Need some help configuring queues and tickets...

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Need some help configuring queues and tickets...

Post by Sofia »

I'm new to OTRS and are currently settings this up to replace our existing support system that is stoneage by now. As I am not very familiar with Perl and my time is precious (doing this on an already hard-stressed scheme when running the normal support at the same time) I would like to ask for some help;

OTRS is set up to only use incoming mail only (no access from outside customers to add their own tickets via web).

The mail needs to be sorted (moved manually or automatic) to three different queues; regular support, software development and licenses.
For each of the queues I would like to set some ticket information (per ticket) based on software version, environment etc. This is either gathered from a customer ID or selected (manually) from a list of available services. When this has been done, I would like to send a notification to the customer with this information. Time between incoming e-mail to the notifictaion being sent is regulated by an SLA.

I have figured out how to move the tickets to different queues by now, but I can't figure how to alter ticket information for an incoming e-mail in one simple view. Is this even possible?
Also, now all the incoming e-mails are being automatically registered with a new ticket number even though an existing ticket is there. I would prefer to do this manually and only have the incoming e-mails show up unhandled in RAW (unless they are correspondance to an existing ticket.)

Lots of wishes and questions - I'm really lost here and I might be able to solve a lot of this by reading, googling and by trial and error, but I would really appreciate any hints/tips or outright solutions how to configure the system as it would save me lots of late nights and headache ;-)

Thanks in advance!
OTRS 3.0.10/Win 2003/MSSQL 2008
Small company, worldwide support :-)
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