Panel Principal. Vista

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Znuny newbie
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Panel Principal. Vista

Post by macaguenla »

buenas buenas; tengo una duda sobre la vista del Panel Principal, os cuento.
1º en este panel (PANEL PRINCIPAL), se ven los ticket nuevos, los abiertos etc etc, y los que yo tengo bloqueados, los que soy responsable y los que tengo en mi cola.

¿se puede añadir los que yo soy propietario? porque? pues porque asi se cuales tengo para hacer, sabiendo que los ticket que soy propietario son los que tengo que trabajar sobre ellos. Y que los ticket en los que soy responsable soy simplemente el "enterao" por asi decirlo.

2º vale de algo bloquear un ticket si yo soy el propietario o el resposable? entiendo que bloquear vale para que sepa el resto que estoy con ese ticket trabajando..
no se si me explico, es que tengo un poco de jaleo...

muchas gracias por anticipado. si no fuera por vosotros....
Znuny wizard
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Re: Panel Principal. Vista

Post by miguelmz »

Hola macaguenla,

1º Dentro de la configuracion del sistema en el apartado ticket te aparece una pagina de configuracion llamada Frontend::Agent::Dashboard, si entras veras los paneles de dashboard


Puedes modificarlos y variar los atributos de la busqueda, la lista de atributos de la busqueda es la que se corresponde a la funcion TicketSearch situada en /otrs/Kernel/System/

Code: Select all

# ticket number (optional) as STRING or as ARRAYREF
        TicketNumber => '%123546%',
        TicketNumber => ['%123546%', '%123666%'],

        # ticket title (optional) as STRING or as ARRAYREF
        Title => '%SomeText%',
        Title => ['%SomeTest1%', '%SomeTest2%'],

        Queues   => ['system queue', 'other queue'],
        QueueIDs => [1, 42, 512],

        # use also sub queues of Queue|Queues in search
        UseSubQueues => 0,

        # You can use types like normal, ...
        Types   => ['normal', 'change', 'incident'],
        TypeIDs => [3, 4],

        # You can use states like new, open, pending reminder, ...
        States   => ['new', 'open'],
        StateIDs => [3, 4],

        # (Open|Closed) tickets for all closed or open tickets.
        StateType => 'Open',

        # You also can use real state types like new, open, closed,
        # pending reminder, pending auto, removed and merged.
        StateType    => ['open', 'new'],
        StateTypeIDs => [1, 2, 3],

        Priorities  => ['1 very low', '2 low', '3 normal'],
        PriorityIDs => [1, 2, 3],

        Services   => ['Service A', 'Service B'],
        ServiceIDs => [1, 2, 3],

        SLAs   => ['SLA A', 'SLA B'],
        SLAIDs => [1, 2, 3],

        Locks   => ['unlock'],
        LockIDs => [1, 2, 3],

        OwnerIDs => [1, 12, 455, 32]

        ResponsibleIDs => [1, 12, 455, 32]

        WatchUserIDs => [1, 12, 455, 32]

        # CustomerID (optional) as STRING or as ARRAYREF
        CustomerID => '123',
        CustomerID => ['123', 'ABC'],

        # CustomerUserLogin (optional) as STRING as ARRAYREF
        CustomerUserLogin => 'uid123',
        CustomerUserLogin => ['uid123', 'uid777'],

        # create ticket properties (optional)
        CreatedUserIDs     => [1, 12, 455, 32]
        CreatedTypes       => ['normal', 'change', 'incident'],
        CreatedTypeIDs     => [1, 2, 3],
        CreatedPriorities  => ['1 very low', '2 low', '3 normal'],
        CreatedPriorityIDs => [1, 2, 3],
        CreatedStates      => ['new', 'open'],
        CreatedStateIDs    => [3, 4],
        CreatedQueues      => ['system queue', 'other queue'],
        CreatedQueueIDs    => [1, 42, 512],

        # 1..16 (optional)
        TicketFreeKey1  => 'Product',
        TicketFreeText1 => 'adasd',
        # or with multi options as array ref or string possible
        TicketFreeKey2  => ['Product', 'Product2'],
        TicketFreeText2 => ['Browser', 'Sound', 'Mouse'],

        # 1..6 (optional)
        # tickets with free time after ... (optional)
        TicketFreeTime1NewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # tickets with free time before ... (optional)
        TicketFreeTime1OlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # search for ticket flags
        TicketFlag => {
            Seen => 1,

        # article stuff (optional)
        From    => '',
        To      => '',
        Cc      => '',
        Subject => '%VIRUS 32%',
        Body    => '%VIRUS 32%',

        # use full article text index if configured (optional, default off)
        FullTextIndex => 1,

        # article content search (AND or OR for From, To, Cc, Subject and Body) (optional)
        ContentSearch => 'AND',

        # article content search prefix (for From, To, Cc, Subject and Body) (optional)
        ContentSearchPrefix => '*',

        # article content search suffix (for From, To, Cc, Subject and Body) (optional)
        ContentSearchSuffix => '*',

        # content conditions for From,To,Cc,Subject,Body
        # Title,CustomerID and CustomerUserLogin (all optional)
        ConditionInline => 1,

        # articles created more than 60 minutes ago (article older than 60 minutes) (optional)
        ArticleCreateTimeOlderMinutes => 60,
        # articles created less than 120 minutes ago (article newer than 60 minutes) (optional)
        ArticleCreateTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # articles with create time after ... (article newer than this date) (optional)
        ArticleCreateTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # articles with created time before ... (article older than this date) (optional)
        ArticleCreateTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # tickets created more than 60 minutes ago (ticket older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
        TicketCreateTimeOlderMinutes => 60,
        # tickets created less than 120 minutes ago (ticket newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
        TicketCreateTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # tickets with create time after ... (ticket newer than this date) (optional)
        TicketCreateTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # tickets with created time before ... (ticket older than this date) (optional)
        TicketCreateTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # tickets changed more than 60 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketChangeTimeOlderMinutes => 60,
        # tickets changed less than 120 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketChangeTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # tickets with changed time after ... (ticket changed newer than this date) (optional)
        TicketChangeTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # tickets with changed time before ... (ticket changed older than this date) (optional)
        TicketChangeTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # tickets closed more than 60 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketCloseTimeOlderMinutes => 60,
        # tickets closed less than 120 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketCloseTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # tickets with closed time after ... (ticket closed newer than this date) (optional)
        TicketCloseTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # tickets with closed time before ... (ticket closed older than this date) (optional)
        TicketCloseTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # tickets with pending time of more than 60 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketPendingTimeOlderMinutes => 60,
        # tickets with pending time of less than 120 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketPendingTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # tickets with pending time after ... (optional)
        TicketPendingTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # tickets with pending time before ... (optional)
        TicketPendingTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # you can use all following escalation options with this four different ways of escalations
        # TicketEscalationTime...
        # TicketEscalationUpdateTime...
        # TicketEscalationResponseTime...
        # TicketEscalationSolutionTime...

        # ticket escalation time of more than 60 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketEscalationTimeOlderMinutes => -60,
        # ticket escalation time of less than 120 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketEscalationTimeNewerMinutes => -120,

        # tickets with escalation time after ... (optional)
        TicketEscalationTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # tickets with escalation time before ... (optional)
        TicketEscalationTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-09 23:59:59',

        # search in archive (optional)
        ArchiveFlags => ['y', 'n'],
2º El propietario de un ticket es en un primer momento el creador del ticket, cuando el ticket es tratado este cambia su propietario al agente que lo gestiona y es bloqueado por si mismo. Algunas acciones realizan ese bloqueo automaticamente, replys, cambios de estado , etc.
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Znuny newbie
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Real Name: alberto
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Re: Panel Principal. Vista

Post by macaguenla »

Hola Miguel, creo que te debo ya mas de 4 cervezas. gestiono esta informacion y os digo algo.
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