Dashboard backend ORing conditions

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Znuny newbie
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Dashboard backend ORing conditions

Post by martinv2 »

Dear developer community,

our Znuny content managers go wild with creating dashboards based on the Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketGeneric dashboard backend module. :lol:

They now are facing the situation that a set of tickets to be displayed can't be expressed in a single Attributes set of conditions, but that they'd like to display two Attributes sets in a single dashboard (like when the attributes get ORed together). Unfortunately, TicketGeneric only allows ANDed conditions.

I thought about creating a new module based on TicketGeneric which specifies an array of values for the Attributes setting, but looking at the code this seems like a lot of work:
  • wrap sub _SearchParamsGet to be able to pass in every single Attributes value,
  • call the wrap routine in the two places _SearchParamsGet is called (in FilterContent() and Run()), and bracket the code from the calls up to any TicketSearch call in a loop iterating over the Attributes values
  • throw together the returned data in a result set.
Has anyone already implemented a dashboard backend module that does ORing of conditions?

Or does anyone have some ideas how to simplify the solution sketched above?

Znuny 6.4.4, Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS with MariaDB 10.3.37
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Re: Dashboard backend ORing conditions

Post by root »


Have you asked this also at Discord? There are more developers hanging around.

- Roy
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Znuny newbie
Posts: 18
Joined: 30 Jun 2014, 14:49
Znuny Version: 6.4.4
Real Name: Martin Vorländer
Company: PDV-Systeme GmbH

Re: Dashboard backend ORing conditions

Post by martinv2 »

Hi Roy,

I'm not on Discord (yet). Thanks for the hint.

Znuny 6.4.4, Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS with MariaDB 10.3.37
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