I am offering services in creating interfaces between Znuny and other applications, using integrated APIs, such as Znuny's Webservices.
If you are looking for a new interface to share data between Znuny and another application; feel free to contact me!
Within the IT.WESER-EMS (a German company) I have just developed a bidirectional interface to another Open Source Tool: GLPI.
GLPI is an asset management / CMDB tool and the recent interface for example displays assets in a Znuny ticket widget to link them with the ticket. Vice versa, in GLPI you get a list of Znuny tickets linked with an asset and you are also able to create a new Znuny ticket for an asset.
If something similar comes to your mind and you think it might be interesting to create another connector for Znuny, just send me a PM in this forum and we can have a chat about your thoughts and ideas.
Preferrably this should be in German language but we are also working for customers in Europe.
I definitely support Znuny as one of the (if not the) biggest helpdesk/ticketing tool in terms of Open Source software.
So, let's keep this tool up and make it even more interconnected!

Cheers from Oldenburg in northern Germany!