Question about MySQL 8

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Question about MySQL 8

Post by ahafner »


I know that MySQL 8 is not officially supported. I am still running OTRS5 and was planning on trying the upgrade path to get to the most recent Znuny version...but then I ran into the issue with MySQL8.

As a solution, I ran MySQL5.7 in a Docker, and was able to get the migration script to execute successfully.

However, I would prefer to not run MySQL via the docker, and was wondering what would happen if I now dumped the migrated db from the docker MySQL, and then imported it into MySQL8?

Admittedly, this seems risky and potentially a bad idea.. but I was wondering if anyone has tried this?

Also - since running MySQL in a docker is not ideal for performance, what are other suggestions? I am using Ubuntu 22.

Thanks all for any replies.

Edit: On the test machine I tried this, and it seemed to work okay. I also noticed in the Install Instructions on Znuny that MySQL 8 is supported above 6.1. I moved the DB back to the mysql8 at V 6.2, it seemed to be pretty seamless. I assume this is a fine solution.
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Re: Question about MySQL 8

Post by skullz »

Just notice do not go to v8.0.34 as reported here
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Re: Question about MySQL 8

Post by ahafner »

Thank you for that notice, and that sounds like bad news for Ubuntu as it seems it has 8.0.36 in the repo.

I just checked and that is what is running:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 21
Server version: 8.0.36-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 (Ubuntu)

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Re: Question about MySQL 8

Post by ahafner »

skullz wrote: 29 Mar 2024, 19:06 Just notice do not go to v8.0.34 as reported here
When looking deeper into that Bug Report, I think this bug is actually reserved to those running AWS Aurora, and not just the MySQL Version 8.0.34.
Now try the same queries on 3.06.0
The second insert will fail...

It seems that for some reason, "content-type" has become a "reserved word" in Aurora 3.06.0
It's not listed on the official reserved words from mysql
My understanding is that Aurora began using a "reserved word" that is not an official "reserved word" in MySQL 8, and as such the bug is actually Aurora Related.
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Re: Question about MySQL 8

Post by root »

skullz wrote: 29 Mar 2024, 19:06 Just notice do not go to v8.0.34 as reported here
As Andrew already wrote: it's not related to MySQL 8.0; it's related to the plugin that AWS Aurora adds by default.

- Roy
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