Autoreply tag references

Moderator: crythias

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Autoreply tag references

Post by cbravo »

Hello guys,

Sorry to be bothering again. What I'm trying to do this is the following:

I want to create an autoreply for our customers and include a few of the freetextfields on the text.

I see that in the references for the tags I can use are these:

Code: Select all

You can use the following tags:

    Para obtener los primeros 20 caracteres del asunto 
    Para obtener las primeras 5 líneas del correo 
    Para obtener el nombre real del remitente (si existe) 
    To get the article attribute ( e. g. <OTRS_CUSTOMER_From>, <OTRS_CUSTOMER_To>, <OTRS_CUSTOMER_Cc>, <OTRS_CUSTOMER_Subject>, <OTRS_CUSTOMER_Body>). 
    Options of the current customer user data ( e. g. <OTRS_CUSTOMER_DATA_UserFirstname>). 
    Ticket owner options ( e. g. <OTRS_OWNER_UserFirstname>). 
    Ticket responsible options ( e. g. <OTRS_RESPONSIBLE_UserFirstname>). 
    Options of the current user who requested this action ( e. g. <OTRS_CURRENT_UserFirstname>). 
    Options of the ticket data ( e. g. <OTRS_TICKET_TicketNumber>, <OTRS_TICKET_TicketID>, <OTRS_TICKET_Queue>, <OTRS_TICKET_State>). 
    Config options ( e. g. <OTRS_CONFIG_HttpType>). 
Are those the only ones I could use or could I use other ones like <OTRS_TICKET_FreeText2>

Thank you very much.


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Re: Autoreply tag references

Post by crythias »

You can use anything that TicketGet returns:
Note that TicketFreeText fields won't survive 3.1 upgrade.
OTRS 6.0.x (private/testing/public) on Linux with MySQL database.
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