Activity dialog: Hide dynamic fields based on value of another field

Moderator: crythias

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Znuny superhero
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Activity dialog: Hide dynamic fields based on value of another field

Post by aph »

Take inspiration from this link viewtopic.php?t=24116 I was able to show/hide dynamic fields based on values of other fields on phone ticket mask. I would like to now implement this in an activity dialog and need some help.
The scenario I have is that we some 4 link fields to an external system in an activity dialog providing agents possibility to enter up to 4 links to an external system. In most cases only one of the field is used and other 3 are empty. In order not to make the activity dialog too lengthy, I would like to display link field 2 only if field 1 is not empty, display field 3 only if 1 and 2 are not empty and so on.

How do I go about implementing this. Which .dtl file do I have to add my script to?
OTRS 3.3.x (private/testing) on Windows Server 2008 with MSSQL database.
OTRS 3.3.x (private/testing) on CentOS with MySQL database and apache
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Re: Activity dialog: Hide dynamic fields based on value of another field

Post by crythias »

Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/ might be useful.
but you'll want to make some changes, perhaps in ProcessManagement/ or .dtl
For version 4, maybe something like this so you can address the DynamicField document.getElementById('RRR_DF_MyField')

Code: Select all

<div class="Row Row_DynamicField_[% Data.Name %]" id="RRR_DF_[% Data.Name %]">
OTRS 6.0.x (private/testing/public) on Linux with MySQL database.
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