OTRS does not create log file

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Znuny newbie
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OTRS does not create log file

Post by stefanosimula »

Hi guys,

I've an installation of Znuny 6.5.4 and I'm not able to find the log file.

In particular, my settings are:

CGILogPrefixFramework.xml OTRS-CGI
LogModule Kernel::System::Log::File
LogModule::LogFile /tmp/otrs.log
LogModule::LogFile::Date Enabled
LogModule::SysLog::Charset utf-8
LogModule::SysLog::Facility user

But no file is available in /tmp/otrs.log

Could be an issue related to the permission on the tmp folder?


ps. I'm not able to deploy MinimumLog settings, I've this error "There was an error. Please save all settings you are editing and check the logs for more information. Can not lock the deployment for UserID '122'!"
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Re: OTRS does not create log file

Post by wurzel »


if there are permission issues it would say "permission denied" or similar.

I would assume, that your system deletes the /tmp directory on regular base?

You can hardcode the file path in Config.pm

Maybe another place /var/otrs/log is an nice place. Or switch to syslog

additionally it takes some seconds to write the logfile. maybe you looked to fast?

OTRS 8 auf Debian 11 (Test)
Znuny 7.x latest version testing auf Debian 11

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Real Name: Stefano Simula

Re: OTRS does not create log file

Post by stefanosimula »

I found the issue!

Basically the settings were not used because the file Config.pm contains these values.

I removed the values from the Config.pm file and everything is working as expected. :D
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