inline image cid:image001.png

Moderator: crythias

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Znuny advanced
Posts: 103
Joined: 02 Jan 2014, 12:32
Znuny Version: 5.0.9

inline image cid:image001.png

Post by zip »


if i create a new ticket which contains screenshots the agent receives a notification with the text of the ticket, but without screenshots, which is normal. If the agent want to print the ticket, he can print it, but without screenshots, which is also normal. But since we migrated to Outlook there is this broken link instead of the screenshots in the notification mail and in the print screen: [cid:image001.png@01D11AE1.2CE9D220]
I made some tests and this occurs only if the format of the mail which i sent to otrs is html. If i change it to richtext its working fine like before.
I checked the sysconfig did not found anything to solve this.

I found this two entires from the forum but they are without solution, but since other people have this problem i hope there exists a solution

We are using the version 3.3.8 on windows server and next year we will migrate to linux and upgrade to version 5. But in the meantime, is there something i can do to remove this broken link?
OTRS 5.0.9 - CentOS 7 - MariaDB 5.5
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