OTRS ticket owner and responsible

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Znuny newbie
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Real Name: Lujza Szabo

OTRS ticket owner and responsible

Post by LujzaSzabo »

Dear everyone,

I have a problem with understanding the difference between the ticket owner and responsible. In the documents, I couldn't find satisfying information about this. In what is more the ticket owner than a responsible? What kind of user rights does each one have?

Also I couldn't figure out, what does the lock feature actually locks, since I know, that only the owner can lock a ticket but eventhough I am not the owner I can still process the ticket and in the end close it, without the owner's permission. Can someone please make me clear?

Thanks in advance,

Lujza :)
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Re: OTRS ticket owner and responsible

Post by aph »

A rule of thumb: The agent who actually works on the ticket is the owner, responsible is his/her proxy. Responsible has no more rights than the owner. Responsible function can be useful when tickets have to be handled by more than one agent, for example an agent cannot handle a ticket due to some emergency. Responsible gets notifications that usually are sent to owner and can respond to the situation.
In most cases owner function is sufficient. If for some reason an agent cannot handle his/her ticket, other users with rw rights to the queue can assign the ticket to themselves/other agents and process them.

To the first part of your second question: The lock function locks the ticket :D This prevents for example that more than one agent works on the same ticket at the same time. Imagine a situation where a new ticket arrives in a queue. Agent A and agent B both write an answer at the same time. Such a situation would be undesirable. Lock prevents such conflicts.

For the second part: All users who have the 'owner' permissions to a queue (see Agent <-> Groups in admin area) can change the owner of tickets in the queue(s) of the group. If you have rw permissions to a ticket, you could theoretically close the ticket without owner's permission
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Znuny newbie
Posts: 2
Joined: 15 Aug 2016, 12:09
Znuny Version: otrs 5
Real Name: Lujza Szabo

Re: OTRS ticket owner and responsible

Post by LujzaSzabo »

Thank you aph :)
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