Migration from Centos7 to Alma, Amazon or Stream9

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Znuny newbie
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Migration from Centos7 to Alma, Amazon or Stream9

Post by salbanese »

I been trying to move Znuny v 7.0.17 to a different server with a different Linux version. I have tried to different Linux version with about the same results (Alma 9, Stream 9, and Amazon Linux 2023). Here is what I've tried and unsuccessful results.

1-Original server did a backup via the znuny script, running with otrs user under Mariasql
2-New server, installed v 7.0.17 per https://doc.znuny.org/znuny/releases/in ... stall.html, checked modules and installed missing ones, initialized DB via http znuny installer with otrs user and password (same as original server). Test and check its a working with no ticketing data.
3-Drop the database and create a new one without tables so that the restore runs without complaints. Do a restore on the new server with the backup from the original server.

When I login after restore on new server, I get the custom logo @ login and on dashboards. I don't see the open tickets I had and I get a message that the configuration is rebuilding. As it does that I loose the logo (reverts to default one) and loose one que definition, users login do work.

Have no clue. I've done it several times on different versions to see if I get different results, do go step by step, resolve any errors (like missing modules). Not sure where else to look or if I should try anything different. Any help or ideas are appreciated. Thanks!!!
Znuny newbie
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Znuny Version: 6.0.29
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Re: Migration from Centos7 to Alma, Amazon or Stream9

Post by salbanese »

A little bit more info. I did a new restore after some additional configs (http to https configs). And after the restore got a lot of errors on the log. Seems that its looking for the "otrs" tables (as I did the migration to znuny using existing structure.

Here they are:
error Znuny-znuny.Daemon.pl - Daemon Kernel::System::Daemon::DaemonModules::SchedulerFutureTaskManager-25 Table 'otrs.scheduler_future_task' doesn't exist, SQL: '
error Znuny-znuny.Daemon.pl - Daemon Kernel::System::Daemon::DaemonModules::SchedulerTaskWorker-25 Table 'otrs.scheduler_task' doesn't exist, SQL: 'SELECT id FROM scheduler_task WHERE lock_key = 0 ORDER BY id ASC'
error Znuny-znuny.Daemon.pl - Daemon Kernel::System::Daemon::DaemonModules::SystemConfigurationSyncManager-25 Can't get CommunicationID from communication start!
error Znuny-znuny.Daemon.pl - Daemon Kernel::System::Daemon::DaemonModules::SystemConfigurationSyncManager-25 Table 'otrs.communication_log' doesn't exist, SQL: '
error Znuny-znuny.Daemon.pl - Daemon Kernel::System::Daemon::DaemonModules::SchedulerTaskWorker-25 Table 'otrs.scheduler_task' doesn't exist, SQL: 'SELECT id FROM scheduler_task WHERE lock_key = 0 ORDER BY id ASC'
error Znuny-znuny.Daemon.pl - Daemon Kernel::System::Daemon::DaemonModules::SchedulerFutureTaskManager-25 Table 'otrs.scheduler_future_task' doesn't exist, SQL: '
error Znuny-znuny.Daemon.pl - Daemon Kernel::System::Daemon::DaemonModules::SystemConfigurationSyncManager-25 There was an error executing ConfigurationDeploySync: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'otrs.sysconfig_deployment' doesn't exist at /opt/znuny/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 721.

I guess my question is there a way to "migrate" the db with a script or is it something I'm missing on the config that makes it work on the same version of znuny on Centos7 vs CS9?

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Re: Migration from Centos7 to Alma, Amazon or Stream9

Post by hkais »

looks for me that your restore went wrong.

dropping a database and recreating is not the best way to do, if you only need to drop the tables.

The fully qualified name lookup tells, that you have no table in the namespace otrs, which is typically the database name.
So either permissions are missing, database name is different or anything similar.

If you have the intial installed database from fresh setup, simply drop all tables and import your tables from the backup
Elected 2022-06 as an IT Governance Portal Expert. The portal for Znuny, OTRS and OTOBO users
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