OTrs auf OpenSuSE 13.1 "Zugriff verweigert"

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OTrs auf OpenSuSE 13.1 "Zugriff verweigert"

Post by ruebenmaster »

Hallo Leute,
es ist zum verrückt werden. Ich habe otrs 3.3 und otrs 3.2 versucht auf OpenSuse 13.1 zu installieren.

Egal ob ich den weg rein über yast gehe ( otrs 3.2 ) oder über den Installationsweg wie in der Dokumentation angegeben, ich bekomme wenn ich http://<server>/otrs/installer.pl aufrufe ein 403 - Zugriff verweigert.

Imi Internet unterwegs meldet man mir, dass dies ein apache 2.4.6 Problem sei. Einstellungshinweise gibt es enorm viele. Ich glaube, ich habe 20 ausprobiert, ohne Erfolg. Lediglich der Zugriff auf http://<webserver> gelingt ab und an. Ich dachte, dass die Installation per yast das alles managed, wie es früher war. Also hab ich 12.3 installiert, mit dem selben (Miss-)erfolg.

Gibt es hierzu ein HowTo, wie ich nun tatsächlich vorgehen muss, damit otrs auf OpenSuSE 13.1 oder 12.3 läuft?

Inzwischen habeo ich CentOS 6.4 probiert und siehe da, dort funktioniert otrs. Ist OpenSuSE nicht mehr gewünscht, oder warum ist die Installation dort so unerträglich kompliziert? Eigentlich wollte ich ja otrs aufsetzen und konfigurieren und nicht die ganze Nacht mir OpenSuSE und apache2 verbringen. :o/

Gibt es jemand, der mir erklären kann woran es liegt?

Für jede Info bin ich echt dankbar.

Viele Grüße
Stephan, der Ruebenmaster

Hier die /etc/sysconfig/apache2. Falls andere Infos gewünscht werden, bitte melden.

## Path: Network/WWW/Apache2
## Description: Configuration for Apache 2

## Type: string
## Default: ""
## ServiceRestart: apache2
# Here you can name files, separated by spaces, that should be Include'd from
# httpd.conf.
# This allows you to add e.g. VirtualHost statements without touching
# /etc/apache2/httpd.conf itself, which makes upgrading easier.

## Type: string
## Default: ""
## ServiceRestart: apache2
# Here you can name directories, separated by spaces, that should be Include'd
# from httpd.conf.
# All files contained in these directories will be recursively included by apache.
# If a pattern like *.conf is appended, apache will use it.
# Examples: "/etc/apache2/my_conf/"
# "/etc/apache2/virtual_hosts/*.conf"
# "local/*.conf /srv/www/virtual/"

## Type: string
## Default: "actions alias auth_basic authz_host authn_file authz_groupfile authz_default authz_user autoindex cgi dir env expires include log_config mime negotiation setenvif ssl suexec userdir php5 rewrite"
## ServiceRestart: apache2
# [It might look silly to not simply edit httpd.conf for the LoadModule statements.
# However, since the LoadModule statements might need an absolute path to the modules,
# switching between MPMs can be quite a hassle. It's easier to just give the names here.]
# * list of all modules shipped with the base distribution:
# actions alias allowmethods asis auth_basic auth_digest auth_form
# authn_anon authn_core authn_dbd authn_dbm authn_file authn_socache
# authnz_ldap authz_core authz_dbd authz_dbm authz_groupfile authz_host
# authz_owner authz_user autoindex bucketeer buffer cache cache_disk
# cache_socache case_filter case_filter_in cgi charset_lite data dav
# dav_fs dav_lock dbd deflate dialup dir dumpio echo env expires ext_filter
# file_cache filter headers heartmonitor include info lbmethod_bybusyness
# lbmethod_byrequests lbmethod_bytraffic lbmethod_heartbeat ldap
# log_config log_debug log_forensic logio lua macro mime mime_magic
# negotiation optional_fn_export optional_fn_import optional_hook_export
# optional_hook_import proxy proxy_ajp proxy_balancer proxy_connect
# proxy_express proxy_fcgi proxy_fdpass proxy_ftp proxy_html proxy_http
# proxy_scgi proxy_wstunnel ratelimit reflector remoteip reqtimeout request
# rewrite sed session session_cookie session_crypto session_dbd setenvif
# slotmem_plain slotmem_shm socache_dbm socache_memcache socache_shmcb
# speling ssl status substitute suexec unique_id userdir usertrack version
# vhost_alias watchdog xml2enc
# see http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.2/mod/ !
# * It pays to use IfDefine statements... like
# <IfModule mod_xyz.c>
# ....
# </IfModule>
# * In the APACHE_MODULES variable, you can use mod_xyz or just xyz syntax.
# You may also name an absolute path if you like.
# * NOTE ON SSL: before you can use mod_ssl, you need a server certificate.
# A test certificate can be created by entering
# 'cd /usr/share/doc/packages/apache2; ./certificate.sh' as root.
# Also, you need to set the ServerName inside the <VirtualHost _default_:443>
# block to the fully qualified domain name (see /etc/HOSTNAME).
# * if your server certificate is protected by a passphrase you should increase the
# * to finally enable ssl support, you need to add 'SSL' to APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS
# below.
# * modules listed here will be ignored if they are not installed
# fairly minimal
# APACHE_MODULES="authz_host alias auth dir log_config mime setenvif"
# apache's default installation
# APACHE_MODULES="authz_host actions alias asis auth autoindex cgi dir imap include log_config mime negotiation setenvif status userdir"
# your settings
APACHE_MODULES="actions alias auth_basic authn_file authz_host authz_groupfile authz_user autoindex cgi dir env expires include log_config mime negotiation setenvif ssl userdir php5 reqtimeout authn_core authz_core perl"

## Type: string
## Default: ""
## ServiceRestart: apache2
# Additional server flags:
# Put here any server flags ("Defines") that you want to hand over to
# httpd at start time, or other command line flags.
# Background: Any directives within an <IfDefine flag>...</IfDefine>
# section are only processed if the flag is defined.
# This allows to write configuration which is active only in a
# special cases, like during server maintenance, or for testing
# something temporarily.
# Notably, to enable ssl support, 'SSL' needs to be added here.
# To enable the server-status, 'STATUS' needs to be added here.
# It does not matter if you write flag1, -D flag1 or -Dflag1.
# Multiple flags can be given as "-D flag1 -D flag2" or simply "flag1 flag2".
# Specifying such flags here is equivalent to giving them on the commandline.
# (e.g. via rcapache2 start -DReverseProxy)
# Example:
# "SSL STATUS AWSTATS SVN_VIEWCVS no_subversion_today"

## Type: string
## Default: ""
## ServiceRestart: apache2
# Which config file do you want to use?
# (if not set, /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is used.)
# It is unusual to need to use this setting.
# Note about ulimits:
# if you want to set ulimits, e.g. to increase the max number of open file handle,
# or to allow core files, you can do so by editing /etc/sysconfig/apache2 and
# simply write the ulimit commands into that file.
# Example:
# ulimit -n 16384
# ulimit -H -n 16384
# ulimit -c unlimited
# See the output of "help ulimit" in the bash, or "man 1 ulimit".

## Type: list(prefork,worker,event,itk)
## Default: ""
## ServiceRestart: apache2
# MPM (multi-processing module) to use.
# Needed to determine with which MPM apache will run, as well as
# against which header files modules will be built.
# If not set, the system will simply pick one of the installed MPMs.
# The implementation of the logic is in /usr/share/apache2/find_mpm,
# a script which can be used standalone as well if needed.

## Type: string
## Default: ""
## ServiceReload: apache2
# email address of the server administrator (ServerAdmin directive)
# This address is added to the server's responses if APACHE_SERVERSIGNATURE
# is set to "email".
# If empty ("") it defaults to webmaster@$FQHOSTNAME, where FQHOSTNAME is
# taken from /etc/HOSTNAME.
# Note that ServerAdmin directives inside VirtualHost statements are not
# changed, even not the one in the stock SSL virtual host block.

## Type: string
## Default: ""
## ServiceReload: apache2
# ServerName gives the name and port that the server uses to identify itself.
# This can often be determined automatically, but we recommend you specify
# it explicitly to prevent problems during startup.
# If this is not set to valid DNS name for your host, server-generated
# redirections will not work. See also the UseCanonicalName directive.
# If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here.
# You will have to access it by its address anyway, and this will make
# redirections work in a sensible way.

## Type: integer
## Default: 2
# timeout during server startup (seconds)
# after this time, the start script decides wether the httpd process started without error.
# Increase it, if you use mod_ssl and your certificate is passphrase protected!

## Type: list(on,off,email)
## Default: "on"
## ServiceReload: apache2
# Configures the footer on server-generated documents
# This correlates to the ServerSignature directive.

## Type: list(debug,info,notice,warn,error,crit,alert,emerg)
## Default: "warn"
## ServiceReload: apache2
# LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error_log.

## Type: string
## Default: "/var/log/apache2/access_log combined"
## ServiceRestart: apache2
# The location and format of the access logfile (Common Logfile Format).
# If you do not define any access logfiles within a <VirtualHost>
# container, they will be logged here. Contrarywise, if you *do*
# define per-<VirtualHost> access logfiles, transactions will be
# logged therein and *not* in this file.
# Simply set it to empty, if you configure it yourself somewhere else.
# Examples:
# If you would like to have agent and referer logfiles:
# setting it to "/var/log/apache2/referer_log referer, /var/log/apache2/agent_log agent"
# corresponds to
# CustomLog /var/log/apache2/referer_log referer
# CustomLog /var/log/apache2/agent_log agent
# If you prefer a single logfile with access, agent, and referer information
# (Combined Logfile Format):
# setting it to "/var/log/apache2/access_log combined"
# corresponds to
# CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access_log combined
APACHE_ACCESS_LOG="/var/log/apache2/access_log combined"

## Type: list(On,Off,DNS)
## Default: "Off"
## ServiceReload: apache2
# UseCanonicalName: Determines how Apache constructs self-referencing
# URLs and the SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT variables.
# When set "Off", Apache will use the Hostname and Port supplied
# by the client. When set "On", Apache will use the value of the
# ServerName directive.

## Type: list(Major,Minor,Minimal,ProductOnly,OS,Full)
## Default: "OS"
## ServiceReload: apache2
# How much information the server response header field contains about the server.
# (installed modules, versions, etc.)
# see http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.2/mod/co ... rvertokens

## Type: list(on,off)
## Default: "off"
## ServiceReload: apache2
# If mod_status is used, include extended information about the server, like
# CPU usage, in the status report. It is a server-wide setting, and it can cost
# some performance!
Wieder bei ((otrs)) gelandet, nach Jahren. Und was soll ich sagen?
Es heißt nun Znuny :lol:
Nebenbei noch Zammad und iTop, Servicedesk scheint mein Ding zu sein. 8)
Znuny newbie
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Re: OTrs auf OpenSuSE 13.1 "Zugriff verweigert"

Post by licorit »

Auf OpenSuse hab ich es damals auch nicht zum laufen bekommen,

ich würde dir Ubuntu empfehlen.
OTRS 3.2.9 auf Ubuntu 12.4
Znuny ninja
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Re: OTrs auf OpenSuSE 13.1 "Zugriff verweigert"

Post by KlausNehrer »

Der 403 sollte in den Apachelogs stehen. Dazu gehören auch die Logs von suexec & Co.

BTW: Grundsätzlich ist aber eine gute Idee, das SuSE zu meiden, solange Du nicht auf Ubuntu wechselst ...
Znuny wizard
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Re: OTrs auf OpenSuSE 13.1 "Zugriff verweigert"

Post by schulmann »

ruebenmaster wrote:Ich habe otrs 3.3 und otrs 3.2 versucht auf OpenSuse 13.1 zu installieren.

Egal ob ich den weg rein über yast gehe ( otrs 3.2 ) oder über den Installationsweg wie in der Dokumentation angegeben, ich bekomme wenn ich http://<server>/otrs/installer.pl aufrufe ein 403 - Zugriff verweigert.

Gibt es hierzu ein HowTo, wie ich nun tatsächlich vorgehen muss, damit otrs auf OpenSuSE 13.1 oder 12.3 läuft?

APACHE_MODULES="actions alias auth_basic authn_file authz_host authz_groupfile authz_user autoindex cgi dir env expires include log_config mime negotiation setenvif ssl userdir php5 reqtimeout authn_core authz_core perl"
Ein HowTo kenne ich nicht.

Ja, es dürfte an Apache 2.4 liegen.

Lade - neben perl - testweise zusätzlich folgende Apache-Module: deflate filter headers
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