Change Company Name

Moderator: crythias

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Change Company Name

Post by tnieman »

One of the companies in our database has been acquired by another company.

We need to update all of the customers we have in the database from the old company to the new company.

If their email address is changing too, we would have to update that as well. Old tickets from users from that company are not updating the information.

Are we going about this wrong? They still need to see the tickets they have created. Do we need to update the tickets as well?

Could we just leave their log in the same and only change the email address and the company id?

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Re: Change Company Name

Post by crythias »

Here's what we did:
1) change the Company's CustomerID to something relevant to the new name (newcustomerid)
2) Generic Agent change all tickets with CustomerID OldName to newcustomerid
3) modified the customer_user table in the database:

Code: Select all

update customer_user set email=replace(email, '', ''), customer_id="newcustomerid" where customer_id = "oldcustomerid"
4) ... profit.
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