CustomerID question

Moderator: crythias

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CustomerID question

Post by ptay »

Anyone have ideas on issues with using a single CustomerID for 50 customer users and different CustomerID for 5 customer users?

50 customer users with customerID=alpha
5 customer users with customerID=beta

This config enables everyone in alpha to share alpha tickets and beta to share beta tickets. This seems simple and I'm new to software so I'd like to know if I'm missing something.

The online documentation hints at using a unique value (like e-mail address) for CustomerID. However, my needs are to have two groups of customer users with each group sharing all tickets in each group.
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Re: CustomerID question

Post by crythias »

When you enable Customer Company, I *think* what you described is how it's supposed to work, with the CustomerID being "defined" in the Company section.
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