{"TimeUnits"}" />
                        <div id="TimeUnitsError" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>$Text{"Invalid time!"}</p></div>
                        <div id="TimeUnitsServerError" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>$Text{"This field is required."}</p></div>
                    <div class="Clear"></div>
<!-- dtl:block:TimeUnits -->
                    <div class="Field SpacingTop">
                        <button class="Primary" id="submitRichText" accesskey="g" title="$Text{"Create"} (g)" type="submit" value="$Text{"Create"}">$Text{"Create"}</button>
    <div id="CustomerTickets"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[

# example template form for customizations
#<form action="$Env{"CGIHandle"}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="Template1">
#    <input type="hidden" name="Action" value="$Env{"Action"}"/>
#    <input type="hidden" name="Subaction" value="StoreNew"/>
#    <input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="$QData{"FormID"}"/>
#    <input type="hidden" name="ExpandCustomerName" value="2"/>
#    <input type="hidden" name="Subject" value="Example Subject"/>
#    <input type="hidden" name="Body" value="Name:
Added the fallowing below

Code: Select all

<ConfigItem Name="Frontend::Module###AgentTicketN2N" Required="0" Valid="1">
        <Description Translatable="1">Frontend module registration for the agent interface.</Description>
                <Description>Create new N2N ticket</Description>
                <Title>New N2N ticket</Title>
                    <Description Translatable="1">Create new N2N ticket (outbound)</Description>
                    <Name Translatable="1">New N2N ticket</Name>
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Znuny expert
Posts: 250
Joined: 12 Oct 2010, 01:35
Znuny Version: 3.0.9
Company: LRS Health

Re: Trying to Add new Way to Open Cases

Post by MichaelR »

You need to go into 'Ticket -> Frontend::Agent::ModuleRegistration' and enable your module.

Then it should appear?
OTRS: 3.0.9 & ITSM 3.0.4 - OS: Windows 7 - DB: MySQL - Heaps of random/useful hacks :)
[Major Code Changes]
Ability to search ArticleFreeText
Znuny newbie
Posts: 21
Joined: 27 May 2011, 00:14
Znuny Version: 3.0.7
Real Name: Michael A Martin

Re: Trying to Add new Way to Open Cases

Post by pitchblack408 »

I opened the system config in the gui and this is the screenshot. It appears that the module is already enabled. Any other ideas?
enable your module.jpg
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Znuny expert
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Znuny Version: 3.0.9
Company: LRS Health

Re: Trying to Add new Way to Open Cases

Post by MichaelR »

Maybe make the Group = Users? I'm running out of ideas :)
OTRS: 3.0.9 & ITSM 3.0.4 - OS: Windows 7 - DB: MySQL - Heaps of random/useful hacks :)
[Major Code Changes]
Ability to search ArticleFreeText
Znuny newbie
Posts: 21
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Znuny Version: 3.0.7
Real Name: Michael A Martin

Re: Trying to Add new Way to Open Cases

Post by pitchblack408 »

Ok, so I am looking at the template and working backwards. The template that appears to control the Navigation bar is the file called "AgentNavigationBar.dtl" If you look at the code there is the section called "ItemAreaSubItem" This appears to be the section that controls the generation of the html for the toolbar. If you look closer their are commands that reference data using template commands. The definition of the commands are in ... r_book.pdf pg 24.

So, my new question are:
How do I find where the data is being stored?
Is it in the DB or are they variables being set in other modules?
How do I look at it?
How do I see the current values?
How do I modify or add new values to those varibles?

These are the parameters used the the template with the description from the "otrs Developer Book."
$Data-data parameters are given to the templates by the application module

$QData-This command has the same function as $Data{""}, but it performs HTML quoting on the data as it
is inserted to the template.

$Env-Inserts the environment variable with the name specified in {""}.

$Text-Translates the enclosed string into the current user's selected language and performs HTML quoting on the
resulting string. If no translation is found, the original string will be used.

Here is the code that determines what is displayed in the tool bar under Tickets.

Code: Select all

<!-- dtl:block:ItemAreaSubItem -->
                    <li id="nav-$QData{"NameTop"}-$QData{"NameForID"}">
                        <a href="$Env{"Baselink"}$Data{"Link"}" title="$Text{"$Data{"Description"}"}$QData{"AccessKeyReference"}" accesskey="$QData{"AccessKey"}" $Data{"LinkOption"}>$Text{"$Data{"Name"}"}</a>
Znuny newbie
Posts: 21
Joined: 27 May 2011, 00:14
Znuny Version: 3.0.7
Real Name: Michael A Martin

Re: Trying to Add new Way to Open Cases

Post by pitchblack408 »

So am I right to assume "NameTop" is a variable or is it a module? I am really lost here.
Znuny expert
Posts: 250
Joined: 12 Oct 2010, 01:35
Znuny Version: 3.0.9
Company: LRS Health

Re: Trying to Add new Way to Open Cases

Post by MichaelR »

I'll get around to helping you eventually, just I'm pretty busy atm :)

Usually a .dtl will be loaded from an associated .pm file in Kernel/Modules or even Kernel/System. In this .pm file you will find the variable definitions etc.
QData/Data etc are all ways to display a variable Perl has passed through (which is set in the associated .pm file)!

Hopefully this helps for the moment.
OTRS: 3.0.9 & ITSM 3.0.4 - OS: Windows 7 - DB: MySQL - Heaps of random/useful hacks :)
[Major Code Changes]
Ability to search ArticleFreeText
Znuny newbie
Posts: 21
Joined: 27 May 2011, 00:14
Znuny Version: 3.0.7
Real Name: Michael A Martin

Re: Trying to Add new Way to Open Cases

Post by pitchblack408 »

Well I have searched for a in the entire directory and no results. So, if a module is passing in values what module is it? I guess that is the next question.
Znuny expert
Posts: 250
Joined: 12 Oct 2010, 01:35
Znuny Version: 3.0.9
Company: LRS Health

Re: Trying to Add new Way to Open Cases

Post by MichaelR »

They sometimes are not the same name, but the .pm you are most likely looking for is in Kernel/Output/HTML

If you are working backwards from your module not appearing, the template isn't where to start I would think. If your module is appearing in the Sysconfig, but not in your dashboard, make sure they are set up right.

In the screen shot from your sysconfig the priority is set to 200, which is the same as the Create new Phone Ticket, can you set it to like 230? Just look through your menu settings and make sure you are not overwriting any existing settings placed by other modules. E.g. two entries with the same priority.
OTRS: 3.0.9 & ITSM 3.0.4 - OS: Windows 7 - DB: MySQL - Heaps of random/useful hacks :)
[Major Code Changes]
Ability to search ArticleFreeText
Znuny newbie
Posts: 21
Joined: 27 May 2011, 00:14
Znuny Version: 3.0.7
Real Name: Michael A Martin

Re: Trying to Add new Way to Open Cases

Post by pitchblack408 »

It appears that this is the module that controls the front end layout. It appears that this is what I was looking for. Now it is a matter or finding out which module creates the toolbar and instantiates the values under Ticket in the toolbar.

Code: Select all

# --
# Kernel/Output/HTML/ - provides generic HTML output
# Copyright (C) 2001-2011 xxx,
# --
# $Id:,v 1.351.2.5 2011/03/16 15:28:16 mg Exp $
# --
# This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
# the enclosed file COPYING for license information (AGPL). If you
# did not receive this file, see
# --

package Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Kernel::Language;
use Kernel::System::HTMLUtils;
use Kernel::System::JSON;
use Mail::Address;

use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
$VERSION = qw($Revision: 1.351.2.5 $) [1];

=head1 NAME

Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout - all generic html functions


All generic html functions. E. g. to get options fields, template processing, ...


=over 4


=item new()

create a new object

    use Kernel::Config;
    use Kernel::System::Encode;
    use Kernel::System::Log;
    use Kernel::System::Time;
    use Kernel::System::Main;
    use Kernel::System::Web::Request;
    use Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout;

    my $ConfigObject = Kernel::Config->new();
    my $EncodeObject = Kernel::System::Encode->new(
        ConfigObject => $ConfigObject,
    my $LogObject = Kernel::System::Log->new(
        ConfigObject => $ConfigObject,
        EncodeObject => $EncodeObject,
    my $MainObject = Kernel::System::Main->new(
        ConfigObject => $ConfigObject,
        EncodeObject => $EncodeObject,
        LogObject    => $LogObject,
    my $TimeObject = Kernel::System::Time->new(
        ConfigObject => $ConfigObject,
        LogObject    => $LogObject,
    my $RequestObject = Kernel::System::Web::Request->new(
        ConfigObject => $ConfigObject,
        LogObject    => $LogObject,
        EncodeObject => $EncodeObject,
        MainObject   => $MainObject,
    my $LayoutObject = Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout->new(
        ConfigObject  => $ConfigObject,
        LogObject     => $LogObject,
        MainObject    => $MainObject,
        TimeObject    => $TimeObject,
        RequestObject => $RequestObject,
        EncodeObject  => $EncodeObject,
        Lang          => 'de',

    in addition for NavigationBar() you need


sub new {
    my ( $Type, %Param ) = @_;

    # allocate new hash for object
    my $Self = {%Param};
    bless( $Self, $Type );

    # set debug
    $Self->{Debug} = 0;

    # check needed objects
    # Attention: NavigationBar() needs also SessionObject and some other objects
    for my $Object (qw(ConfigObject LogObject TimeObject MainObject EncodeObject ParamObject)) {
        if ( !$Self->{$Object} ) {
                Priority => 'error',
                Message  => "Got no $Object!",

    # create additional objects
    $Self->{HTMLUtilsObject} = Kernel::System::HTMLUtils->new( %{$Self} );
    $Self->{JSONObject}      = Kernel::System::JSON->new( %{$Self} );

    # reset block data
    delete $Self->{BlockData};

    # get/set some common params
    if ( !$Self->{UserTheme} ) {
        $Self->{UserTheme} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('DefaultTheme');

    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('TimeZoneUser') && $Self->{UserTimeZone} ) {
        $Self->{UserTimeObject} = Kernel::System::Time->new(%Param);
    else {
        $Self->{UserTimeObject} = $Self->{TimeObject};
        $Self->{UserTimeZone}   = '';

    # get use language (from browser) if no language is there!
    if ( !$Self->{UserLanguage} ) {
        my $BrowserLang = $Self->{Lang} || $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE} || '';
        my %Data = %{ $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('DefaultUsedLanguages') };
        for my $Language ( reverse sort keys %Data ) {

            # check xx_XX and xx-XX type
            my $LanguageOtherType = $Language;
            $LanguageOtherType =~ s/_/-/;
            if ( $BrowserLang =~ /^($Language|$LanguageOtherType)/i ) {
                $Self->{UserLanguage} = $Language;
                last LANGUAGE;
        $Self->{UserLanguage} ||= $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('DefaultLanguage') || 'en';

    # create language object
    if ( !$Self->{LanguageObject} ) {
        $Self->{LanguageObject} = Kernel::Language->new(
            UserTimeZone => $Self->{UserTimeZone},
            UserLanguage => $Self->{UserLanguage},
            LogObject    => $Self->{LogObject},
            ConfigObject => $Self->{ConfigObject},
            EncodeObject => $Self->{EncodeObject},
            MainObject   => $Self->{MainObject},
            Action       => $Self->{Action},

    # set charset if there is no charset given
    $Self->{UserCharset} = $Self->{LanguageObject}->GetRecommendedCharset();
    $Self->{Charset}     = $Self->{UserCharset};                               # just for compat.
    $Self->{SessionID}   = $Param{SessionID} || '';
    $Self->{SessionName} = $Param{SessionName} || 'SessionID';
    $Self->{CGIHandle}   = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} || 'No-$ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"}';

    # baselink
    $Self->{Baselink} = $Self->{CGIHandle} . '?';
    $Self->{Time}     = $Self->{LanguageObject}->Time(
        Action => 'GET',
        Format => 'DateFormat',
    $Self->{TimeLong} = $Self->{LanguageObject}->Time(
        Action => 'GET',
        Format => 'DateFormatLong',

    # set text direction
    $Self->{TextDirection} = $Self->{LanguageObject}->{TextDirection};

    # check Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre
    $Self->{FilterElementPre} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre');

    # check Frontend::Output::FilterElementPost
    $Self->{FilterElementPost} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPost');

    # check Frontend::Output::FilterContent
    $Self->{FilterContent} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterContent');

    # check Frontend::Output::FilterText
    $Self->{FilterText} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterText');

    # check browser (defaut is IE because I don't have IE)
    $Self->{Browser} = 'Unknown';

    $Self->{BrowserJavaScriptSupport} = 1;
    $Self->{BrowserRichText}          = 1;

    my $HttpUserAgent = lc $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT};
    if ( !$HttpUserAgent ) {
        $Self->{Browser} = 'Unknown - no $ENV{"HTTP_USER_AGENT"}';
    elsif ($HttpUserAgent) {

        # msie
        if (
            $HttpUserAgent =~ /msie\s([0-9.]+)/
            || $HttpUserAgent =~ /internet\sexplorer\/([0-9.]+)/
            $Self->{Browser} = 'MSIE';

            # For IE 5.5 - 8.0, we break the header in a special way that makes
            # things work. I don't really want to know.
            if ( $1 =~ /(\d)\.(\d)/ ) {
                $Self->{BrowserMajorVersion} = $1;
                $Self->{BrowserMinorVersion} = $2;
                if (
                    $1 == 5
                    && $2 == 5
                    || $1 == 6 && $2 == 0
                    || $1 == 7 && $2 == 0
                    || $1 == 8 && $2 == 0
                    $Self->{BrowserBreakDispositionHeader} = 1;

# In IE up to version 8, there is a technical limitation for < 32
#   CSS file links. Subsequent links will be ignored. Therefore
#   the loader must be activated for delivering CSS to this browser.
#   The loader will concatenate and minify the files, resulting in
#   very few CSS file links.
#   See also
                if ( $1 <= 8 ) {
                        Key   => 'Loader::Enabled::CSS',
                        Value => 1,

        # safari
        elsif ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /safari/ ) {
            $Self->{Browser} = 'Safari';

            # on iphone disable rich text editor
            if ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /iphone\sos/ ) {
                $Self->{BrowserRichText} = 0;

            # on ipad disable rich text editor
            elsif ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /ipad;\s/ ) {
                $Self->{BrowserRichText} = 0;

            # on android disable rich text editor
            elsif ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /android/ ) {
                $Self->{BrowserRichText} = 0;

            # chrome
            elsif ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /chrome/ ) {
                $Self->{Browser} = 'Chrome';

        # konqueror
        elsif ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /konqueror/ ) {
            $Self->{Browser} = 'Konqueror';

            # on konquerer disable rich text editor
            $Self->{BrowserRichText} = 0;

        # mozilla
        elsif ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /^mozilla/ ) {
            $Self->{Browser} = 'Mozilla';

        # opera
        elsif ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /^opera.*/ ) {
            $Self->{Browser} = 'Opera';

        # netscape
        elsif ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /netscape/ ) {
            $Self->{Browser} = 'Netscape';

        # w3m
        elsif ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /^w3m.*/ ) {
            $Self->{Browser}                  = 'w3m';
            $Self->{BrowserJavaScriptSupport} = 0;

        # lynx
        elsif ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /^lynx.*/ ) {
            $Self->{Browser}                  = 'Lynx';
            $Self->{BrowserJavaScriptSupport} = 0;

        # links
        elsif ( $HttpUserAgent =~ /^links.*/ ) {
            $Self->{Browser} = 'Links';
        else {
            $Self->{Browser} = 'Unknown - ' . $HttpUserAgent;

    # check if rich text can be active
    if ( !$Self->{BrowserJavaScriptSupport} || !$Self->{BrowserRichText} ) {
            Key   => 'Frontend::RichText',
            Value => 0,

    # check if rich text is active
    if ( !$Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::RichText') ) {
        $Self->{BrowserRichText} = 0;

    # check if spell check should be active
    if ( $Self->{BrowserJavaScriptSupport} && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('SpellChecker') ) {
        if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::RichText') ) {
            $Self->{BrowserSpellCheckerInline} = 1;
        else {
            $Self->{BrowserSpellChecker} = 1;

    # load theme
    my $Theme = $Self->{UserTheme} || $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('DefaultTheme') || 'Standard';

    # force a theme based on host name
    my $DefaultThemeHostBased = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('DefaultTheme::HostBased');
    if ( $DefaultThemeHostBased && $ENV{HTTP_HOST} ) {
        for my $RegExp ( sort keys %{$DefaultThemeHostBased} ) {

            # do not use empty regexp or theme directories
            next if !$RegExp;
            next if $RegExp eq '';
            next if !$DefaultThemeHostBased->{$RegExp};

            # check if regexp is matching
            if ( $ENV{HTTP_HOST} =~ /$RegExp/i ) {
                $Theme = $DefaultThemeHostBased->{$RegExp};

    # locate template files
    $Self->{TemplateDir} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('TemplateDir') . '/HTML/' . $Theme;
    if ( !-e $Self->{TemplateDir} ) {
            Priority => 'error',
            Message =>
                "No existing template directory found ('$Self->{TemplateDir}')! Check your Home in Kernel/",

# FRAMEWORK-2.5: define $Env{"Images"} (only for compat till 2.5, use $Config{"Frontend::ImagePath"})
    $Self->{Images} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::ImagePath');

    # load sub layout files
    my $Dir = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('TemplateDir') . '/HTML';
    if ( -e $Dir ) {
        my @Files = $Self->{MainObject}->DirectoryRead(
            Directory => $Dir,
            Filter    => 'Layout*.pm',
        for my $File (@Files) {
            if ( $File !~ /$/ ) {
                $File =~ s{\A.*\/(.+?).pm\z}{$1}xms;
                if ( !$Self->{MainObject}->Require("Kernel::Output::HTML::$File") ) {
                push @ISA, "Kernel::Output::HTML::$File";

    return $Self;

sub SetEnv {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    for (qw(Key Value)) {
        if ( !defined $Param{$_} ) {
            $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => "Need $_!" );
    $Self->{EnvNewRef}->{ $Param{Key} } = $Param{Value};
    return 1;

=item Block()

use a dtl block

        Name => 'Row',
        Data => {
            Time     => $Row[0],
            Priority => $Row[1],
            Facility => $Row[2],
            Message  => $Row[3],


sub Block {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    if ( !$Param{Name} ) {
        $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => 'Need Name!' );
    push @{ $Self->{BlockData} }, { Name => $Param{Name}, Data => $Param{Data} };

=item Output()

generates HTML output based on a template file.

Using a template file:

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->Output(
        TemplateFile => 'AdminLog',
        Data         => \%Param,

Using a template string:

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->Output(
        Template     => '<b>$QData{"SomeKey"}</b>',
        Data         => \%Param,

Additional parameters:

KeepScriptTags - this causes <!-- dtl:js_on_document_complete --> blocks NOT
to be replaced. This is important to be able to generate snippets which can be cached.

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->Output(
        TemplateFile   => 'AdminLog',
        Data           => \%Param,
        KeepScriptTags => 1,


sub Output {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get and check param Data
    if ( $Param{Data} ) {
        if ( ref $Param{Data} ne 'HASH' ) {
                Priority => 'error',
                Message  => "Need HashRef in Param Data! Got: '" . ref( $Param{Data} ) . "'!",
    else {
        $Param{Data} = {};

    # fill init Env
    if ( !$Self->{EnvRef} ) {
        %{ $Self->{EnvRef} } = %ENV;

        # all $Self->{*}
        for ( keys %{$Self} ) {
            if ( defined $Self->{$_} && !ref $Self->{$_} ) {
                $Self->{EnvRef}->{$_} = $Self->{$_};

    # add new env
    if ( $Self->{EnvNewRef} ) {
        for ( %{ $Self->{EnvNewRef} } ) {
            $Self->{EnvRef}->{$_} = $Self->{EnvNewRef}->{$_};
        undef $Self->{EnvNewRef};

    # read template from filesystem
    my $TemplateString = '';
    if ( $Param{TemplateFile} ) {
        my $File = '';
        if ( -f "$Self->{TemplateDir}/$Param{TemplateFile}.dtl" ) {
            $File = "$Self->{TemplateDir}/$Param{TemplateFile}.dtl";
        else {
            $File = "$Self->{TemplateDir}/../Standard/$Param{TemplateFile}.dtl";
        if ( open my $TEMPLATEIN, '<', $File ) {
            $TemplateString = do { local $/; <$TEMPLATEIN> };
            close $TEMPLATEIN;
        else {
                Priority => 'error',
                Message  => "Can't read $File: $!",

    # take templates from string/array
    elsif ( defined $Param{Template} && ref $Param{Template} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        for ( @{ $Param{Template} } ) {
            $TemplateString .= $_;
    elsif ( defined $Param{Template} ) {
        $TemplateString = $Param{Template};
    else {
            Priority => 'error',
            Message  => 'Need Template or TemplateFile Param!',

    # custom pre filters
    if ( $Self->{FilterElementPre} ) {
        my %Filters = %{ $Self->{FilterElementPre} };
        for my $Filter ( sort keys %Filters ) {
            next if !$Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Filters{$Filter}->{Module} );
            my $Object = $Filters{$Filter}->{Module}->new(
                LayoutObject => $Self,

            # run module
                %{ $Filters{$Filter} },
                Data => \$TemplateString,
                TemplateFile => $Param{TemplateFile} || '',

    # filtering of comment lines
    $TemplateString =~ s/^#.*\n//gm;

    my $Output = $Self->_Output(
        Template     => $TemplateString,
        Data         => $Param{Data},
        BlockReplace => 1,
        TemplateFile => $Param{TemplateFile} || '',

    # do time translation (with seconds)
    $Output =~ s{

    # do time translation (without seconds)
    $Output =~ s{
        $Self->{LanguageObject}->FormatTimeString($1, undef, 'NoSeconds');

    # do date translation
    $Output =~ s{
        $Self->{LanguageObject}->FormatTimeString($1, 'DateFormatShort');

    # do translation
    $Output =~ s{
            Text => $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get($1),

    $Output =~ s{
            Text => $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get($1),
            Type => 'JSText',

    # do html quote
    $Output =~ s{
        my $Text = $1;
        if ( !defined $Text || $Text =~ /^",\s*"(.+)$/ ) {
        elsif ($Text =~ /^(.+?)",\s*"(.+)$/) {
            $Self->Ascii2Html(Text => $1, Max => $2);
        else {
            $Self->Ascii2Html(Text => $Text);

    # rewrite forms, add challenge token : <form action="" method="get">
    if ( $Self->{SessionID} && $Self->{UserChallengeToken} ) {
        my $UserChallengeToken = $Self->Ascii2Html( Text => $Self->{UserChallengeToken} );
        $Output =~ s{
            my $Form = $1;
            if ( lc $Form =~ m{^http s? :}smx ) {
            else {
                $Form . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ChallengeToken\" value=\"$UserChallengeToken\"/>";

    # Check if the browser sends the session id cookie!
    # If not, add the session id to the links and forms!
    if ( $Self->{SessionID} && !$Self->{SessionIDCookie} ) {

        # rewrite a hrefs
        $Output =~ s{
            my $AHref   = $1;
            my $Target  = $2;
            my $End     = $3;
            my $RealEnd = $4;
            if ( lc $Target =~ /^(http:|https:|#|ftp:)/ ||
                $Target !~ /\.(pl|php|cgi|fcg|fcgi|fpl)(\?|$)/ ||
                $Target =~ /(\?|&)\Q$Self->{SessionName}\E=/) {
            else {

        # rewrite img and iframe src
        $Output =~ s{
            my $AHref = $1;
            my $Target = $2;
            my $End = $3;
            if (lc $Target =~ m{^http s? :}smx || !$Self->{SessionID} ||
                $Target !~ /\.(pl|php|cgi|fcg|fcgi|fpl)(\?|$)/ ||
                $Target =~ /\Q$Self->{SessionName}\E/) {
            else {

        # rewrite forms: <form action="" method="get">
        my $SessionID = $Self->Ascii2Html( Text => $Self->{SessionID} );
        $Output =~ s{
            my $Form = $1;
            if ( lc $Form =~ m{^http s? :}smx ) {
            else {
                $Form . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$Self->{SessionName}\" value=\"$SessionID\"/>";

    # custom post filters
    if ( $Self->{FilterElementPost} ) {
        my %Filters = %{ $Self->{FilterElementPost} };
        for my $Filter ( sort keys %Filters ) {
            next if !$Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Filters{$Filter}->{Module} );
            my $Object = $Filters{$Filter}->{Module}->new(
                LayoutObject => $Self,

            # run module
                %{ $Filters{$Filter} },
                Data => \$Output,
                TemplateFile => $Param{TemplateFile} || '',

    # Cut out all dtl:js_on_document_complete tags. These will be inserted to the
    #   place with the js_on_document_complete_placeholder in the page footer if
    #   it is present.
    # This must be done after the post output filters, so that they can also inject
    #   and mofiy existing script tags.

    if ( !$Param{KeepScriptTags} ) {

        # find document ready
        $Output =~ s{
                if (!$Self->{JSOnDocumentComplete}->{$1}) {
                    $Self->{JSOnDocumentComplete}->{$1} = 1;
                    $Self->{EnvRef}->{JSOnDocumentComplete} .= $Self->_RemoveScriptTags(Code => $1);

        # replace document ready placeholder (only if it's not included via $Include{""})
        if ( !$Param{Include} ) {
            $Output =~ s{
                if ( $Self->{EnvRef}->{JSOnDocumentComplete} ) {
                else {

    return $Output;

=item JSONEncode()

Encode perl data structure to JSON string

    my $JSON = $LayoutObject->JSONEncode(
        Data        => $Data,
        NoQuotes    => 0|1, # optional: no double quotes at the start and the end of JSON string


sub JSONEncode {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check for needed data
    return if !$Param{Data};

    # get JSON encoded data
    my $JSON = $Self->{JSONObject}->Encode(
        Data => $Param{Data},
    ) || '""';

    # remove trailing and trailing double quotes if requested
    if ( $Param{NoQuotes} ) {
        $JSON =~ s{ \A "(.*)" \z }{$1}smx;

    return $JSON;

=item Redirect()

return html for browser to redirect

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->Redirect(
        OP => "Action=AdminUserGroup;Subaction=User;ID=$UserID",

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->Redirect(
        ExtURL => "",


sub Redirect {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # add cookies if exists
    my $Cookies = '';
    if ( $Self->{SetCookies} && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('SessionUseCookie') ) {
        for ( keys %{ $Self->{SetCookies} } ) {
            $Cookies .= "Set-Cookie: $Self->{SetCookies}->{$_}\n";

    # create & return output
    if ( $Param{ExtURL} ) {

        # external redirect
        $Param{Redirect} = $Param{ExtURL};
        return $Cookies . $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'Redirect', Data => \%Param );

    # set baselink
    $Param{Redirect} = $Self->{Baselink};

    if ( $Param{OP} ) {

        # Filter out hazardous characters
        if ( $Param{OP} =~ s{\x00}{}smxg ) {
                Priority => 'error',
                Message  => 'Someone tries to use a null bytes (\x00) character in redirect!',

        if ( $Param{OP} =~ s{\r}{}smxg ) {
                Priority => 'error',
                Message  => 'Someone tries to use a carriage return character in redirect!',

        if ( $Param{OP} =~ s{\n}{}smxg ) {
                Priority => 'error',
                Message  => 'Someone tries to use a newline character in redirect!',

        # internal redirect
        $Param{OP} =~ s/^.*\?(.+?)$/$1/;
        $Param{Redirect} .= $Param{OP};

    # check if IIS is used, add absolute url for IIS workaround
    # see also:
    #  o
    #  o;en-us;221154
    if ( $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} =~ /^microsoft\-iis/i ) {
        my $Host = $ENV{HTTP_HOST} || $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('FQDN');
        my $HttpType = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('HttpType');
        $Param{Redirect} = $HttpType . '://' . $Host . '/' . $Param{Redirect};
    my $Output = $Cookies . $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'Redirect', Data => \%Param );

    # add session id to redirect if no cookie is enabled
    if ( !$Self->{SessionIDCookie} ) {

        # rewrite location header
        $Output =~ s{
            my $Start  = $1;
            my $Target = $2;
            my $End = '';
            if ($Target =~ /^(.+?)#(|.+?)$/) {
                $Target = $1;
                $End = "#$2";
            if ($Target =~ /http/i || !$Self->{SessionID}) {
            else {
                if ($Target =~ /(\?|&)$/) {
                elsif ($Target !~ /\?/) {
                elsif ($Target =~ /\?/) {
                else {
    return $Output;

sub Login {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # set Action parameter for the loader
    $Self->{Action} = 'Login';

    # add cookies if exists
    my $Output = '';
    if ( $Self->{SetCookies} && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('SessionUseCookie') ) {
        for ( keys %{ $Self->{SetCookies} } ) {
            $Output .= "Set-Cookie: $Self->{SetCookies}->{$_}\n";

    # get message of the day
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('ShowMotd') ) {
        $Param{Motd} = $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'Motd', Data => \%Param );

    # get lost password y
    if (
        && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('AuthModule') eq 'Kernel::System::Auth::DB'
            Name => 'LostPasswordLink',
            Data => \%Param,

            Name => 'LostPassword',
            Data => \%Param,

   # Generate the minified CSS and JavaScript files and the tags referencing them (see LayoutLoader)

    # Add header logo, if configured
    if ( defined $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('AgentLogo') ) {
        my %AgentLogo = %{ $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('AgentLogo') };
        my %Data;

        for my $CSSStatement ( keys %AgentLogo ) {
            if ( $CSSStatement eq 'URL' ) {
                my $WebPath = '';
                if ( $AgentLogo{$CSSStatement} !~ /(http|ftp|https):\//i ) {
                    $WebPath = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::WebPath');
                $Data{'URL'} = 'url(' . $WebPath . $AgentLogo{$CSSStatement} . ')';
            else {
                $Data{$CSSStatement} = $AgentLogo{$CSSStatement};

            Name => 'HeaderLogoCSS',
            Data => \%Data,

    # add login logo, if configured
    if ( defined $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('AgentLoginLogo') ) {
        my %AgentLoginLogo = %{ $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('AgentLoginLogo') };
        my %Data;

        for my $CSSStatement ( keys %AgentLoginLogo ) {
            if ( $CSSStatement eq 'URL' ) {
                my $WebPath = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::WebPath');
                $Data{'URL'} = 'url(' . $WebPath . $AgentLoginLogo{$CSSStatement} . ')';
            else {
                $Data{$CSSStatement} = $AgentLoginLogo{$CSSStatement};

            Name => 'LoginLogoCSS',
            Data => \%Data,

            Name => 'LoginLogo'

    # create & return output
    $Output .= $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'Login', Data => \%Param );

    # remove the version tag from the header if configured
    $Self->_DisableBannerCheck( OutputRef => \$Output );

    return $Output;

sub ChallengeTokenCheck {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # return if feature is disabled
    return 1 if !$Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('SessionCSRFProtection');

    # get challenge token and check it
    my $ChallengeToken = $Self->{ParamObject}->GetParam( Param => 'ChallengeToken' ) || '';

    # check regular ChallengeToken
    return 1 if $ChallengeToken eq $Self->{UserChallengeToken};

    # check ChallengeToken of all own sessions
    my @Sessions = $Self->{SessionObject}->GetAllSessionIDs();
    for my $SessionID (@Sessions) {
        my %Data = $Self->{SessionObject}->GetSessionIDData( SessionID => $SessionID );
        next if !$Data{UserID};
        next if $Data{UserID} ne $Self->{UserID};
        next if !$Data{UserChallengeToken};

        # check ChallengeToken
        return 1 if $ChallengeToken eq $Data{UserChallengeToken};

    # no valid token found
        Message => 'Invalid Challenge Token!',

    # ChallengeToken ok

sub FatalError {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    if ( $Param{Message} ) {
            Caller   => 1,
            Priority => 'error',
            Message  => $Param{Message},
    my $Output = $Self->Header( Area => 'Frontend', Title => 'Fatal Error' );
    $Output .= $Self->Error(%Param);
    $Output .= $Self->Footer();
    $Self->Print( Output => \$Output );

sub SecureMode {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Output = $Self->Header( Area => 'Frontend', Title => 'Secure Mode' );
    $Output .= $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'AdminSecureMode', Data => \%Param );
    $Output .= $Self->Footer();
    $Self->Print( Output => \$Output );

sub FatalDie {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    if ( $Param{Message} ) {
            Caller   => 1,
            Priority => 'error',
            Message  => $Param{Message},

    # get backend error messages
    for (qw(Message Traceback)) {
        my $Backend = 'Backend' . $_;
        $Param{$Backend} = $Self->{LogObject}->GetLogEntry(
            Type => 'Error',
            What => $_
        ) || '';
        $Param{$Backend} = $Self->Ascii2Html(
            Text           => $Param{$Backend},
            HTMLResultMode => 1,
    if ( !$Param{Message} ) {
        $Param{Message} = $Param{BackendMessage};
    die $Param{Message};

sub ErrorScreen {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Output = $Self->Header( Title => 'Error' );
    $Output .= $Self->Error(%Param);
    $Output .= $Self->Footer();
    return $Output;

sub Error {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get backend error messages
    for (qw(Message Traceback)) {
        my $Backend = 'Backend' . $_;
        $Param{$Backend} = $Self->{LogObject}->GetLogEntry(
            Type => 'Error',
            What => $_
        ) || '';
    if ( !$Param{BackendMessage} && !$Param{BackendTraceback} ) {
            Priority => 'error',
            Message => $Param{Message} || '?',
        for (qw(Message Traceback)) {
            my $Backend = 'Backend' . $_;
            $Param{$Backend} = $Self->{LogObject}->GetLogEntry(
                Type => 'Error',
                What => $_
            ) || '';
    if ( !$Param{Message} ) {
        $Param{Message} = $Param{BackendMessage};
    $Param{Message} =~ s/^(.{80}).*$/$1\[\.\.\]/gs;

    if ( $Param{BackendTraceback} ) {
            Name => 'ShowBackendTraceback',
            Data => \%Param,

    # create & return output
    return $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'Error', Data => \%Param );

sub Warning {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get backend error messages
    $Param{BackendMessage} = $Self->{LogObject}->GetLogEntry(
        Type => 'Notice',
        What => 'Message',
        || $Self->{LogObject}->GetLogEntry(
        Type => 'Error',
        What => 'Message',
        ) || '';

    if ( !$Param{Message} ) {
        $Param{Message} = $Param{BackendMessage};

    # create & return output
    return $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'Warning', Data => \%Param );

=item Notify()

create notify lines

    infos, the text will be translated

    my $Output = $LayoutObject->Notify(
        Priority => 'warning',
        Info => 'Some Info Message',

    data with link, the text will be translated

    my $Output = $LayoutObject->Notify(
        Priority => 'warning',
        Data => '$Text{"Some DTL Stuff"}',
        Link => '',

    errors, the text will be translated

    my $Output = $LayoutObject->Notify(
        Priority => 'error',
        Info => 'Some Error Message',

    errors from log backend, if no error extists, a '' will be returned

    my $Output = $LayoutObject->Notify(
        Priority => 'error',


sub Notify {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # create & return output
    if ( !$Param{Info} && !$Param{Data} ) {
        $Param{BackendMessage} = $Self->{LogObject}->GetLogEntry(
            Type => 'Notice',
            What => 'Message',
            || $Self->{LogObject}->GetLogEntry(
            Type => 'Error',
            What => 'Message',
            ) || '';

        $Param{Info} = $Param{BackendMessage};

        # return if we have nothing to show
        return '' if !$Param{Info};

    my $BoxClass = 'Notice';

    if ( $Param{Info} ) {
        $Param{Info} =~ s/\n//g;
    if ( $Param{Priority} && $Param{Priority} eq 'Error' ) {
        $BoxClass = 'Error';

    if ( $Param{Link} ) {
            Name => 'LinkStart',
            Data => { LinkStart => $Param{Link}, },
    if ( $Param{Data} ) {
            Name => 'Data',
            Data => \%Param,
    else {
            Name => 'Text',
            Data => \%Param,
    if ( $Param{Link} ) {
            Name => 'LinkStop',
            Data => { LinkStop => '</a>', },
    return $Self->Output(
        TemplateFile => 'Notify',
        Data         => {
            BoxClass => $BoxClass,

=item Header()

generates the HTML for the page begin in the Agent interface.

    my $Output = $LayoutObject->Header(
        Type              => 'Small',                # (optional) '' (Default, full header) or 'Small' (blank header)
        ShowToolbarItems  => 0,                      # (optional) default 1 (0|1)
        ShowPrefLink      => 0,                      # (optional) default 1 (0|1)
        ShowLogoutButton  => 0,                      # (optional) default 1 (0|1)


sub Header {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Type = $Param{Type} || '';

    # check params
    if ( !defined $Param{ShowToolbarItems} ) {
        $Param{ShowToolbarItems} = 1;

    if ( !defined $Param{ShowPrefLink} ) {
        $Param{ShowPrefLink} = 1;

    # do not show preferences link if the preferences module is disabled
    my $Modules = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Module');
    if ( !$Modules->{AgentPreferences} ) {
        $Param{ShowPrefLink} = 0;

    if ( !defined $Param{ShowLogoutButton} ) {
        $Param{ShowLogoutButton} = 1;

    # set rtl if needed
    if ( $Self->{TextDirection} && $Self->{TextDirection} eq 'rtl' ) {
        $Param{BodyClass} = 'RTL';
    elsif ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::DebugMode') ) {
            Name => 'DebugRTLButton',

   # Generate the minified CSS and JavaScript files and the tags referencing them (see LayoutLoader)

    # Add header logo, if configured
    if ( defined $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('AgentLogo') ) {
        my %AgentLogo = %{ $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('AgentLogo') };
        my %Data;

        for my $CSSStatement ( keys %AgentLogo ) {
            if ( $CSSStatement eq 'URL' ) {
                my $WebPath = '';
                if ( $AgentLogo{$CSSStatement} !~ /(http|ftp|https):\//i ) {
                    $WebPath = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::WebPath');
                $Data{'URL'} = 'url(' . $WebPath . $AgentLogo{$CSSStatement} . ')';
            else {
                $Data{$CSSStatement} = $AgentLogo{$CSSStatement};

            Name => 'HeaderLogoCSS',
            Data => \%Data,

    # add cookies if exists
    my $Output = '';
    if ( $Self->{SetCookies} && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('SessionUseCookie') ) {
        for ( keys %{ $Self->{SetCookies} } ) {
            $Output .= "Set-Cookie: $Self->{SetCookies}->{$_}\n";

    # fix IE bug if in filename is the word attachment
    my $File = $Param{Filename} || $Self->{Action} || 'unknown';
    if ( $Self->{BrowserBreakDispositionHeader} ) {
        $File =~ s/attachment/bttachment/gi;

    # set file name for "save page as"
    $Param{ContentDisposition} = "filename=\"$File.html\"";

    # area and title
    if ( !$Param{Area} ) {
            = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }->{NavBarName}
            || '';
    if ( !$Param{Title} ) {
        $Param{Title} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }->{Title}
            || '';
    for my $Word (qw(Value Title Area)) {
        if ( $Param{$Word} ) {
            $Param{TitleArea} .= $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get( $Param{$Word} ) . ' - ';

    # run header meta modules
    my $HeaderMetaModule = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::HeaderMetaModule');
    if ( ref $HeaderMetaModule eq 'HASH' ) {
        my %Jobs = %{$HeaderMetaModule};
        for my $Job ( sort keys %Jobs ) {

            # load and run module
            next if !$Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Jobs{$Job}->{Module} );
            my $Object = $Jobs{$Job}->{Module}->new(
                LayoutObject => $Self,
            next if !$Object;
            $Object->Run( %Param, Config => $Jobs{$Job} );

    # run tool bar item modules
    if ( $Self->{UserID} && $Self->{UserType} eq 'User' ) {
        my $ToolBarModule = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::ToolBarModule');
        if ( $Param{ShowToolbarItems} && ref $ToolBarModule eq 'HASH' ) {
            my %Modules;
            my %Jobs = %{$ToolBarModule};
            for my $Job ( sort keys %Jobs ) {

                # load and run module
                next if !$Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Jobs{$Job}->{Module} );
                my $Object = $Jobs{$Job}->{Module}->new(
                    LayoutObject => $Self,
                next if !$Object;
                %Modules = ( $Object->Run( %Param, Config => $Jobs{$Job} ), %Modules );

            # show tool bar items
            my $ToolBarShown = 0;
            for my $Key ( sort keys %Modules ) {
                next if !%{ $Modules{$Key} };

                # show tool bar wrapper
                if ( !$ToolBarShown ) {
                    $ToolBarShown = 1;
                        Name => 'ToolBar',
                        Data => \%Param,
                    Name => $Modules{$Key}->{Block},
                    Data => {
                        %{ $Modules{$Key} },
                        AccessKeyReference => $Modules{$Key}->{AccessKey}
                        ? " ($Modules{$Key}->{AccessKey})"
                        : '',

        # show logged in notice
        if ( $Param{ShowPrefLink} ) {
                Name => 'Login',
                Data => \%Param,
        else {
                Name => 'LoginWithoutLink',
                Data => \%Param,

        # show logout button (if registered)
        if (
            && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Module')->{Logout}
                Name => 'Logout',
                Data => \%Param,

    # create & return output
    $Output .= $Self->Output( TemplateFile => "Header$Type", Data => \%Param );

    # remove the version tag from the header if configured
    $Self->_DisableBannerCheck( OutputRef => \$Output );

    return $Output;

sub Footer {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Type          = $Param{Type}           || '';
    my $HasDatepicker = $Self->{HasDatepicker} || 0;

   # Generate the minified CSS and JavaScript files and the tags referencing them (see LayoutLoader)

    # get datepicker data, if needed in module
    if ($HasDatepicker) {
        my $VacationDays     = $Self->DatepickerGetVacationDays();
        my $VacationDaysJSON = $Self->JSONEncode(
            Data => $VacationDays

        my $TextDirection = $Self->{LanguageObject}->{TextDirection} || '';

            Name => 'DatepickerData',
            Data => {
                VacationDays => $VacationDaysJSON,
                IsRTLLanguage => ( $TextDirection eq 'rtl' ) ? 1 : 0,

    # NewTicketInNewWindow
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('NewTicketInNewWindow::Enabled') ) {
            Name => 'NewTicketInNewWindow'

    # Banner
    if ( !$Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Secure::DisableBanner') ) {
            Name => 'Banner'

    # create & return output
    return $Self->Output( TemplateFile => "Footer$Type", Data => \%Param );

sub Print {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # custom post filters
    if ( $Self->{FilterContent} ) {
        my %Filters = %{ $Self->{FilterContent} };
        for my $Filter ( sort keys %Filters ) {
            next if !$Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Filters{$Filter}->{Module} );
            my $Object = $Filters{$Filter}->{Module}->new(
                LayoutObject => $Self,

            # run module
                %{ $Filters{$Filter} },
                Data         => $Param{Output},
                TemplateFile => $Param{TemplateFile},
    print ${ $Param{Output} };
    return 1;

sub PrintHeader {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # unless explicitly specified, we set the header width
    $Param{Width} ||= 640;

    # fix IE bug if in filename is the word attachment
    my $File = $Param{Filename} || $Self->{Action} || 'unknown';
    if ( $Self->{BrowserBreakDispositionHeader} ) {
        $File =~ s/attachment/bttachment/gi;

    # set file name for "save page as"
    $Param{ContentDisposition} = "filename=\"$File.html\"";

    # area and title
    if ( !$Param{Area} ) {
            = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }->{NavBarName}
            || '';
    if ( !$Param{Title} ) {
        $Param{Title} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }->{Title}
            || '';
    for my $Word (qw(Area Title Value)) {
        if ( $Param{$Word} ) {
            $Param{TitleArea} .= ' - ' . $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get( $Param{$Word} );

    # set rtl if needed
    if ( $Self->{TextDirection} && $Self->{TextDirection} eq 'rtl' ) {
        $Param{BodyClass} = 'RTL';

    my $Output = $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'PrintHeader', Data => \%Param );

    # remove the version tag from the header if configured
    $Self->_DisableBannerCheck( OutputRef => \$Output );

    # create & return output
    return $Output;

sub PrintFooter {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    $Param{Host} = $Self->Ascii2Html( Text => $ENV{SERVER_NAME} . $ENV{REQUEST_URI} );
    $Param{Host} =~ s/&/&/ig;

    # create & return output
    return $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'PrintFooter', Data => \%Param );

=item Ascii2Html()

convert ascii to html string

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->Ascii2Html(
        Text            => 'Some <> Test <font color="red">Test</font>',
        Max             => 20,       # max 20 chars folowed by [..]
        VMax            => 15,       # first 15 lines
        NewLine         => 0,        # move \r to \n
        HTMLResultMode  => 0,        # replace " " with &nbsp;
        StripEmptyLines => 0,
        Type            => 'Normal', # JSText or Normal text
        LinkFeature     => 0,        # do some URL detections

also string ref is possible

    my $HTMLStringRef = $LayoutObject->Ascii2Html(
        Text => \$Sting,


sub Ascii2Html {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed param
    return '' if !defined $Param{Text};

    # check text
    my $TextScalar;
    my $Text;
    if ( !ref $Param{Text} ) {
        $TextScalar = 1;
        $Text       = \$Param{Text};
    elsif ( ref $Param{Text} eq 'SCALAR' ) {
        $Text = $Param{Text};
    else {
            Priority => 'error',
            Message  => 'Invalid ref "' . ref $Param{Text} . '" of Text param!',
        return '';

    my @Filters;
    if ( $Param{LinkFeature} && $Self->{FilterText} ) {

        my %Filters = %{ $Self->{FilterText} };

        for my $Filter ( sort keys %Filters ) {

            # load module
            my $Module = $Filters{$Filter}->{Module};

            $Self->FatalDie() if !$Self->{MainObject}->Require($Module);

            # create new instance
            my $Object = $Module->new(
                LayoutObject => $Self,

            next FILTER if !$Object;

                    Object => $Object,
                    Filter => $Filters{$Filter},

        # pre run
        for my $Filter (@Filters) {
            $Text = $Filter->{Object}->Pre(
                Filter => $Filter->{Filter},
                Data   => $Text,

    # max width
    if ( $Param{Max} ) {
        ${$Text} =~ s/^(.{$Param{Max}}).+?$/$1\[\.\.\.\]/gs;

    # newline
    if ( $Param{NewLine} && length( ${$Text} ) < 140_000 ) {
        ${$Text} =~ s/(\n\r|\r\r\n|\r\n)/\n/g;
        ${$Text} =~ s/\r/\n/g;
        ${$Text} =~ s/(.{4,$Param{NewLine}})(?:\s|\z)/$1\n/gm;
        my $ForceNewLine = $Param{NewLine} + 10;
        ${$Text} =~ s/(.{$ForceNewLine})(.+?)/$1\n$2/g;

    # remove tabs
    ${$Text} =~ s/\t/ /g;

    # strip empty lines
    if ( $Param{StripEmptyLines} ) {
        ${$Text} =~ s/^\s*\n//mg;

    # max lines
    if ( $Param{VMax} ) {
        my @TextList = split( "\n", ${$Text} );
        ${$Text} = '';
        my $Counter = 1;
        for (@TextList) {
            if ( $Counter <= $Param{VMax} ) {
                ${$Text} .= $_ . "\n";
        if ( $Counter >= $Param{VMax} ) {
            ${$Text} .= "[...]\n";

    # html quoting
    ${$Text} =~ s/&/&/g;
    ${$Text} =~ s/</</g;
    ${$Text} =~ s/>/>/g;
    ${$Text} =~ s/"/"/g;

    # text -> html format quoting
    if ( $Param{LinkFeature} ) {
        for my $Filter (@Filters) {
            $Text = $Filter->{Object}->Post(
                Filter => $Filter->{Filter},
                Data   => $Text,

    if ( $Param{HTMLResultMode} ) {
        ${$Text} =~ s/\n/<br\/>\n/g;
        ${$Text} =~ s/  /&nbsp;&nbsp;/g;

    if ( $Param{Type} && $Param{Type} eq 'JSText' ) {
        ${$Text} =~ s/'/\\'/g;

    return $Text if ref $Param{Text};
    return ${$Text};

=item LinkQuote()

so some URL link detections

    my $HTMLWithLinks = $LayoutObject->LinkQuote(
        Text => $HTMLWithOutLinks,

also string ref is possible

    my $HTMLWithLinksRef = $LayoutObject->LinkQuote(
        Text => \$HTMLWithOutLinksRef,


sub LinkQuote {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Text   = $Param{Text}   || '';
    my $Target = $Param{Target} || 'NewPage' . int( rand(199) );

    # check ref
    my $TextScalar;
    if ( !ref $Text ) {
        $TextScalar = $Text;
        $Text       = \$TextScalar;

    my @Filters;
    if ( $Self->{FilterText} ) {
        my %Filters = %{ $Self->{FilterText} };
        for my $Filter ( sort keys %Filters ) {
            if ( $Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Filters{$Filter}->{Module} ) ) {
                my $Object = $Filters{$Filter}->{Module}->new( %{$Self} );

                # run module
                if ($Object) {
                    push @Filters, { Object => $Object, Filter => $Filters{$Filter} };
            else {
    for my $Filter (@Filters) {
        $Text = $Filter->{Object}->Pre( Filter => $Filter->{Filter}, Data => $Text );
    for my $Filter (@Filters) {
        $Text = $Filter->{Object}->Post( Filter => $Filter->{Filter}, Data => $Text );

    # do mail to quote
    ${$Text} =~ s/(mailto:.+?)(\.\s|\s|\)|\"|]|')/<a href=\"$1\">$1<\/a>$2/gi;

    # check ref && return result like called
    if ($TextScalar) {
        return ${$Text};
    else {
        return $Text;

=item HTMLLinkQuote()

so some URL link detections in HTML code

    my $HTMLWithLinks = $LayoutObject->HTMLLinkQuote(
        String => $HTMLString,

also string ref is possible

    my $HTMLWithLinksRef = $LayoutObject->HTMLLinkQuote(
        String => \$HTMLString,


sub HTMLLinkQuote {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    return $Self->{HTMLUtilsObject}->LinkQuote(
        String    => $Param{String},
        TargetAdd => 1,
        Target    => '_blank',

=item LinkEncode()

do some url encoding - e. g. replace + with %2B in links

    my $URLEncoded = $LayoutObject->LinkEncode($URL);


#TODO: Use an external perl module from CPAN for this function.

sub LinkEncode {
    my ( $Self, $Link ) = @_;

    return if !defined $Link;

    $Link =~ s/%/%25/g;
    $Link =~ s/&/%26/g;
    $Link =~ s/=/%3D/g;
    $Link =~ s/\!/%21/g;
    $Link =~ s/"/%22/g;
    $Link =~ s/\#/%23/g;
    $Link =~ s/\$/%24/g;
    $Link =~ s/'/%27/g;
    $Link =~ s/,/%2C/g;
    $Link =~ s/\+/%2B/g;
    $Link =~ s/\?/%3F/g;
    $Link =~ s/\|/%7C/g;
    $Link =~ s/\//\%2F/g;
    $Link =~ s/�/\%A7/g;

    # According to the URL encoding RFC, the path segment of an URL must use %20 for space,
    # while in the query string + is used normally. However, IIS does not understand + in the
    # path segment, but understands %20 in the query string, like all others do as well.
    # Therefore we use %20.
    $Link =~ s/ /%20/g;
    $Link =~ s/:/\%3A/g;
    $Link =~ s/;/\%3B/g;
    $Link =~ s/@/\%40/g;
    return $Link;

sub CustomerAgeInHours {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Age = defined( $Param{Age} ) ? $Param{Age} : return;
    my $Space     = $Param{Space} || '<br/>';
    my $AgeStrg   = '';
    my $HourDsc   = 'h';
    my $MinuteDsc = 'm';
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('TimeShowCompleteDescription') ) {
        $HourDsc   = 'hour';
        $MinuteDsc = 'minute';
    if ( $Age =~ /^-(.*)/ ) {
        $Age     = $1;
        $AgeStrg = '-';

    # get hours
    if ( $Age >= 3600 ) {
        $AgeStrg .= int( ( $Age / 3600 ) ) . ' ';
        $AgeStrg .= $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get($HourDsc);
        $AgeStrg .= $Space;

    # get minutes (just if age < 1 day)
    if ( $Age <= 3600 || int( ( $Age / 60 ) % 60 ) ) {
        $AgeStrg .= int( ( $Age / 60 ) % 60 ) . ' ';
        $AgeStrg .= $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get($MinuteDsc);
    return $AgeStrg;

sub CustomerAge {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Age = defined( $Param{Age} ) ? $Param{Age} : return;
    my $Space     = $Param{Space} || '<br/>';
    my $AgeStrg   = '';
    my $DayDsc    = 'd';
    my $HourDsc   = 'h';
    my $MinuteDsc = 'm';
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('TimeShowCompleteDescription') ) {
        $DayDsc    = 'day';
        $HourDsc   = 'hour';
        $MinuteDsc = 'minute';
    if ( $Age =~ /^-(.*)/ ) {
        $Age     = $1;
        $AgeStrg = '-';

    # get days
    if ( $Age >= 86400 ) {
        $AgeStrg .= int( ( $Age / 3600 ) / 24 ) . ' ';
        $AgeStrg .= $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get($DayDsc);
        $AgeStrg .= $Space;

    # get hours
    if ( $Age >= 3600 ) {
        $AgeStrg .= int( ( $Age / 3600 ) % 24 ) . ' ';
        $AgeStrg .= $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get($HourDsc);
        $AgeStrg .= $Space;

    # get minutes (just if age < 1 day)
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('TimeShowAlwaysLong') || $Age < 86400 ) {
        $AgeStrg .= int( ( $Age / 60 ) % 60 ) . ' ';
        $AgeStrg .= $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get($MinuteDsc);
    return $AgeStrg;

=item BuildSelection()

build a html option element based on given data

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->BuildSelection(
        Data       => $ArrayRef,             # use $HashRef, $ArrayRef or $ArrayHashRef (see below)
        Name       => 'TheName',             # name of element
        ID         => 'HTMLID',              # (optional) the HTML ID for this element, if not provided, the name will be used as ID as well
        Multiple   => 0,                     # (optional) default 0 (0|1)
        Size       => 1,                     # (optional) default 1 element size
        Class      => 'class',               # (optional) a css class
        Disabled   => 0,                     # (optional) default 0 (0|1) disable the element
        OnChange   => 'javascript',          # (optional)
        OnClick    => 'javascript',          # (optional)

        SelectedID     => 1,                 # (optional) use integer or arrayref (unable to use with ArrayHashRef)
        SelectedID     => [1, 5, 3],         # (optional) use integer or arrayref (unable to use with ArrayHashRef)
        SelectedValue  => 'test',            # (optional) use string or arrayref (unable to use with ArrayHashRef)
        SelectedValue  => ['test', 'test1'], # (optional) use string or arrayref (unable to use with ArrayHashRef)

        Sort           => 'NumericValue',    # (optional) (AlphanumericValue|NumericValue|AlphanumericKey|NumericKey|TreeView|IndividualKey|IndividualValue) unable to use with ArrayHashRef
        SortIndividual => ['sec', 'min']     # (optional) only sort is set to IndividualKey or IndividualValue
        SortReverse    => 0,                 # (optional) reverse the list

        Translation    => 1,                 # (optional) default 1 (0|1) translate value
        PossibleNone   => 0,                 # (optional) default 0 (0|1) add a leading empty selection
        TreeView       => 0,                 # (optional) default 0 (0|1)
        DisabledBranch => 'Branch',          # (optional) disable all elements of this branch (use string or arrayref)
        Max            => 100,               # (optional) default 100 max size of the shown value
        HTMLQuote      => 0,                 # (optional) default 1 (0|1) disable html quote
        Title          => 'Tooltip Text',    # (optional) string will be shown as Tooltip on mouseover
        OptionTitle    => 1,                 # (optional) default 0 (0|1) show title attribute (the option value) on every option element

    my $HashRef = {
        'Key1' => 'Value1',
        'Key2' => 'Value2',
        'Key3' => 'Value3',

    my $ArrayRef = [

    my $ArrayHashRef = [
            Key => '1',
            Value => 'Value1',
            Key => '2',
            Value => 'Value1::Subvalue1',
            Selected => 1,
            Key => '3',
            Value => 'Value1::Subvalue2',
            Key => '4',
            Value => 'Value2',
            Disabled => 1,


sub BuildSelection {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed stuff
    for (qw(Name Data)) {
        if ( !$Param{$_} ) {
            $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => "Need $_!" );

    # set OnChange if AJAX is used
    if ( $Param{Ajax} ) {
        if ( !$Param{Ajax}->{Depend} ) {
                Priority => 'error',
                Message  => 'Need Depend Param Ajax option!',
        if ( !$Param{Ajax}->{Update} ) {
                Priority => 'error',
                Message  => 'Need Update Param Ajax option()!',
        my $Selector = $Param{ID} || $Param{Name};
        $Param{OnChange} = "Core.AJAX.FormUpdate($('#"
            . $Selector . "'), '" . $Param{Ajax}->{Subaction} . "',"
            . " '$Param{Name}',"
            . " ['"
            . join( "', '", @{ $Param{Ajax}->{Update} } ) . "']);";

    # create OptionRef
    my $OptionRef = $Self->_BuildSelectionOptionRefCreate(%Param);

    # create AttributeRef
    my $AttributeRef = $Self->_BuildSelectionAttributeRefCreate(%Param);

    # create DataRef
    my $DataRef = $Self->_BuildSelectionDataRefCreate(
        Data         => $Param{Data},
        AttributeRef => $AttributeRef,
        OptionRef    => $OptionRef,

    # generate output
    my $String = $Self->_BuildSelectionOutput(
        AttributeRef => $AttributeRef,
        DataRef      => $DataRef,
        OptionTitle  => $Param{OptionTitle},
    return $String;

sub NoPermission {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $WithHeader = $Param{WithHeader} || 'yes';
    $Param{Message} = 'Insufficient Rights.' if ( !$Param{Message} );

    # create output
    my $Output;
    $Output = $Self->Header( Title => 'Insufficient Rights' ) if ( $WithHeader eq 'yes' );
    $Output .= $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'NoPermission', Data => \%Param );
    $Output .= $Self->Footer() if ( $WithHeader eq 'yes' );

    # return output
    return $Output;

=item Permission()

check if access to a frontend module exists

    my $Access = $LayoutObject->Permission(
        Action => 'AdminCustomerUser',
        Type   => 'rw', # ro|rw possible


sub Permission {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed params
    for (qw(Action Type)) {
        if ( !defined $Param{$_} ) {
                Priority => 'error',
                Message  => "Got no $_!",

    # check if it is ro|rw
    my %Map = (
        ro => 'GroupRo',
        rw => 'Group',

    my $Permission = $Map{ $Param{Type} };
    return if !$Permission;

    # get config option for frontend module
    my $Config = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Module')->{ $Param{Action} };
    return if !$Config;

    my $Item = $Config->{$Permission};

    # array access restriction
    my $Access = 0;
    if ( $Item && ref $Item eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        for ( @{$Item} ) {
            my $Key = 'UserIs' . $Permission . '[' . $_ . ']';
            if ( $Self->{$Key} && $Self->{$Key} eq 'Yes' ) {
                $Access = 1;

    # scalar access restriction
    elsif ($Item) {
        my $Key = 'UserIs' . $Permission . '[' . $Item . ']';
        if ( $Self->{$Key} && $Self->{$Key} eq 'Yes' ) {
            $Access = 1;

    # no access restriction
    elsif ( !$Config->{GroupRo} && !$Config->{Group} ) {
        $Access = 1;
    return $Access;

sub CheckCharset {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Output = '';
    if ( !$Param{Action} ) {
        $Param{Action} = '$Env{"Action"}';

    # with utf-8 can everything be shown
    if ( $Self->{UserCharset} !~ /^utf-8$/i ) {

        # replace ' or "
        $Param{Charset} && $Param{Charset} =~ s/'|"//gi;

        # if the content charset is different to the user charset
        if ( $Param{Charset} && $Self->{UserCharset} !~ /^$Param{Charset}$/i ) {

            # if the content charset is us-ascii it is always shown correctly
            if ( $Param{Charset} !~ /us-ascii/i ) {
                $Output = '<p><i class="small">'
                    . '$Text{"This message was written in a character set other than your own."}'
                    . '$Text{"If it is not displayed correctly,"} '
                    . '<a href="'
                    . $Self->{Baselink}
                    . "Action=$Param{Action};TicketID=$Param{TicketID}"
                    . ";ArticleID=$Param{ArticleID};Subaction=ShowHTMLeMail\" target=\"HTMLeMail\" "
                    . 'onmouseover="window.status=\'$Text{"open it in a new window"}\'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=\'\';">'
                    . '$Text{"click here"}</a> $Text{"to open it in a new window."}</i></p>';

    # return note string
    return $Output;

sub CheckMimeType {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Output = '';
    if ( !$Param{Action} ) {
        $Param{Action} = '$Env{"Action"}';

    # check if it is a text/plain email
    if ( $Param{MimeType} && $Param{MimeType} !~ /text\/plain/i ) {
        $Output = '<p><i class="small">$Text{"This is a"} '
            . $Param{MimeType}
            . ' $Text{"email"}, '
            . '<a href="'
            . $Self->{Baselink}
            . "Action=$Param{Action};TicketID="
            . "$Param{TicketID};ArticleID=$Param{ArticleID};Subaction=ShowHTMLeMail\" "
            . 'target="HTMLeMail" '
            . 'onmouseover="window.status=\'$Text{"open it in a new window"}\'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=\'\';">'
            . '$Text{"click here"}</a> '
            . '$Text{"to open it in a new window."}</i></p>';

    # just to be compat
    elsif ( $Param{Body} =~ /^<.DOCTYPE html PUBLIC|^<HTML>/i ) {
        $Output = '<p><i class="small">$Text{"This is a"} '
            . $Param{MimeType}
            . ' $Text{"email"}, '
            . '<a href="'
            . $Self->{Baselink}
            . 'Action=$Env{"Action"};TicketID='
            . "$Param{TicketID};ArticleID=$Param{ArticleID};Subaction=ShowHTMLeMail\" "
            . 'target="HTMLeMail" '
            . 'onmouseover="window.status=\'$Text{"open it in a new window"}\'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=\'\';">'
            . '$Text{"click here"}</a> '
            . '$Text{"to open it in a new window."}</i></p>';

    # return note string
    return $Output;

sub ReturnValue {
    my ( $Self, $What ) = @_;

    return $Self->{$What};

=item Attachment()

returns browser output to display/download a attachment

    $HTML = $LayoutObject->Attachment(
        Type        => 'inline',        # optional, default: attachment, possible: inline|attachment
        Filename    => 'FileName.png',  # optional
        ContentType => 'image/png',
        Content     => $Content,

    or for AJAX html snipps

    $HTML = $LayoutObject->Attachment(
        Type        => 'inline',        # optional, default: attachment, possible: inline|attachment
        Filename    => 'FileName.html', # optional
        ContentType => 'text/html',
        Charset     => 'utf-8',         # optional
        Content     => $Content,
        NoCache     => 1,               # optional


sub Attachment {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed params
    for (qw(Content ContentType)) {
        if ( !defined $Param{$_} ) {
                Priority => 'error',
                Message  => "Got no $_!",

    # return attachment
    my $Output = 'Content-Disposition: ';
    if ( $Param{Type} ) {
        $Output .= $Param{Type};
        $Output .= '; ';
    else {
        $Output .= $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('AttachmentDownloadType') || 'attachment';
        $Output .= '; ';

    # clean filename to get no problems with some browsers
    if ( $Param{Filename} ) {

        # detect if IE workaround is used (solution for IE problem with multi byte filename)
        # to solve this kind of problems use the following in dtl for attachment downloads:
        # <a href="$Env{"CGIHandle"}/$LQData{"Filename"}?Action=...">xxx</a>
        my $FilenameInHeader = 1;

        # check if browser is broken
        if ( $Self->{BrowserBreakDispositionHeader} && $ENV{REQUEST_URI} ) {

            # check if IE workaround is used
            if ( $ENV{REQUEST_URI} =~ /\Q$Self->{CGIHandle}\E\/.+?\?Action=/ ) {
                $FilenameInHeader = 0;

        # only deliver filename if needed
        if ($FilenameInHeader) {
            $Output .= " filename=\"$Param{Filename}\"";
    $Output .= "\n";

    # get attachment size
    $Param{Size} = bytes::length( $Param{Content} );

    # add no cache headers
    if ( $Param{NoCache} ) {
        $Output .= "Expires: Tue, 1 Jan 1980 12:00:00 GMT\n";
        $Output .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\n";
        $Output .= "Pragma: no-cache\n";
    $Output .= "Content-Length: $Param{Size}\n";

    if ( $Param{Charset} ) {
        $Output .= "Content-Type: $Param{ContentType}; charset=$Param{Charset};\n\n";
    else {
        $Output .= "Content-Type: $Param{ContentType}\n\n";

    # disable utf8 flag, to write binary to output
    $Self->{EncodeObject}->EncodeOutput( \$Output );
    $Self->{EncodeObject}->EncodeOutput( \$Param{Content} );

    # fix for firefox HEAD problem
        $Output .= $Param{Content};

    # reset binmode, don't use utf8
    binmode STDOUT;

    return $Output;

=item PageNavBar()

generates a page nav bar

    my %PageNavBar = $LayoutObject->PageNavBar(
        Limit       => 100,         # marks result of TotalHits red if Limit is gerater then AllHits
        WindowSize  => 15,          # max shown pages to click
        StartHit    => 1,           # start to show items
        PageShown   => 15,          # number of shown items a page
        AllHits     => 56,          # number of total hits
        Action      => 'AgentXXX',  # e. g. 'Action=' . $Self->{LayoutObject}->{Action}
        Link        => $Link,       # e. g. 'Subaction=View;'
        AJAXReplace => 'IDElement', # IDElement which should be replaced
        IDPrefix    => 'Tickets',   # Prefix for the id parameter

    return values of hash

        TotalHits  # total hits
        Result     # shown items e. g. "1-5" or "16-30"
        SiteNavBar # html for page nav bar e. g. "1 2 3 4"

        ResultLong     # shown items e. g. "1-5 of 32" or "16-30 of 64"
        SiteNavBarLong # html for page nav bar e. g. "Page: 1 2 3 4"


sub PageNavBar {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Limit = $Param{Limit} || 0;
    $Param{AllHits}  = 0 if ( !$Param{AllHits} );
    $Param{StartHit} = 0 if ( !$Param{AllHits} );
    my $Pages = int( ( $Param{AllHits} / $Param{PageShown} ) + 0.99999 );
    my $Page  = int( ( $Param{StartHit} / $Param{PageShown} ) + 0.99999 );
    my $WindowSize = $Param{WindowSize} || 5;
    my $IDPrefix   = $Param{IDPrefix}   || 'Generic';

    # build Results (1-5 or 16-30)
    if ( $Param{AllHits} >= ( $Param{StartHit} + $Param{PageShown} ) ) {
        $Param{Results} = $Param{StartHit} . "-" . ( $Param{StartHit} + $Param{PageShown} - 1 );
    else {
        $Param{Results} = "$Param{StartHit}-$Param{AllHits}";

    # check total hits
    if ( $Limit == $Param{AllHits} ) {
        $Param{TotalHits} = "<span class=\"PaginationLimit\">$Param{AllHits}</span>";
    else {
        $Param{TotalHits} = $Param{AllHits};

    # build page nav bar
    my $WindowStart = sprintf( "%.0f", ( $Param{StartHit} / $Param{PageShown} ) );
    $WindowStart = int( ( $WindowStart / $WindowSize ) ) + 1;
    $WindowStart = ( $WindowStart * $WindowSize ) - ($WindowSize);
    my $Action = $Param{Action} || '';
    my $Link   = $Param{Link}   || '';
    my $Baselink = "$Self->{Baselink}$Action;$Link";
    my $i        = 0;
    while ( $i <= ( $Pages - 1 ) ) {

        # show normal page 1,2,3,...
        if ( $i <= ( $WindowStart + $WindowSize ) && $i > $WindowStart ) {
            my $BaselinkAll
                = $Baselink
                . "StartWindow=$WindowStart;StartHit="
                . ( ( ( $i - 1 ) * $Param{PageShown} ) + 1 );
            my $SelectedPage = "";
            my $PageNumber   = $i;

            if ( $Page == $i ) {
                $SelectedPage = " class=\"Selected\"";

            if ( $Param{AJAXReplace} ) {
                    Name => 'PageAjax',
                    Data => {
                        BaselinkAll  => $BaselinkAll,
                        AjaxReplace  => $Param{AJAXReplace},
                        PageNumber   => $PageNumber,
                        IDPrefix     => $IDPrefix,
                        SelectedPage => $SelectedPage
            else {
                    Name => 'Page',
                    Data => {
                        BaselinkAll  => $BaselinkAll,
                        PageNumber   => $PageNumber,
                        IDPrefix     => $IDPrefix,
                        SelectedPage => $SelectedPage

        # over window ">>" and ">|"
        elsif ( $i > ( $WindowStart + $WindowSize ) ) {
            my $StartWindow     = $WindowStart + $WindowSize + 1;
            my $LastStartWindow = int( $Pages / $WindowSize );
            my $BaselinkAllBack = $Baselink . "StartHit=" . ( $i - 1 ) * $Param{PageShown};
            my $BaselinkAllNext
                = $Baselink . "StartHit=" . ( ( $Param{PageShown} * ( $Pages - 1 ) ) + 1 );

            if ( $Param{AJAXReplace} ) {
                    Name => 'PageForwardAjax',
                    Data => {
                        BaselinkAllBack => $BaselinkAllBack,
                        BaselinkAllNext => $BaselinkAllNext,
                        AjaxReplace     => $Param{AJAXReplace},
                        IDPrefix        => $IDPrefix,
            else {
                    Name => 'PageForward',
                    Data => {
                        BaselinkAllBack => $BaselinkAllBack,
                        BaselinkAllNext => $BaselinkAllNext,
                        IDPrefix        => $IDPrefix,

            $i = 99999999;

        # over window "<<" and "|<"
        elsif ( $i < $WindowStart && ( $i - 1 ) < $Pages ) {
            my $StartWindow     = $WindowStart - $WindowSize - 1;
            my $BaselinkAllBack = $Baselink . 'StartHit=1;StartWindow=1';
            my $BaselinkAllNext
                = $Baselink . 'StartHit=' . ( ( $WindowStart - 1 ) * ( $Param{PageShown} ) + 1 );

            if ( $Param{AJAXReplace} ) {
                    Name => 'PageBackAjax',
                    Data => {
                        BaselinkAllBack => $BaselinkAllBack,
                        BaselinkAllNext => $BaselinkAllNext,
                        AjaxReplace     => $Param{AJAXReplace},
                        IDPrefix        => $IDPrefix,
            else {
                    Name => 'PageBack',
                    Data => {
                        BaselinkAllBack => $BaselinkAllBack,
                        BaselinkAllNext => $BaselinkAllNext,
                        IDPrefix        => $IDPrefix,

            $i = $WindowStart - 1;

    $Param{SearchNavBar} = $Self->Output(
        TemplateFile   => 'Pagination',
        KeepScriptTags => $Param{KeepScriptTags},

    # return if only 1 page is shown
    return ( Link => $Param{Link} ) if $Pages eq 1;

    # return data
    return (
        TotalHits      => $Param{TotalHits},
        Result         => $Param{Results},
        ResultLong     => "$Param{Results} \$Text{\"of\"} $Param{TotalHits} -",
        SiteNavBar     => $Param{SearchNavBar},
        SiteNavBarLong => "\$Text{\"Page\"}: $Param{SearchNavBar}",
        Link           => $Param{Link},

sub NavigationBar {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    if ( !$Param{Type} ) {
        $Param{Type} = $Self->{ModuleReg}->{NavBarName} || 'Ticket';

    # create menu items
    my %NavBar;
    my $FrontendModuleConfig = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::Module');

    for my $Module ( sort keys %{$FrontendModuleConfig} ) {
        my %Hash = %{ $FrontendModuleConfig->{$Module} };
        next if !$Hash{NavBar};
        next if ref $Hash{NavBar} ne 'ARRAY';

        my @Items = @{ $Hash{NavBar} };
        for my $Item (@Items) {
            next if !$Item->{NavBar};
            $Item->{CSS} = '';

            # highlight active area link
            if (
                ( $Item->{Type} && $Item->{Type} eq 'Menu' )
                && ( $Item->{NavBar} && $Item->{NavBar} eq $Param{Type} )
                $Item->{CSS} .= ' Selected';

            # get permissions from module if no permissions are defined for the icon
            if ( !$Item->{GroupRo} && !$Item->{Group} ) {
                if ( $Hash{GroupRo} ) {
                    $Item->{GroupRo} = $Hash{GroupRo};
                if ( $Hash{Group} ) {
                    $Item->{Group} = $Hash{Group};

            # check shown permission
            my $Shown = 0;
            for my $Permission (qw(GroupRo Group)) {

                # array access restriction
                if ( $Item->{$Permission} && ref $Item->{$Permission} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                    for ( @{ $Item->{$Permission} } ) {
                        my $Key = 'UserIs' . $Permission . '[' . $_ . ']';
                        if ( $Self->{$Key} && $Self->{$Key} eq 'Yes' ) {
                            $Shown = 1;

                # scalar access restriction
                elsif ( $Item->{$Permission} ) {
                    my $Key = 'UserIs' . $Permission . '[' . $Item->{$Permission} . ']';
                    if ( $Self->{$Key} && $Self->{$Key} eq 'Yes' ) {
                        $Shown = 1;

                # no access restriction
                elsif ( !$Item->{GroupRo} && !$Item->{Group} ) {
                    $Shown = 1;
            next if !$Shown;

            # set prio of item
            my $Key = ( $Item->{Block} || '' ) . sprintf( "%07d", $Item->{Prio} );
            for ( 1 .. 51 ) {
                last if !$NavBar{$Key};

                $Key = ( $Item->{Block} || '' ) . sprintf( "%07d", $Item->{Prio} );

            # show as main menu
            if ( $Item->{Type} eq 'Menu' ) {
                $NavBar{$Key} = $Item;

            # show as sub of main menu
            else {
                $NavBar{Sub}->{ $Item->{NavBar} }->{$Key} = $Item;

    # run menu item modules
    if ( ref $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::NavBarModule') eq 'HASH' ) {
        my %Jobs = %{ $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::NavBarModule') };
        for my $Job ( sort keys %Jobs ) {

            # load module
            next if !$Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Jobs{$Job}->{Module} );
            my $Object = $Jobs{$Job}->{Module}->new(
                LayoutObject => $Self,
            next if !$Object;

            # run module
            %NavBar = ( %NavBar, $Object->Run( %Param, Config => $Jobs{$Job} ) );

    # show nav bar
    for my $Key ( sort keys %NavBar ) {
        next if $Key eq 'Sub';
        next if !%{ $NavBar{$Key} };
        my $Item = $NavBar{$Key};
        $Item->{NameForID} = $Item->{Name};
        $Item->{NameForID} =~ s/[ &;]//ig;
        my $Sub = $NavBar{Sub}->{ $Item->{NavBar} };

            Name => 'ItemArea',    #$NavBar{$_}->{Block} || 'Item',
            Data => {
                AccessKeyReference => $Item->{AccessKey} ? " ($Item->{AccessKey})" : '',

        # show sub menu
        next if !$Sub;
            Name => 'ItemAreaSub',
            Data => $Item,
        for my $Key ( sort keys %{$Sub} ) {
            my $ItemSub = $Sub->{$Key};
            $ItemSub->{NameForID} = $ItemSub->{Name};
            $ItemSub->{NameForID} =~ s/[ &;]//ig;
            $ItemSub->{NameTop} = $Item->{NameForID};
                Name => 'ItemAreaSubItem',    #$Item->{Block} || 'Item',
                Data => {
                    AccessKeyReference => $ItemSub->{AccessKey} ? " ($ItemSub->{AccessKey})" : '',

    # create & return output
    my $Output = $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'AgentNavigationBar', Data => \%Param );

    # run notification modules
    my $FrontendNotifyModuleConfig = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::NotifyModule');
    if ( ref $FrontendNotifyModuleConfig eq 'HASH' ) {
        my %Jobs = %{$FrontendNotifyModuleConfig};
        for my $Job ( sort keys %Jobs ) {

            # load module
            next if !$Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Jobs{$Job}->{Module} );
            my $Object = $Jobs{$Job}->{Module}->new(
                LayoutObject => $Self,
            next if !$Object;

            # run module
            $Output .= $Object->Run( %Param, Config => $Jobs{$Job} );

    # run nav bar modules
    if ( $Self->{ModuleReg}->{NavBarModule} ) {

        # run navbar modules
        my %Jobs = %{ $Self->{ModuleReg}->{NavBarModule} };

        # load module
        next if !$Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Jobs{Module} );
        my $Object = $Jobs{Module}->new(
            LayoutObject => $Self,
        next if !$Object;

        # run module
        $Output .= $Object->Run( %Param, Config => \%Jobs );
    return $Output;

sub TransfromDateSelection {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get key prefix
    my $Prefix = $Param{Prefix} || '';

    # time zone translation if needed
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('TimeZoneUser') && $Self->{UserTimeZone} ) {
        my $TimeStamp = $Self->{TimeObject}->TimeStamp2SystemTime(
            String => $Param{ $Prefix . 'Year' } . '-'
                . $Param{ $Prefix . 'Month' } . '-'
                . $Param{ $Prefix . 'Day' } . ' '
                . ( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Hour' }   || 0 ) . ':'
                . ( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Minute' } || 0 )
                . ':00',
        $TimeStamp = $TimeStamp - ( $Self->{UserTimeZone} * 3600 );
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Secunde' },
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Minute' },
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Hour' },
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Day' },
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Month' },
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Year' }
        ) = $Self->{UserTimeObject}->SystemTime2Date( SystemTime => $TimeStamp );

    # reset prefix
    $Param{Prefix} = '';

    return %Param;

sub BuildDateSelection {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $DateInputStyle = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('TimeInputFormat');
    my $Prefix         = $Param{Prefix} || '';
    my $DiffTime       = $Param{DiffTime} || 0;
    my $Format         = defined( $Param{Format} ) ? $Param{Format} : 'DateInputFormatLong';
    my $Area           = $Param{Area} || 'Agent';
    my $Optional       = $Param{ $Prefix . 'Optional' } || 0;
    my $Required       = $Param{ $Prefix . 'Required' } || 0;
    my $Used           = $Param{ $Prefix . 'Used' } || 0;
    my $Class          = $Param{ $Prefix . 'Class' } || '';

    # Defines, if the date selection should be validated on client side with JS
    my $Validate = $Param{Validate} || 0;

    # Validate that the date is in the future (e. g. pending times)
    my $ValidateDateInFuture = $Param{ValidateDateInFuture} || 0;

    my ( $s, $m, $h, $D, $M, $Y ) = $Self->{UserTimeObject}->SystemTime2Date(
        SystemTime => $Self->{UserTimeObject}->SystemTime() + $DiffTime,
    my $DatepickerHTML = '';

    # time zone translation
    if (
        && $Self->{UserTimeZone}
        && $Param{ $Prefix . 'Year' }
        && $Param{ $Prefix . 'Month' }
        && $Param{ $Prefix . 'Day' }
        my $TimeStamp = $Self->{TimeObject}->TimeStamp2SystemTime(
            String => $Param{ $Prefix . 'Year' } . '-'
                . $Param{ $Prefix . 'Month' } . '-'
                . $Param{ $Prefix . 'Day' } . ' '
                . ( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Hour' }   || 0 ) . ':'
                . ( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Minute' } || 0 )
                . ':00',
        $TimeStamp = $TimeStamp + ( $Self->{UserTimeZone} * 3600 );
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Secunde' },
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Minute' },
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Hour' },
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Day' },
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Month' },
            $Param{ $Prefix . 'Year' }
        ) = $Self->{UserTimeObject}->SystemTime2Date( SystemTime => $TimeStamp );

    # year
    if ( $DateInputStyle eq 'Option' ) {
        my %Year;
        if ( defined $Param{YearPeriodPast} && defined $Param{YearPeriodFuture} ) {
            for ( $Y - $Param{YearPeriodPast} .. $Y + $Param{YearPeriodFuture} ) {
                $Year{$_} = $_;
        else {
            for ( $Y - 10 .. $Y + 1 + ( $Param{YearDiff} || 0 ) ) {
                $Year{$_} = $_;
        $Param{Year} = $Self->BuildSelection(
            Name                => $Prefix . 'Year',
            Data                => \%Year,
            SelectedID          => int( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Year' } || $Y ),
            LanguageTranslation => 0,
            Class               => $Validate ? 'Validate_DateYear' : '',
            Title               => $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Year'),
    else {
        $Param{Year} = "<input type=\"text\" "
            . ( $Validate ? "class=\"Validate_DateYear $Class\" " : "class=\"$Class\" " )
            . "name=\"${Prefix}Year\" id=\"${Prefix}Year\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"4\" "
            . "title=\""
            . $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Year')
            . "\" value=\""
            . sprintf( "%02d", ( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Year' } || $Y ) ) . "\"/>";

    # month
    if ( $DateInputStyle eq 'Option' ) {
        my %Month;
        for ( 1 .. 12 ) {
            my $Tmp = sprintf( "%02d", $_ );
            $Month{$_} = $Tmp;
        $Param{Month} = $Self->BuildSelection(
            Name                => $Prefix . 'Month',
            Data                => \%Month,
            SelectedID          => int( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Month' } || $M ),
            LanguageTranslation => 0,
            Class               => $Validate ? 'Validate_DateMonth' : '',
            Title               => $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Month'),
    else {
            = "<input type=\"text\" "
            . ( $Validate ? "class=\"Validate_DateMonth $Class\" " : "class=\"$Class\" " )
            . "name=\"${Prefix}Month\" id=\"${Prefix}Month\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" "
            . "title=\""
            . $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Month')
            . "\" value=\""
            . sprintf( "%02d", ( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Month' } || $M ) ) . "\"/>";

    my $DateValidateClasses = '';
    if ($Validate) {
            .= "Validate_DateDay Validate_DateYear_${Prefix}Year Validate_DateMonth_${Prefix}Month";
        if ($ValidateDateInFuture) {
            $DateValidateClasses .= " Validate_DateInFuture";

    # day
    if ( $DateInputStyle eq 'Option' ) {
        my %Day;
        for ( 1 .. 31 ) {
            my $Tmp = sprintf( "%02d", $_ );
            $Day{$_} = $Tmp;
        $Param{Day} = $Self->BuildSelection(
            Name                => $Prefix . 'Day',
            Data                => \%Day,
            SelectedID          => int( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Day' } || $D ),
            LanguageTranslation => 0,
            Class               => "$DateValidateClasses $Class",
            Title               => $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Day'),
    else {
        $Param{Day} = "<input type=\"text\" "
            . "class=\"$DateValidateClasses $Class\" "
            . "name=\"${Prefix}Day\" id=\"${Prefix}Day\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" "
            . "title=\""
            . $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Day')
            . "\" value=\""
            . sprintf( "%02d", ( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Day' } || $D ) ) . "\"/>";
    if ( $Format eq 'DateInputFormatLong' ) {

        # hour
        if ( $DateInputStyle eq 'Option' ) {
            my %Hour;
            for ( 0 .. 23 ) {
                my $Tmp = sprintf( "%02d", $_ );
                $Hour{$_} = $Tmp;
            $Param{Hour} = $Self->BuildSelection(
                Name       => $Prefix . 'Hour',
                Data       => \%Hour,
                SelectedID => defined( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Hour' } )
                ? int( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Hour' } )
                : int($h),
                LanguageTranslation => 0,
                Class               => $Validate ? ( 'Validate_DateHour ' . $Class ) : $Class,
                Title               => $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Hours'),
        else {
            $Param{Hour} = "<input type=\"text\" "
                . ( $Validate ? "class=\"Validate_DateHour $Class\" " : "class=\"$Class\" " )
                . "name=\"${Prefix}Hour\" id=\"${Prefix}Hour\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" "
                . "title=\""
                . $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Hours')
                . "\" value=\""
                . sprintf(
                ( defined( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Hour' } ) ? int( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Hour' } ) : $h )
                . "\"/>";

        # minute
        if ( $DateInputStyle eq 'Option' ) {
            my %Minute;
            for ( 0 .. 59 ) {
                my $Tmp = sprintf( "%02d", $_ );
                $Minute{$_} = $Tmp;
            $Param{Minute} = $Self->BuildSelection(
                Name       => $Prefix . 'Minute',
                Data       => \%Minute,
                SelectedID => defined( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Minute' } )
                ? int( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Minute' } )
                : int($m),
                LanguageTranslation => 0,
                Class               => $Validate ? ( 'Validate_DateMinute ' . $Class ) : $Class,
                Title               => $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Minutes'),
        else {
            $Param{Minute} = "<input type=\"text\" "
                . ( $Validate ? "class=\"Validate_DateMinute $Class\" " : "class=\"$Class\" " )
                . "name=\"${Prefix}Minute\" id=\"${Prefix}Minute\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" "
                . "title=\""
                . $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Minutes')
                . "\" value=\""
                . sprintf(
                    defined( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Minute' } )
                    ? int( $Param{ $Prefix . 'Minute' } )
                    : $m
                ) . "\"/>";

    # Get first day of the week
    my $WeekDayStart = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CalendarWeekDayStart') || 1;

    # Datepicker
    $DatepickerHTML = '<!--dtl:js_on_document_complete--><script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
            Day: $(\'#' . $Prefix . 'Day\'),
            Month: $(\'#' . $Prefix . 'Month\'),
            Year: $(\'#' . $Prefix . 'Year\'),
            Hour: $(\'#' . $Prefix . 'Hour\'),
            Minute: $(\'#' . $Prefix . 'Minute\'),
            DateInFuture: ' . ( $ValidateDateInFuture ? 'true' : 'false' ) . ',
            WeekDayStart: ' . $WeekDayStart . '

    my $Output;

    # optional checkbox
    if ($Optional) {
        my $Checked       = '';
        my $ValidateClass = '';
        if ($Used) {
            $Checked = ' checked="checked"';
        if ($Required) {
            $ValidateClass = ' class="Validate_Required"';
        $Output .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\""
            . $Prefix
            . "Used\" id=\"" . $Prefix . "Used\" value=\"1\""
            . $Checked
            . $ValidateClass
            . " title=\""
            . $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Check to activate this date')
            . "\" />&nbsp;";

    # date format
    $Output .= $Self->{LanguageObject}->Time(
        Action => 'Return',
        Format => 'DateInputFormat',
        Mode   => 'NotNumeric',

    # add Datepicker HTML to output
    $Output .= $DatepickerHTML;

    # set global var to true to add a block to the footer later
    $Self->{HasDatepicker} = 1;

    return $Output;

sub CustomerLogin {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Output = '';
    $Param{TitleArea} = $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get('Login') . ' - ';

    # set Action parameter for the loader
    $Self->{Action} = 'CustomerLogin';

    # add cookies if exists
    if ( $Self->{SetCookies} && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('SessionUseCookie') ) {
        for ( keys %{ $Self->{SetCookies} } ) {
            $Output .= "Set-Cookie: $Self->{SetCookies}->{$_}\n";

    # check if message should be shown
    if ( $Param{Message} ) {
            Name => 'Message',
            Data => \%Param,

    # get lost password output
    if (
        && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Customer::AuthModule') eq
            Name => 'LostPasswordLink',
            Data => \%Param,
            Name => 'LostPassword',
            Data => \%Param,

    # get lost password output
    if (
        && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Customer::AuthModule') eq
            Name => 'CreateAccountLink',
            Data => \%Param,
            Name => 'CreateAccount',
            Data => \%Param,

   # Generate the minified CSS and JavaScript files and the tags referencing them (see LayoutLoader)

    # Add header logo, if configured
    if ( defined $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerLogo') ) {
        my %CustomerLogo = %{ $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerLogo') };
        my %Data;

        for my $CSSStatement ( keys %CustomerLogo ) {
            if ( $CSSStatement eq 'URL' ) {
                my $WebPath = '';
                if ( $CustomerLogo{$CSSStatement} !~ /(http|ftp|https):\//i ) {
                    $WebPath = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::WebPath');
                $Data{'URL'} = 'url(' . $WebPath . $CustomerLogo{$CSSStatement} . ')';
            else {
                $Data{$CSSStatement} = $CustomerLogo{$CSSStatement};

            Name => 'HeaderLogoCSS',
            Data => \%Data,

            Name => 'HeaderLogo',

    # create & return output
    $Output .= $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'CustomerLogin', Data => \%Param );

    # remove the version tag from the header if configured
    $Self->_DisableBannerCheck( OutputRef => \$Output );

    return $Output;

sub CustomerHeader {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Type = $Param{Type} || '';

    # add cookies if exists
    my $Output = '';
    if ( $Self->{SetCookies} && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('SessionUseCookie') ) {
        for ( keys %{ $Self->{SetCookies} } ) {
            $Output .= "Set-Cookie: $Self->{SetCookies}->{$_}\n";

    # area and title
    if (
        && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerFrontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }
        $Param{Area} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerFrontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }
            ->{NavBarName} || '';
    if (
        && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerFrontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }
            = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerFrontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }->{Title}
            || '';
    if (
        && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('PublicFrontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }
        $Param{Area} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('PublicFrontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }
            ->{NavBarName} || '';
    if (
        && $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('PublicFrontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }
            = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('PublicFrontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} }->{Title}
            || '';
    for my $Word (qw(Value Title Area)) {
        if ( $Param{$Word} ) {
            $Param{TitleArea} .= $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get( $Param{$Word} ) . ' - ';

    # run header meta modules only on customer frontends
    if ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerFrontend::Module')->{ $Self->{Action} } ) {
        my $HeaderMetaModule = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerFrontend::HeaderMetaModule');
        if ( ref $HeaderMetaModule eq 'HASH' ) {
            my %Jobs = %{$HeaderMetaModule};
            for my $Job ( sort keys %Jobs ) {

                # load and run module
                next if !$Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Jobs{$Job}->{Module} );
                my $Object = $Jobs{$Job}->{Module}->new( %{$Self}, LayoutObject => $Self );
                next if !$Object;
                $Object->Run( %Param, Config => $Jobs{$Job} );

    # set rtl if needed
    if ( $Self->{TextDirection} && $Self->{TextDirection} eq 'rtl' ) {
        $Param{BodyClass} = 'RTL';
    elsif ( $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::DebugMode') ) {
            Name => 'DebugRTLButton',

    # Add header logo, if configured
    if ( defined $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerLogo') ) {
        my %CustomerLogo = %{ $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerLogo') };
        my %Data;

        for my $CSSStatement ( keys %CustomerLogo ) {
            if ( $CSSStatement eq 'URL' ) {
                my $WebPath = '';
                if ( $CustomerLogo{$CSSStatement} !~ /(http|ftp|https):\//i ) {
                    $WebPath = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Frontend::WebPath');
                $Data{'URL'} = 'url(' . $WebPath . $CustomerLogo{$CSSStatement} . ')';
            else {
                $Data{$CSSStatement} = $CustomerLogo{$CSSStatement};

            Name => 'HeaderLogoCSS',
            Data => \%Data,

            Name => 'HeaderLogo',

    # Generate the minified CSS and JavaScript files
    # and the tags referencing them (see LayoutLoader)

    # create & return output
    $Output .= $Self->Output(
        TemplateFile => "CustomerHeader$Type",
        Data         => \%Param,

    # remove the version tag from the header if configured
    $Self->_DisableBannerCheck( OutputRef => \$Output );

    return $Output;

sub CustomerFooter {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Type          = $Param{Type}           || '';
    my $HasDatepicker = $Self->{HasDatepicker} || 0;

    # Generate the minified CSS and JavaScript files
    # and the tags referencing them (see LayoutLoader)

    # get datepicker data, if needed in module
    if ($HasDatepicker) {
        my $VacationDays     = $Self->DatepickerGetVacationDays();
        my $VacationDaysJSON = $Self->JSONEncode(
            Data => $VacationDays,

        my $TextDirection = $Self->{LanguageObject}->{TextDirection} || '';

            Name => 'DatepickerData',
            Data => {
                VacationDays => $VacationDaysJSON,
                IsRTLLanguage => ( $TextDirection eq 'rtl' ) ? 1 : 0,

    # Banner
    if ( !$Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Secure::DisableBanner') ) {
            Name => 'Banner',

    # create & return output
    return $Self->Output( TemplateFile => "CustomerFooter$Type", Data => \%Param );

sub CustomerFatalError {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    if ( $Param{Message} ) {
            Caller   => 1,
            Priority => 'error',
            Message  => $Param{Message},
    my $Output = $Self->CustomerHeader( Area => 'Frontend', Title => 'Fatal Error' );
    $Output .= $Self->Error(%Param);
    $Output .= $Self->CustomerFooter();
    $Self->Print( Output => \$Output );

sub CustomerNavigationBar {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # create menu items
    my %NavBarModule;
    my $FrontendModuleConfig = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerFrontend::Module');

    for my $Module ( sort keys %{$FrontendModuleConfig} ) {
        my %Hash = %{ $FrontendModuleConfig->{$Module} };
        next if !$Hash{NavBar};
        next if ref $Hash{NavBar} ne 'ARRAY';

        my @Items = @{ $Hash{NavBar} };
        for my $Item (@Items) {
            next if !$Item;

            # check permissions
            my $Shown = 0;

            # get permissions from module if no permissions are defined for the icon
            if ( !$Item->{GroupRo} && !$Item->{Group} ) {
                if ( $Hash{GroupRo} ) {
                    $Item->{GroupRo} = $Hash{GroupRo};
                if ( $Hash{Group} ) {
                    $Item->{Group} = $Hash{Group};

            # check shown permission
            for my $Permission (qw(GroupRo Group)) {

                # array access restriction
                if ( $Item->{$Permission} && ref $Item->{$Permission} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                    for my $Type ( @{ $Item->{$Permission} } ) {
                        my $Key = 'UserIs' . $Permission . '[' . $Type . ']';
                        if ( $Self->{$Key} && $Self->{$Key} eq 'Yes' ) {
                            $Shown = 1;

                # scalar access restriction
                elsif ( $Item->{$Permission} ) {
                    my $Key = 'UserIs' . $Permission . '[' . $Item->{$Permission} . ']';
                    if ( $Self->{$Key} && $Self->{$Key} eq 'Yes' ) {
                        $Shown = 1;

                # no access restriction
                elsif ( !$Item->{GroupRo} && !$Item->{Group} ) {
                    $Shown = 1;
            next if !$Shown;

            # set prio of item
            my $Key = sprintf( "%07d", $Item->{Prio} );
            for ( 1 .. 51 ) {
                last if !$NavBarModule{$Key};

            $NavBarModule{ sprintf( "%07d", $Item->{Prio} ) } = $Item;

    # run menu item modules
    if ( ref $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerFrontend::NavBarModule') eq 'HASH' ) {
        my %Jobs = %{ $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerFrontend::NavBarModule') };
        for my $Job ( sort keys %Jobs ) {

            # load module
            if ( !$Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Jobs{$Job}->{Module} ) ) {
            my $Object = $Jobs{$Job}->{Module}->new(
                ConfigObject => $Self->{ConfigObject},
                LogObject    => $Self->{LogObject},
                DBObject     => $Self->{DBObject},
                LayoutObject => $Self,
                UserID       => $Self->{UserID},
                Debug        => $Self->{Debug},

            # run module
            %NavBarModule = ( %NavBarModule, $Object->Run( %Param, Config => $Jobs{$Job} ) );

    my $Total   = keys %NavBarModule;
    my $Counter = 0;

    # Only highlight the first matched navigation entry. If there are several entries
    #   with the same Action and Subaction, it cannot be determined which one was used.
    #   Therefore we just highlight the first one.
    my $SelectedFlag;

    for my $Item ( sort keys %NavBarModule ) {
        next if !%{ $NavBarModule{$Item} };

        # highlight active link
        $NavBarModule{$Item}->{Class} = '';
        if ( $NavBarModule{$Item}->{Link} ) {
            if (
                && $NavBarModule{$Item}->{Link} =~ /Action=$Self->{Action}/
                && $NavBarModule{$Item}->{Link} =~ /$Self->{Subaction}/     # Subaction can be empty
                $NavBarModule{$Item}->{Class} .= ' Selected';
                $SelectedFlag = 1;
        if ( $Counter == $Total ) {
            $NavBarModule{$Item}->{Class} .= ' Last';
            Name => $NavBarModule{$Item}->{Block} || 'Item',
            Data => $NavBarModule{$Item},

    # run notification modules
    my $FrontendNotifyModuleConfig = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('CustomerFrontend::NotifyModule');
    if ( ref $FrontendNotifyModuleConfig eq 'HASH' ) {
        my %Jobs = %{$FrontendNotifyModuleConfig};
        for my $Job ( sort keys %Jobs ) {

            # load module
            next if !$Self->{MainObject}->Require( $Jobs{$Job}->{Module} );
            my $Object = $Jobs{$Job}->{Module}->new(
                LayoutObject => $Self,
            next if !$Object;

            # run module
            $Param{Notification} .= $Object->Run( %Param, Config => $Jobs{$Job} );

    # create the customer user login info (usually at the right side of the navigation bar)
    if ( !$Self->{UserLoginIdentifier} ) {
        $Param{UserLoginIdentifier} = $Self->{UserEmail} ne $Self->{UserCustomerID}
            "( $Self->{UserEmail} / $Self->{UserCustomerID} )"
            : $Self->{UserEmail};
    else {
        $Param{UserLoginIdentifier} = $Self->{UserLoginIdentifier};

    # only on valid session
    if ( $Self->{UserID} ) {

        # show logout button (if registered)
        if ( $FrontendModuleConfig->{Logout} ) {
                Name => 'Logout',
                Data => \%Param,

        # show preferences button (if registered)
        if ( $FrontendModuleConfig->{CustomerPreferences} ) {
            if ( $Self->{Action} eq 'CustomerPreferences' ) {
                $Param{Class} = 'Selected';
                Name => 'Preferences',
                Data => \%Param,

    # create & return output
    return $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'CustomerNavigationBar', Data => \%Param );

sub CustomerError {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get backend error messages
    for (qw(Message Traceback)) {
        $Param{ 'Backend' . $_ } = $Self->{LogObject}->GetLogEntry(
            Type => 'Error',
            What => $_
        ) || '';
    if ( !$Param{BackendMessage} && !$Param{BackendTraceback} ) {
            Priority => 'error',
            Message => $Param{Message} || '?',
        for (qw(Message Traceback)) {
            $Param{ 'Backend' . $_ } = $Self->{LogObject}->GetLogEntry(
                Type => 'Error',
                What => $_
            ) || '';

    if ( !$Param{Message} ) {
        $Param{Message} = $Param{BackendMessage};

    # create & return output
    return $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'CustomerError', Data => \%Param );

sub CustomerWarning {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # get backend error messages
    $Param{BackendMessage} = $Self->{LogObject}->GetLogEntry(
        Type => 'Notice',
        What => 'Message',
        || $Self->{LogObject}->GetLogEntry(
        Type => 'Error',
        What => 'Message',
        ) || '';

    if ( !$Param{Message} ) {
        $Param{Message} = $Param{BackendMessage};

    # create & return output
    return $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'CustomerWarning', Data => \%Param );

sub CustomerNoPermission {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $WithHeader = $Param{WithHeader} || 'yes';
    $Param{Message} ||= 'No Permission!';

    # create output
    my $Output = $Self->CustomerHeader( Title => 'No Permission' ) if ( $WithHeader eq 'yes' );
    $Output .= $Self->Output( TemplateFile => 'NoPermission', Data => \%Param );
    $Output .= $Self->CustomerFooter() if ( $WithHeader eq 'yes' );

    # return output
    return $Output;

=item Ascii2RichText()

converts text to rich text

    my $HTMLString = $LayoutObject->Ascii2RichText(
        String => $TextString,


sub Ascii2RichText {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed stuff
    for (qw(String)) {
        if ( !defined $Param{$_} ) {
            $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => "Need $_!" );

    # ascii 2 html
    $Param{String} = $Self->{HTMLUtilsObject}->ToHTML(
        String => $Param{String},

    return $Param{String};

=item RichText2Ascii()

converts text to rich text

    my $TextString = $LayoutObject->RichText2Ascii(
        String => $HTMLString,


sub RichText2Ascii {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed stuff
    for (qw(String)) {
        if ( !defined $Param{$_} ) {
            $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => "Need $_!" );

    # ascii 2 html
    $Param{String} = $Self->{HTMLUtilsObject}->ToAscii(
        String => $Param{String},

    return $Param{String};

=item RichTextDocumentComplete()

1) add html, body, ... tags to be a valid html document
2) replace links of inline content e. g. images to <img src="cid:xxxx" />

    $HTMLBody = $LayoutObject->RichTextDocumentComplete(
        String => $HTMLBody,


sub RichTextDocumentComplete {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed stuff
    for (qw(String)) {
        if ( !defined $Param{$_} ) {
            $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => "Need $_!" );

    # replace image link with content id for uploaded images
    my $StringRef = $Self->_RichTextReplaceLinkOfInlineContent(
        String => \$Param{String},

    # verify html document
    $Param{String} = $Self->{HTMLUtilsObject}->DocumentComplete(
        String  => ${$StringRef},
        Charset => $Self->{UserCharset},

    # do correct direction
    if ( $Self->{TextDirection} ) {
        $Param{String} =~ s/<body/<body dir="$Self->{TextDirection}"/i;

    # filter links in response
    $Param{String} = $Self->HTMLLinkQuote( String => $Param{String} );

    return $Param{String};

=begin Internal:


=item _RichTextReplaceLinkOfInlineContent()

replace links of inline content e. g. images

    $HTMLBodyStringRef = $LayoutObject->_RichTextReplaceLinkOfInlineContent(
        String => $HTMLBodyStringRef,


sub _RichTextReplaceLinkOfInlineContent {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed stuff
    for (qw(String)) {
        if ( !$Param{$_} ) {
            $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => "Need $_!" );

    # replace image link with content id for uploaded images
    ${ $Param{String} } =~ s{
        $1 . 'cid:' . $3 . $4 . $5;

    return $Param{String};

=end Internal:

=item RichTextDocumentSafetyCheck()

check if content is safety

    $HTMLBody = $LayoutObject->RichTextDocumentSafetyCheck(
        String => $HTMLBody,


sub RichTextDocumentSafetyCheck {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed stuff
    for (qw(String)) {
        if ( !defined $Param{$_} ) {
            $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => "Need $_!" );

    # safety check
    my %Safety = $Self->{HTMLUtilsObject}->Safety(
        String       => \$Param{String},
        NoApplet     => 1,
        NoObject     => 1,
        NoEmbed      => 1,
        NoIntSrcLoad => 0,
        NoExtSrcLoad => 1,
        NoJavaScript => 1,
        Debug        => $Self->{Debug},

    # return if no safety change has been done
    return $Param{String} if !$Safety{Replaced};

    # generate blocker message
    my $Message = $Self->Output(
        TemplateFile => 'AttachmentBlocker',

    # add it on top of page
    if ( ${ $Safety{String} } =~ /<body.*?/si ) {
        ${ $Safety{String} } =~ s/(<body.*?>)/$1\n$Message/si;

    # add it to end of page
    else {
        ${ $Safety{String} } = $Message . ${ $Safety{String} };

    return ${ $Safety{String} };

=item RichTextDocumentServe()

serve a rich text document for local view in correct charset and with correct
links for inline document

    my %HTMLFile = $LayoutObject->RichTextDocumentServe(
        Data => {
            Content     => $HTMLBodyRef,
            ContentType => 'text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"',
        URL               => 'AgentTicketAttachment;Subaction=HTMLView;ArticleID=123;FileID=',
        Attachments       => \%AttachmentListOfInlineAttachments,
        LoadInlineContent => 1,


sub RichTextDocumentServe {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed stuff
    for (qw(Data URL Attachments)) {
        if ( !defined $Param{$_} ) {
            $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => "Need $_!" );

    # get charset and convert content to internal charset
    if ( $Self->{EncodeObject}->EncodeInternalUsed() ) {
        my $Charset = $Param{Data}->{ContentType};
        $Charset =~ s/.+?charset=("|'|)(\w+)/$2/gi;
        $Charset =~ s/"|'//g;
        $Charset =~ s/(.+?);.*/$1/g;

        # convert charset
        if ($Charset) {
            $Param{Data}->{Content} = $Self->{EncodeObject}->Convert(
                Text => $Param{Data}->{Content},
                From => $Charset,
                To   => $Self->{UserCharset},

            # replace charset in content
            $Param{Data}->{Content}     =~ s/$Charset/utf-8/gi;
            $Param{Data}->{ContentType} =~ s/$Charset/utf-8/gi;

    # add html links
    $Param{Data}->{Content} = $Self->HTMLLinkQuote(
        String => $Param{Data}->{Content},

    # cleanup some html tags to be cross browser compat.
    $Param{Data}->{Content} = $Self->RichTextDocumentCleanup(
        String => $Param{Data}->{Content},

    # safety check
    if ( !$Param{LoadInlineContent} ) {
        $Param{Data}->{Content} = $Self->RichTextDocumentSafetyCheck(
            String => $Param{Data}->{Content},

    # build base url for inline images
    my $SessionID = '';
    if ( $Self->{SessionID} && !$Self->{SessionIDCookie} ) {
        $SessionID = ';' . $Self->{SessionName} . '=' . $Self->{SessionID};

    # replace inline images in content with runtime url to images
    my $AttachmentLink = $Self->{Baselink} . $Param{URL};
    $Param{Data}->{Content} =~ s{
        my $Start= $1;
        my $ContentID = $2;
        my $End = $3;

        # improve html quality
        if ( $Start ne '"' && $Start ne '\'' ) {
            $Start .= '"';
        if ( $End ne '"' && $End ne '\'' ) {
            $End = '"' . $End;

        # find matching attachment and replace it with runtlime url to image
        for my $AttachmentID ( keys %{ $Param{Attachments} }) {
            next if lc $Param{Attachments}->{$AttachmentID}->{ContentID} ne lc "<$ContentID>";
            $ContentID = $AttachmentLink . $AttachmentID . ';' . $SessionID;

        # return new runtime url
        $Start . $ContentID . $End;

    # bug #5053
    # inline images using Content-Location as identifier instead of Content-ID even RFC2557

    # find matching attachment and replace it with runtlime url to image
    for my $AttachmentID ( keys %{ $Param{Attachments} } ) {
        next if !$Param{Attachments}->{$AttachmentID}->{ContentID};

        # content id cleanup
        $Param{Attachments}->{$AttachmentID}->{ContentID} =~ s/^<//;
        $Param{Attachments}->{$AttachmentID}->{ContentID} =~ s/>$//;

        $Param{Data}->{Content} =~ s{
        my $Start= $1;
        my $ContentID = $2;
        my $End = $3;

        # improve html quality
        if ( $Start ne '"' && $Start ne '\'' ) {
            $Start .= '"';
        if ( $End ne '"' && $End ne '\'' ) {
            $End = '"' . $End;

        # return new runtime url
        $ContentID = $AttachmentLink . $AttachmentID . ';' . $SessionID;
        $Start . $ContentID . $End;

    return %{ $Param{Data} };

=item RichTextDocumentCleanup()

1)  replace MS Word 12 <p|div> with class "MsoNormal" by using <br/> because
    it's not used as <p><div> (margin:0cm; margin-bottom:.0001pt;)

2)  replace <blockquote> by using
    "<div style="border:none;border-left:solid blue 1.5pt;padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 4.0pt" type="cite">"
    because of cross mail client and browser compatability

    $HTMLBody = $LayoutObject->RichTextDocumentCleanup(
        String => $HTMLBody,


sub RichTextDocumentCleanup {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # check needed stuff
    for (qw(String)) {
        if ( !defined $Param{$_} ) {
            $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => "Need $_!" );

    $Param{String} = $Self->{HTMLUtilsObject}->DocumentStyleCleanup(
        String => $Param{String},

    return $Param{String};

=begin Internal:


sub _BlockTemplatePreferences {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my %TagsOpen;
    my @Preferences;
    my $LastLayerCount = 0;
    my $Layer          = 0;
    my $LastLayer      = '';
    my $CurrentLayer   = '';
    my %UsedNames;
    my $TemplateFile = $Param{TemplateFile} || '';
    if ( !defined $Param{Template} ) {
        $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => 'Need Template!' );

    if ( $Self->{PrasedBlockTemplatePreferences}->{$TemplateFile} ) {
        return $Self->{PrasedBlockTemplatePreferences}->{$TemplateFile};

    $Param{Template} =~ s{
        my $BlockName = $1;
        if (!$TagsOpen{$BlockName}) {
            $TagsOpen{$BlockName} = 1;
            my $CL = '';
            if ($Layer == 1) {
                $LastLayer = '';
                $CurrentLayer = $BlockName;
            elsif ($LastLayerCount == $Layer) {
                $CurrentLayer = $LastLayer.'::'.$BlockName;
            else {
                $LastLayer = $CurrentLayer;
                $CurrentLayer = $CurrentLayer.'::'.$BlockName;
            $LastLayerCount = $Layer;
            if (!$UsedNames{$BlockName}) {
                push (@Preferences, {
                    Name => $BlockName,
                    Layer => $Layer,
                $UsedNames{$BlockName} = 1;
        else {
            $TagsOpen{$BlockName} = 0;

    # check open (invalid) tags
    for ( keys %TagsOpen ) {
        if ( $TagsOpen{$_} ) {
            my $Message = "'dtl:block:$_' isn't closed!";
            if ($TemplateFile) {
                $Message .= " ($TemplateFile.dtl)";
            $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => $Message );

    # remember block data
    if ($TemplateFile) {
        $Self->{PrasedBlockTemplatePreferences}->{$TemplateFile} = \@Preferences;

    return \@Preferences;

sub _BlockTemplatesReplace {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    if ( !$Param{Template} ) {
        $Self->{LogObject}->Log( Priority => 'error', Message => 'Need Template!' );
    my $TemplateString = $Param{Template};

    # get availabe template block preferences
    my $BlocksRef = $Self->_BlockTemplatePreferences(
        Template => $$TemplateString,
        TemplateFile => $Param{TemplateFile} || '',
    my %BlockLayer;
    my %BlockTemplates;
    for my $Block ( reverse @{$BlocksRef} ) {
        $$TemplateString =~ s{
            $BlockTemplates{$Block->{Name}} = $1;
            "<!-- dtl:place_block:$Block->{Name} -->";
        $BlockLayer{ $Block->{Name} } = $Block->{Layer};

    # create block template string
    my @BR;
    if ( $Self->{BlockData} && %BlockTemplates ) {
        my @NotUsedBlockData;
        for my $Block ( @{ $Self->{BlockData} } ) {
            if ( $BlockTemplates{ $Block->{Name} } ) {
                        Layer => $BlockLayer{ $Block->{Name} },
                        Name  => $Block->{Name},
                        Data  => $Self->_Output(
                            Template => $BlockTemplates{ $Block->{Name} },
                            Data     => $Block->{Data},
            else {
                push @NotUsedBlockData, { %{$Block} };

        # remember not use block data
        $Self->{BlockData} = \@NotUsedBlockData;
    return @BR;

sub _Output {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    # deep recursion protection
    if ( $Self->{OutputCount} > 20 ) {
            Priority => 'error',
            Message  => 'Loop detection!',

    # create refs
    my $GlobalRef = {
        Env    => $Self->{EnvRef},
        Data   => $Param{Data},
        Config => $Self->{ConfigObject},

    my $TemplateString = $Param{Template};

    # parse/get text blocks
    my @BR = $Self->_BlockTemplatesReplace(
        Template => \$TemplateString,
        TemplateFile => $Param{TemplateFile} || '',
    my $ID = 0;
    my %LayerHash;
    my $OldLayer = 1;
    for my $Block (@BR) {

        # reset layer counter if we switched on layer lower
        if ( $Block->{Layer} > $OldLayer ) {
            $LayerHash{ $Block->{Layer} } = 0;

        # count current layer
        $LayerHash{ $Block->{Layer} }++;

        # create current id (1:2:3)
        undef $ID;
        for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $Block->{Layer}; $i++ ) {
            if ( defined $ID ) {
                $ID .= ':';
            if ( defined $LayerHash{$i} ) {
                $ID .= $LayerHash{$i};

        # add block counter to template blocks
        if ( $Block->{Layer} == 1 ) {
            $TemplateString =~ s{
                <!-- [ ] dtl:place_block:($Block->{Name}) [ ] -->
            {<!-- dtl:place_block:$1:$LayerHash{$Block->{Layer}} -->}sgxm;

        # add block counter to in block blocks
        $Block->{Data} =~ s{
            <!-- [ ] dtl:place_block:(.+?) [ ] -->
        {<!-- dtl:place_block:$1:$ID:- -->}sgxm;

        # count up place_block counter
        $ID =~ s/^(.*:)(\d+)$/$1-/;

        my $NewID = '';
        if ( $ID =~ /^(.*:)(\d+)$/ ) {
            $NewID = $1 . ( $2 + 1 );
        elsif ( $ID =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
            $NewID = ( $1 + 1 );
        elsif ( $ID =~ /^(.*:)-$/ ) {
            $NewID = $ID;

        $TemplateString =~ s{
            <!-- [ ] dtl:place_block:$Block->{Name}:$ID [ ] -->
        {$Block->{Data}<!-- dtl:place_block:$Block->{Name}:$NewID -->}sxm;
        $OldLayer = $Block->{Layer};

    # remove empty blocks and block preferences
    if ( $Param{BlockReplace} ) {
        $TemplateString =~ s{<!-- [ ] dtl:place_block:.+? [ ] --> }{}sgxm;

    # process template
    my $Output = '';
    for my $Line ( split( /\n/, $TemplateString ) ) {

        #        # add missing new line (striped from split)
        #        $Line .= "\n";

        # variable & env & config replacement
        my $Regexp = 1;
        while ($Regexp) {
            $Regexp = $Line =~ s{
                if ($1 eq 'Data' || $1 eq 'Env') {
                    if ( defined $GlobalRef->{$1}->{$2} ) {
                    else {
                        # output replace with nothing!
                elsif ($1 eq 'QEnv') {
                    my $Text = $2;
                    if ( !defined $Text || $Text =~ /^",\s*"(.+)$/ ) {
                    elsif ($Text =~ /^(.+?)",\s*"(.+)$/) {
                        if ( defined $GlobalRef->{Env}->{$1} ) {
                            $Self->Ascii2Html(Text => $GlobalRef->{Env}->{$1}, Max => $2);
                        else {
                            # output replace with nothing!
                    else {
                        if ( defined $GlobalRef->{Env}->{$Text} ) {
                            $Self->Ascii2Html(Text => $GlobalRef->{Env}->{$Text});
                        else {
                            # output replace with nothing!
                elsif ($1 eq 'QData') {
                    my $Text = $2;
                    if ( !defined $Text || $Text =~ /^",\s*"(.+)$/ ) {
                    elsif ($Text =~ /^(.+?)",\s*"(.+)$/) {
                        if ( defined $GlobalRef->{Data}->{$1} ) {
                            $Self->Ascii2Html(Text => $GlobalRef->{Data}->{$1}, Max => $2);
                        else {
                            # output replace with nothing!
                    else {
                        if ( defined $GlobalRef->{Data}->{$Text} ) {
                            $Self->Ascii2Html(Text => $GlobalRef->{Data}->{$Text});
                        else {
                            # output replace with nothing!
                # link encode
                elsif ($1 eq 'LQData') {
                    if ( defined $GlobalRef->{Data}->{$2} ) {
                    else {
                        # output replace with nothing!
                # replace with
                elsif ($1 eq 'Config') {
                    if ( defined $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get($2) ) {
                    else {
                        # output replace with nothing!
                # include dtl files
                elsif ($1 eq 'Include') {
                        Include => 1,
                        TemplateFile => $2,

        # add this line to output
        $Output .= $Line . "\n";
    chomp $Output;

    $Self->{OutputCount} = 0;

    # return output
    return $Output;

=item _BuildSelectionOptionRefCreate()

create the option hash

    my $OptionRef = $LayoutObject->_BuildSelectionOptionRefCreate(

    my $OptionRef = {
        Sort => 'numeric',
        PossibleNone => 0,
        Max => 100,


sub _BuildSelectionOptionRefCreate {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $OptionRef = {};

    # set SelectedID option
    if ( defined $Param{SelectedID} ) {
        if ( ref $Param{SelectedID} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
            for my $Key ( @{ $Param{SelectedID} } ) {
                $OptionRef->{SelectedID}->{$Key} = 1;
        else {
            $OptionRef->{SelectedID}->{ $Param{SelectedID} } = 1;

    # set SelectedValue option
    if ( defined $Param{SelectedValue} ) {
        if ( ref $Param{SelectedValue} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
            for my $Value ( @{ $Param{SelectedValue} } ) {
                $OptionRef->{SelectedValue}->{$Value} = 1;
        else {
            $OptionRef->{SelectedValue}->{ $Param{SelectedValue} } = 1;

    # set Sort option
    $OptionRef->{Sort} = 0;
    if ( $Param{Sort} ) {
        $OptionRef->{Sort} = $Param{Sort};

    # look if a individual sort is available
    if ( $Param{SortIndividual} && ref $Param{SortIndividual} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        $OptionRef->{SortIndividual} = $Param{SortIndividual};

    # set SortReverse option
    $OptionRef->{SortReverse} = 0;
    if ( $Param{SortReverse} ) {
        $OptionRef->{SortReverse} = 1;

    # set Translation option
    $OptionRef->{Translation} = 1;
    if ( defined $Param{Translation} && $Param{Translation} eq 0 ) {
        $OptionRef->{Translation} = 0;

    # correcting selected value hash if translation is on
    if (
        && $OptionRef->{SelectedValue}
        && ref $OptionRef->{SelectedValue} eq 'HASH'
        my %SelectedValueNew;
        for my $OriginalKey ( keys %{ $OptionRef->{SelectedValue} } ) {
            my $TranslatedKey = $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get($OriginalKey);
            $SelectedValueNew{$TranslatedKey} = 1;
        $OptionRef->{SelectedValue} = \%SelectedValueNew;

    # set PossibleNone option
    $OptionRef->{PossibleNone} = 0;
    if ( $Param{PossibleNone} ) {
        $OptionRef->{PossibleNone} = 1;

    # set TreeView option
    $OptionRef->{TreeView} = 0;
    if ( $Param{TreeView} ) {
        $OptionRef->{TreeView} = 1;
        $OptionRef->{Sort}     = 'TreeView';

    # set DisabledBranch option
    if ( $Param{DisabledBranch} ) {
        if ( ref $Param{DisabledBranch} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
            for my $Branch ( @{ $Param{DisabledBranch} } ) {
                $OptionRef->{DisabledBranch}->{$Branch} = 1;
        else {
            $OptionRef->{DisabledBranch}->{ $Param{DisabledBranch} } = 1;

    # set Max option
    $OptionRef->{Max} = $Param{Max} || 100;

    # set HTMLQuote option
    $OptionRef->{HTMLQuote} = 1;
    if ( defined $Param{HTMLQuote} ) {
        $OptionRef->{HTMLQuote} = $Param{HTMLQuote};

    return $OptionRef;

=item _BuildSelectionAttributeRefCreate()

create the attribute hash

    my $AttributeRef = $LayoutObject->_BuildSelectionAttributeRefCreate(

    my $AttributeRef = {
        name => 'TheName',
        multiple => undef,
        size => 5,


sub _BuildSelectionAttributeRefCreate {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $AttributeRef = {};

    # check params with key and value
    for (qw(Name ID Size Class OnChange OnClick)) {
        if ( $Param{$_} ) {
            $AttributeRef->{ lc($_) } = $Param{$_};

    # add id attriubut
    if ( !$AttributeRef->{id} ) {
        $AttributeRef->{id} = $AttributeRef->{name};

    # check params with key and value that need to be HTML-Quoted
    for (qw(Title)) {
        if ( $Param{$_} ) {
            $AttributeRef->{ lc($_) } = $Self->Ascii2Html( Text => $Param{$_} );

    # check HTML params
    for (qw(Multiple Disabled)) {
        if ( $Param{$_} ) {
            $AttributeRef->{ lc($_) } = lc($_);

    return $AttributeRef;

=item _BuildSelectionDataRefCreate()

create the data hash

    my $DataRef = $LayoutObject->_BuildSelectionDataRefCreate(
        Data => $ArrayRef,              # use $HashRef, $ArrayRef or $ArrayHashRef
        AttributeRef => $AttributeRef,
        OptionRef => $OptionRef,

    my $DataRef  = [
            Key => 11,
            Value => 'Text',
            Key => 'abc',
            Value => '&nbsp;&nbsp;Text',
            Selected => 1,


sub _BuildSelectionDataRefCreate {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $AttributeRef = $Param{AttributeRef};
    my $OptionRef    = $Param{OptionRef};
    my $DataRef      = [];

    my $Counter = 0;

    # if HashRef was given
    if ( ref $Param{Data} eq 'HASH' ) {

        # sort hash (before the translation)
        my @SortKeys;
        if ( $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'IndividualValue' && $OptionRef->{SortIndividual} ) {
            my %List = reverse %{ $Param{Data} };
            for my $Key ( @{ $OptionRef->{SortIndividual} } ) {
                if ( $List{$Key} ) {
                    push @SortKeys, $List{$Key};
                    delete $List{$Key};
            push @SortKeys, sort { $a cmp $b } ( values %List );

        # translate value
        if ( $OptionRef->{Translation} ) {
            for my $Row ( keys %{ $Param{Data} } ) {
                $Param{Data}->{$Row} = $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get( $Param{Data}->{$Row} );

        # sort hash (after the translation)
        if ( $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'NumericKey' ) {
            @SortKeys = sort { $a <=> $b } ( keys %{ $Param{Data} } );
        elsif ( $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'NumericValue' ) {
                = sort { $Param{Data}->{$a} <=> $Param{Data}->{$b} } ( keys %{ $Param{Data} } );
        elsif ( $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'AlphanumericKey' ) {
            @SortKeys = sort( keys %{ $Param{Data} } );
        elsif ( $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'TreeView' ) {

            # add suffix for correct sorting
            my %SortHash;
            for ( keys %{ $Param{Data} } ) {
                $SortHash{$_} = $Param{Data}->{$_} . '::';
            @SortKeys = sort { $SortHash{$a} cmp $SortHash{$b} } ( keys %SortHash );
        elsif ( $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'IndividualKey' && $OptionRef->{SortIndividual} ) {
            my %List = %{ $Param{Data} };
            for my $Key ( @{ $OptionRef->{SortIndividual} } ) {
                if ( $List{$Key} ) {
                    push @SortKeys, $Key;
                    delete $List{$Key};
            push @SortKeys, sort { $List{$a} cmp $List{$b} } ( keys %List );
        elsif ( $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'IndividualValue' && $OptionRef->{SortIndividual} ) {

            # already done before the translation
        else {
                = sort { $Param{Data}->{$a} cmp $Param{Data}->{$b} } ( keys %{ $Param{Data} } );
            $OptionRef->{Sort} = 'AlphanumericValue';

        # create DataRef
        for my $Row (@SortKeys) {
            $DataRef->[$Counter]->{Key}   = $Row;
            $DataRef->[$Counter]->{Value} = $Param{Data}->{$Row};

    # if ArrayHashRef was given
    elsif ( ref $Param{Data} eq 'ARRAY' && ref $Param{Data}->[0] eq 'HASH' ) {

        # create DataRef
        for my $Row ( @{ $Param{Data} } ) {
            if ( ref $Row eq 'HASH' && defined $Row->{Key} ) {
                $DataRef->[$Counter]->{Key}   = $Row->{Key};
                $DataRef->[$Counter]->{Value} = $Row->{Value};

                # translate value
                if ( $OptionRef->{Translation} ) {
                        = $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get( $DataRef->[$Counter]->{Value} );

                # set Selected and Disabled options
                if ( $Row->{Selected} ) {
                    $DataRef->[$Counter]->{Selected} = 1;
                elsif ( $Row->{Disabled} ) {
                    $DataRef->[$Counter]->{Disabled} = 1;

    # if ArrayRef was given
    elsif ( ref $Param{Data} eq 'ARRAY' ) {

        if (
            ( $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'IndividualValue' || $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'IndividualValue' )
            && $OptionRef->{SortIndividual}
            my %List = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $Param{Data} };
            $Param{Data} = [];
            for my $Key ( @{ $OptionRef->{SortIndividual} } ) {
                if ( $List{$Key} ) {
                    push @{ $Param{Data} }, $Key;
                    delete $List{$Key};
            push @{ $Param{Data} }, sort { $a cmp $b } ( keys %List );

        my %ReverseHash;

        # translate value
        if ( $OptionRef->{Translation} ) {
            my @TranslateArray;
            for my $Row ( @{ $Param{Data} } ) {
                my $TranslateString = $Self->{LanguageObject}->Get($Row);
                push @TranslateArray, $TranslateString;
                $ReverseHash{$TranslateString} = $Row;
            $Param{Data} = \@TranslateArray;
        else {
            for my $Row ( @{ $Param{Data} } ) {
                $ReverseHash{$Row} = $Row;

        # sort array
        if ( $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'AlphanumericKey' || $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'AlphanumericValue' )
            my @SortArray = sort( @{ $Param{Data} } );
            $Param{Data} = \@SortArray;
        elsif ( $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'NumericKey' || $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'NumericValue' ) {
            my @SortArray = sort { $a <=> $b } ( @{ $Param{Data} } );
            $Param{Data} = \@SortArray;
        elsif ( $OptionRef->{Sort} eq 'TreeView' ) {

            # add suffix for correct sorting
            my @SortArray;
            for my $Row ( @{ $Param{Data} } ) {
                push @SortArray, ( $Row . '::' );

            # sort array
            @SortArray = sort(@SortArray);

            # remove suffix
            my @SortArray2;
            for my $Row (@SortArray) {
                $/ = '::';
                push @SortArray2, $Row;
            $Param{Data} = \@SortArray;

        # create DataRef
        for my $Row ( @{ $Param{Data} } ) {
            $DataRef->[$Counter]->{Key}   = $ReverseHash{$Row};
            $DataRef->[$Counter]->{Value} = $Row;

    # SelectedID and SelectedValue option
    if ( $OptionRef->{SelectedID} || $OptionRef->{SelectedValue} ) {
        for my $Row ( @{$DataRef} ) {
            if (
                $OptionRef->{SelectedID}->{ $Row->{Key} }
                || $OptionRef->{SelectedValue}->{ $Row->{Value} }
                $Row->{Selected} = 1;

    # DisabledBranch option
    if ( $OptionRef->{DisabledBranch} ) {
        for my $Row ( @{$DataRef} ) {
            for my $Branch ( keys %{ $OptionRef->{DisabledBranch} } ) {
                if ( $Row->{Value} =~ /^(\Q$Branch\E)$/ || $Row->{Value} =~ /^(\Q$Branch\E)::/ ) {
                    $Row->{Disabled} = 1;

    # Max option
    # REMARK: Don't merge the Max handling with Ascii2Html function call of
    # the HTMLQuote handling. In this case you lose the max handling if you
    # deactivate HTMLQuote
    if ( $OptionRef->{Max} ) {
        for my $Row ( @{$DataRef} ) {

            # REMARK: This is the same solution as in Ascii2Html
            $Row->{Value} =~ s/^(.{$OptionRef->{Max}}).+?$/$1\[\.\.\]/gs;

            #$Row->{Value} = substr( $Row->{Value}, 0, $OptionRef->{Max} );

    # HTMLQuote option
    if ( $OptionRef->{HTMLQuote} ) {
        for my $Row ( @{$DataRef} ) {
            $Row->{Key}   = $Self->Ascii2Html( Text => $Row->{Key} );
            $Row->{Value} = $Self->Ascii2Html( Text => $Row->{Value} );

    # SortReverse option
    if ( $OptionRef->{SortReverse} ) {
        @{$DataRef} = reverse( @{$DataRef} );

    # PossibleNone option
    if ( $OptionRef->{PossibleNone} ) {
        my %None;
        $None{Key}   = '';
        $None{Value} = '-';

        unshift( @{$DataRef}, \%None );

    # TreeView option
    if ( $OptionRef->{TreeView} ) {

        for my $Row ( @{$DataRef} ) {

            next ROW if !$Row->{Value};

            my @Fragment = split '::', $Row->{Value};
            $Row->{Value} = pop @Fragment;

            my $Space = '&nbsp;&nbsp;' x scalar @Fragment;
            $Space ||= '';

            $Row->{Value} = $Space . $Row->{Value};

    return $DataRef;

=item _BuildSelectionOutput()

create the html string

    my $HTMLString = $LayoutObject->_BuildSelectionOutput(
        AttributeRef => $AttributeRef,
        DataRef => $DataRef,

    my $AttributeRef = {
        name => 'TheName',
        multiple => undef,
        size => 5,

    my $DataRef  = [
            Key => 11,
            Value => 'Text',
            Disabled => 1,
            Key => 'abc',
            Value => '&nbsp;&nbsp;Text',
            Selected => 1,


sub _BuildSelectionOutput {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $String;

    # start generation, if AttributeRef and DataRef was found
    if ( $Param{AttributeRef} && $Param{DataRef} ) {

        # generate <select> row
        $String = '<select';
        for my $Key ( keys %{ $Param{AttributeRef} } ) {
            if ( $Key && defined $Param{AttributeRef}->{$Key} ) {
                $String .= " $Key=\"$Param{AttributeRef}->{$Key}\"";
            elsif ($Key) {
                $String .= " $Key";
        $String .= ">\n";

        # generate <option> rows
        for my $Row ( @{ $Param{DataRef} } ) {
            my $Key = '';
            if ( defined $Row->{Key} ) {
                $Key = $Row->{Key};
            my $Value = '';
            if ( defined $Row->{Value} ) {
                $Value = $Row->{Value};
            my $SelectedDisabled = '';
            if ( $Row->{Selected} ) {
                $SelectedDisabled = ' selected="selected"';
            elsif ( $Row->{Disabled} ) {
                $SelectedDisabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
            my $OptionTitle = '';
            if ( $Param{OptionTitle} ) {
                $OptionTitle = ' title="' . $Value . '"';
            $String .= "  <option value=\"$Key\"$SelectedDisabled$OptionTitle>$Value</option>\n";
        $String .= '</select>';
    return $String;

sub _DisableBannerCheck {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    return 1 if !$Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('Secure::DisableBanner');
    return   if !$Param{OutputRef};

    # remove the version tag from the header
    ${ $Param{OutputRef} } =~ s{
                ^ X-Powered-By: .+? Open \s Ticket \s Request \s System \s \(http .+? \)$ \n

    return 1;

=item _RemoveScriptTags()

This function will remove the surrounding <script> tags of a
piece of JavaScript code, if they are present, and return the result.

    my $CodeContent = $LayoutObject->_RemoveScriptTags(Code => $SomeCode);


sub _RemoveScriptTags {
    my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;

    my $Code = $Param{Code} || '';

    if ( $Code =~ m/<script/ ) {

        # cut out dtl block comments of already replaced dtl blocks
        $Code =~ s{

        # cut out opening script tags
        $Code =~ s{

        # cut out closing script tags
        $Code =~ s{

    return $Code;


=end Internal:



This software is part of the OTRS project (L<>).

This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
the enclosed file COPYING for license information (AGPL). If you
did not receive this file, see L<>.

=head1 VERSION

$Revision: 1.351.2.5 $ $Date: 2011/03/16 15:28:16 $

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