Need for adding a ConfigItem in a Process

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Real Name: Themis Zarotiadis

Need for adding a ConfigItem in a Process

Post by tzarot »

Hi to everyone and greetings from Greece,

I am trying to figure out a way to add a ConfigItem from my CMDB in a Process (OTRS is 3.3.10). I would like to avoid the Link command since my need is to force the user to a CI selection before proceeding to the next activity. I realize that the available fields for Activity Dialogs do not include a ConfigItem option.
So I have added a textbox in the first activity dialog of the process, that the user would type the serial number of the CI. Then I am trying to find a way to locate the CI by it's serial number and store perhaps the resulting CI information in a field that will not be shown.

Does anyone have an idea how I could implement this?

Thanks in advance...
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