Dashlet with tickets I own in a queue

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Znuny newbie
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Dashlet with tickets I own in a queue

Post by rodolfor »

Hi all.
I need to implement OTRS6 only for internal use, i.e. a support service dedicate to other otrs agents.
The support have its own queue: sysint
All agents have rw permissions in this queue.
When an agent create a ticket in sysint, the ownership is taken by the agent.

I need a dashlet where the agent can show only sysint tickets owned by itself.

Is there a simple solution, like create an xml for a custom widget (I tried various filters but I cannot see any correct result) or it is necessary customize a project like MyTicketsDashlet?


Znuny newbie
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Re: Dashlet with tickets I own in a queue

Post by lis9 »

put this code into the <yourfilename>.xml and place it in Kernel/Config/Files/XML/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<otrs_config version="2.0" init="Application">
<Setting Name="DashboardBackend###1100-MyTicketsList" Required="0" Valid="1">
<Description Translatable="1">Put here description</Description>
<Item Key="Module">Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketGeneric</Item>
<Item Key="Title">Ticket list</Item>
<Item Key="Description">Additional panel</Item>
<Item Key="Attributes">StateType=open;StateType=new;StateType=pending reminder;</Item>
<Item Key="Filter">All</Item>
<Item Key="Time">Age</Item>
<Item Key="Limit">25</Item>
<Item Key="Permission">rw</Item>
<Item Key="Block">ContentLarge</Item>
<Item Key="Group">users</Item>
<Item Key="Default">1</Item>
<Item Key="CacheTTLLocal">0.5</Item>
<Item Key="DefaultColumns">
<Item Key="Age">2</Item>
<Item Key="Created">1</Item>
<Item Key="Changed">1</Item>
<Item Key="CustomerID">1</Item>
<Item Key="CustomerName">1</Item>
<Item Key="CustomerUserID">1</Item>
<Item Key="EscalationResponseTime">1</Item>
<Item Key="EscalationSolutionTime">1</Item>
<Item Key="EscalationTime">1</Item>
<Item Key="EscalationUpdateTime">1</Item>
<Item Key="TicketNumber">2</Item>
<Item Key="Lock">1</Item>
<Item Key="Owner">2</Item>
<Item Key="PendingTime">1</Item>
<Item Key="Queue">2</Item>
<Item Key="Responsible">1</Item>
<Item Key="Priority">1</Item>
<Item Key="Service">1</Item>
<Item Key="State">1</Item>
<Item Key="SLA">1</Item>
<Item Key="Title">2</Item>
<Item Key="Type">1</Item>
<Item Key="Mandatory">0</Item>

rebuild config, add widget to desktop and next let the agents adjust columns and filter this widget by their id in Owner column.

Best regards
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