Search found 15 matches

by fantinirp
30 Apr 2023, 15:19
Forum: Help
Topic: Email does not authenticate office365
Replies: 1
Views: 238

Email does not authenticate office365

Hello. Please I have OTRS5 in my organization, this week my email server was migrated to Office365 and my email service in OTRS5 no longer authenticates. Searching the internet, I saw that Microsoft's basic authentication has been discontinued and now I need to install a Plugin for OAuth2. How to ac...
by fantinirp
30 Apr 2023, 15:18
Forum: Ajuda
Topic: E-mail não autentica OFFICE365
Replies: 1
Views: 1435

E-mail não autentica OFFICE365

Olá. Por favor, tenho o OTRS5 em minha organização, esta semana meu servidor de e-mail foi migrado para o Office365 e meu serviço de e-mail no OTRS5 não autentica mais. Buscando na internet, vi que a autenticação básica da Microsoft foi descontinuada e agora preciso instalar um Plugin para OAuth2. C...
by fantinirp
29 Nov 2021, 15:11
Forum: Ajuda
Topic: Módulo inventário
Replies: 1
Views: 3225

Módulo inventário

Bom dia pessoal!
Existe algum módulo de inventário para o OTRS 5.0.8?
by fantinirp
29 Nov 2021, 15:10
Forum: Help
Topic: Inventory modules
Replies: 1
Views: 800

Inventory modules

Good morning guys!
Are there any inventory modules for OTRS 5.0.8?
by fantinirp
26 Nov 2021, 16:29
Forum: Help
Topic: Required fields - customers
Replies: 0
Views: 2099

Required fields - customers

Good Morning!
How can I make the "Service" and "Priority" fields mandatory on the customer's form?

by fantinirp
26 Nov 2021, 16:28
Forum: Ajuda
Topic: Campos obrigatórios - Customers
Replies: 1
Views: 3009

Campos obrigatórios - Customers

Bom dia!
Como deixar os campos "Serviço" e "Prioridade" como obrigatório no formulário do cliente?

by fantinirp
22 Nov 2021, 16:48
Forum: Help
Topic: How can I change the order of fields
Replies: 3
Views: 796

Re: How can I change the order of fields

UPDAT: my version OTRS 5.0.8
by fantinirp
22 Nov 2021, 16:36
Forum: Ajuda
Topic: Alterar ordem dos Campos - Customer
Replies: 1
Views: 2867

Alterar ordem dos Campos - Customer

olá pessoal! Como alterar a ordem dos campos na abertura de chamados no Customer? Eu adicionei um campo dinâmico, porém o mesmo ficou em ultima opção, gostaria de deixa-lo acima do "TEXTO". No momento a ordem está dessa forma: 1- PARA 2- SERVIÇOS 3- ASSUNTO 4- TEXTO 5- ANEXO 6- PRIORIDADE ...
by fantinirp
22 Nov 2021, 16:36
Forum: Help
Topic: How can I change the order of fields
Replies: 3
Views: 796

How can I change the order of fields

Hello guys! How can I change the order of fields when opening calls in Customer? I added a dynamic field, but it was the last option, I would like to leave it above the "TEXT". At the moment the order is like this: 1- TO 2- SERVICES 3- SUBJECT 4- TEXT 5- ATTACHMENT 6- PRIORITY 7- MY DYNAMI...
by fantinirp
11 Nov 2021, 16:19
Forum: Help
Topic: How to create dynamic field for customer
Replies: 1
Views: 531

How to create dynamic field for customer

Hello guys!

How to create a dynamic multi-choice field for the customer to choose several service options?

For example:
Service: User creation
Options to choose from: E-mail, ERP, active directory, among others.

by fantinirp
05 Nov 2021, 14:23
Forum: Help
Topic: Skin personalized
Replies: 3
Views: 665

Re: Skin personalized

hi skullz
How do I rebuild and sync the config?
by fantinirp
30 Oct 2021, 17:37
Forum: Help
Topic: Skin personalized
Replies: 3
Views: 665

Skin personalized

Good afternoon people. I have a default skin (named bou2) in one version of OTRS 5.0.8 and would like to use that same skin in another OTRS of the same version. How do I make this transfer? I've already made a copy of my skin's folder located in /opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/skins/agent/bou2 and pasted...
by fantinirp
30 Oct 2021, 17:36
Forum: Ajuda
Topic: Skin personalizada
Replies: 2
Views: 2523

Skin personalizada

Boa tarde pessoal. Eu tenho uma skin padronizada (com nome de bou2) em uma versão do OTRS 5.0.8 e gostaria de usar essa mesma skin em outro OTRS da mesma versão. Como faço essa transferência? Eu já fiz a cópia da pasta da minha skin que fica em /opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/skins/agent/bou2 e colei no ...
by fantinirp
30 Oct 2021, 17:28
Forum: Ajuda
Topic: Deletar todas as informações do OTRS
Replies: 1
Views: 2921

Deletar todas as informações do OTRS

Boa tarde pessoal! Eu tenho o OTRS 5.0.8 todo customizado, com imagens, cores.. tudo certinho. Eu fiz uma cópia deste OTRS e agora eu preciso resetar todas as informações (usuários, agent, customers, filas, serviços e todas as outras informações) para eu implantar em outro lugar. Como eu faço para f...
by fantinirp
30 Oct 2021, 17:27
Forum: Help
Topic: How to delete all informations OTRS 5.0.8
Replies: 1
Views: 485

How to delete all informations OTRS 5.0.8

Hi guys! I have OTRS 5.0.8 all customized, with images, colors... everything just right. I made a copy of this OTRS and now I need to reset all information (users, agent, customers, queues, services and all other information) for me to deploy elsewhere. How do I do this reset without losing customiz...