[ SOLVED ] Question on how to realize people creating tickets for different customers

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[ SOLVED ] Question on how to realize people creating tickets for different customers

Post by SarahH »

Hi together,

unfortunately I didn't get any replies in the German area, so I'll try it here.

I am thinking about on how to implement the following scenario in the best way:
Some of our customers are serviced by external sales agent.
So, sometimes the customers are writing emails on Support issues to the sales agent.
Then the sales agent forwards the email to our ticket System.
So the sales agent works for different customers.
I'd like to change that ticket to the customer (Company), but not to a different Person.
The best would be to link that ticket to our system, which has an unique Serial number (=dynamic ticket field), instead of a customer.
I thought about using our "systems" as different customers (instead of customer companies). But different users can work with different systems or also for different customers (companies).

Which is the best workaround?

Another question:
If there are more open tickets for one customer, a kind of warning is shown in the ticket zoom view under "customer information", something like: "open tickets (customer) (2)". Would it be possible to do the same for more tickets of a certain System (using my dynamic field Serial number)?

How can I select, if a customer should see only his own tickets (created with his user id) or also all the tickets of the same company (same customer id).

Thanks a lot!


Last edited by SarahH on 08 Apr 2016, 13:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Question on how to realize people creating tickets for different customers

Post by reneeb »

If you find a template in the forwarded mails or you train your sales persons, you could use postmaster filters...

If there is a text "Von: orginaluser@originalcustomer.com" in the forwarded mail, you could search the mail body for "Von: .*?\@originalcustomer.com" in a postmaster filter and set the X-OTRS-CustomerNo header...

Or you train the sales person to always add a fixed string (e.g. Kunde: Originalcustomer) to the mails they forward. Then it's easier to identify the correct customer.
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Re: Question on how to realize people creating tickets for different customers

Post by SarahH »


thank you for your Response.
It doesn't Need to be an automatic way, Manual would also be okay.

But unfortunately I guess, your way won't work for me.

When I want to Change a Person of a ticket (Person - Customer) I Need to Change the customer user.
There is no way to Change it to a customer number directly. Customer user is a required field. And also, a customer can work for one Company only.

Due to data protection reasons, it is for some customers necessary to always communicate via the sales Agent, so I only know the Serial number of the Station but not the Person who had the Support request.


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