Ticket Notifications when Ticket is Closed?

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Ticket Notifications when Ticket is Closed?

Post by ahafner »

Hello, I am using OTRS5 and I have a quick question:

I am using the Ticket Notification for Queue Update. This triggers an email on QueueMove.

This works fine, except when an agent creates the ticket in a Closed State (which for some reason some people do!).

When moving the ticket that is already set to closed, it does not trigger the Notification.

Under the Notification Setting I changed the "Ticket Filter" to include "State" Open, Closed Escalated, Closed Successful.

I thought if the filter included all 3 of those states, it would send notification even if the ticket being moved was already set to closed. However, it still does not send notifications for closed tickets.

Is there a way to set this so that even Closed Escalated tickets send email notification upon being QueueMove?

Thank you!
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Re: Ticket Notifications when Ticket is Closed?

Post by Johannes »


you can change the event in the notification to "TicketQueueUpdate".
This is triggered everytime. NotificationMove only on Open Tickets.

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