No close_time

Moderator: crythias

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No close_time

Post by zhakal »


I have an issue which makes stats very hard to do correctly. When a ticket is created and closed at the same time (ref, new phone ticket with state closed sucessfull) it doesn't add any value to the close_time in ticket_history. Is there a way to get this time somehow set but still keep the original owner on the ticket?

The known ways of doing it:
- Add a new column into ticket table, make every ticket write the same variable twice, then check in reports if any close_time set in ticket_history, if not use the new column.
- Make a script to run and make a note on all tickets missing a note with close_time in ticket_history

Hopefully somebody got a better way of solving this one as these aren't pretty ways of solving the issue, and sadly removing the closed states from new ticket screen is neither an option.
OTRS 3.0.11 , RHLE 5.6 & CentOS 6
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