Ticket information update

Moderator: crythias

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Ticket information update

Post by peter_sk »


I'm very new to OTRS and I have one basic question:

My idea is, to use OTRS system with POP mail account. Every mail, that is sent to let's say support@company.com, is delivered to RAW queue. The ticket is generated and the service desk clerk should update all the missing data on that ticket (Type, priority, Service, SLA,...) like he would create a new e-mail ticket.
Is that possible? What is the OTRS way to handle this?

OTRS 2.4.7 with ITSM 2.0.3. running on Linux Fedora 12
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Re: Ticket information update

Post by crythias »

This is roughly the default of OTRS. In my case, I have a dispatcher that "owns" all the tickets in a given Queue and gives the tickets to the "Responsible" party that will handle the ticket. She also updates all the flags if appropriate, including closing the ticket.
OTRS 6.0.x (private/testing/public) on Linux with MySQL database.
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